End-to-End Instance Segmentation with Recurrent Attention

本文针对 Instance Segmentation 使用 recurrent neural network (RNN) architecture 将每个物体依次定位分割出来,使用了 an attention mechanism to model a human-like counting process

2 Recurrent attention model
我们的系统包括四个部分:1) an external memory 用于记录每个分割物体的状态,2)box proposal network 用于定位感兴趣物体,3) segmentation network 对矩形框内物体进行像素级别分割,4) scoring network 用于判断一个物体是否被发现和是否结束分割


Input pre-processing 输入图像预处理
这里我们训练了一个 FCN 作为预处理系统,这个FCN 包括两个部分:1)一个 有 skip connections 的 DeconvNet 用于前景检测,2)第二个模块是参照文献【40】输出每个物体的 an angle map

2.1. Part A: External memory
To decide where to look next based on the already segmented objects, we incorporate an external memory , which provides object boundary details from all previous steps.

2.2. Part B: Box network
定位出下一个要分割的物体,这里使用了 LSTM
localizing the next object of interest

2.3. Part C: Segmentation network
这个部分就是基于单个物体的语义分割,使用了 a variant of the DeconvNet [ 29 ] with skip connections

2.4. Part D: Scoring network
To estimate the number of objects in the image, and to terminate our sequential process

2.5. Loss functions
这里主要定义三个损失函数: the segmentation matching IoU loss L-y ; the box IoU loss L-b ; and the score cross-entropy loss L-s

4 Experiments

Cityscapes instance-level segmentation results


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