A YouTube playlist is the best way to create a tailored list containing your favorite videos. You can group videos together by channel or interest, as well as share your playlist for others to use or edit.

YouTube播放列表是创建包含您喜欢的视频的定制列表的最佳方法。 您可以按频道或兴趣将视频分组在一起,也可以共享播放列表供其他人使用或编辑。

Most content on YouTube can be added to a playlist, but there are some exceptions. If you want to add “made for kids” videos to a YouTube playlist, you’re out of luck as these videos are restricted due to the U.S. COPPA regulations, designed to protect children, and can’t be added.

YouTube上的大多数内容都可以添加到播放列表中,但也有一些例外。 如果您要将“为孩子制作的”视频添加到YouTube播放列表中,那么您会很不幸,因为这些视频受美国COPPA法规(旨在保护儿童的规定)的限制,因此无法添加。

创建一个新的YouTube播放列表 (Creating a New YouTube Playlist)

If you want to create a new YouTube playlist, you’ll need to find a video you want to add first and then use that video to create your playlist. The steps for doing this vary slightly for web and mobile users.

如果要创建新的YouTube播放列表,则需要先找到要添加的视频,然后使用该视频来创建您的播放列表。 对于网络和移动用户,执行此步骤的步骤略有不同。

在YouTube网站上 (On YouTube Web)

To create a new YouTube playlist on the YouTube website, find and open the first video you wish to add.


Below the video are the various options to offer feedback with likes and dislikes, as well as to share or save the video. Click the “Save” button to proceed.

视频下方是用于提供喜欢和不喜欢的反馈以及共享或保存视频的各种选项。 单击“保存”按钮继续。

In the “Save To” box, you can either save the video to your “Watch Later” playlist, to another playlist, or to a new playlist.


Click “Create A New Playlist” to begin creating a new playlist.


Add a name for your playlist in the “Name” box. You can use a maximum of 150 characters for this.

在“名称”框中为您的播放列表添加名称。 您最多可以使用150个字符。

You’ll also need to determine the privacy level for your new playlist. You can set this to public (allowing anyone to search for and view it), unlisted (leaving it public, but hiding it from search), or private (only you can view or find it).

您还需要确定新播放列表的隐私级别。 您可以将其设置为公开(允许任何人搜索和查看),不公开(将其保留为公开,但对搜索隐藏)或私有(仅您可以查看或查找)。

Once you’re happy with your options, click “Create” to add your playlist.


The video you saved will be immediately added to the playlist as its first video, which you can then find in your YouTube library by clicking “Library” from the left-hand menu.


You’ll also find the playlist listed by name a few steps below this, under your “Watch Later” playlist in the left-hand menu. Clicking this link will take you to the playlist directly.

您还可以在左侧菜单的“稍后观看”播放列表下方的以下几步中找到按名称列出的播放列表。 点击此链接,您将直接进入播放列表。

在Android,iPhone和iPad上 (On Android, iPhone, and iPad)

Creating a playlist is a similar process in the YouTube Android, iPhone, and iPad apps.

在YouTube Android , iPhone和iPad应用程序中,创建播放列表的过程与此类似。

You’ll need to first open an appropriate video and then tap the “Save” button under it.


By default, YouTube will add this to your most recently created playlist, or the “Watch Later” playlist if you have no other playlists available.


An alert will appear at the bottom of your screen. Tap the “Change” button to edit the save location if you want to add it to a new playlist instead.

警报将出现在屏幕底部。 如果您想将保存位置添加到新的播放列表中,请点击“更改”按钮以编辑保存位置。

In the “Save Video To” options menu, tap the “New Playlist” button in the top right.


Provide a name for your playlist and then set the privacy level to public, unlisted, or private.


Tap “Create” to save your choice.


Once saved, the video will be added to your new playlist.


You can also do this for multiple videos by selecting the “Library” tab in the bottom menu. From there, tap the “New Playlist” button.

您也可以通过选择底部菜单中的“库”标签对多个视频执行此操作。 从那里,点击“新播放列表”按钮。

A list of your recently watched videos will appear here. Tap the checkbox next to the video (or videos) you wish to add and then select the “Next” button.

您最近观看的视频列表将显示在此处。 点击您要添加的视频旁边的复选框,然后选择“下一步”按钮。

The options for naming your new playlist will appear. Provide a name and set the appropriate privacy levels (public, unlisted, or private) and then tap “Create” to save the playlist.

将出现用于命名新播放列表的选项。 提供一个名称并设置适当的隐私级别(公共,不公开或私有),然后点击“创建”以保存播放列表。

Whether you decide to create a playlist during video playback or from your YouTube library, your playlist will be visible in the library.


从YouTube播放列表添加或删除视频 (Adding or Removing Videos from a YouTube Playlist)

If you have an existing YouTube playlist available in your library, you can add or remove videos to it at any point by following similar steps to the method above.


在YouTube网站上 (On YouTube Web)

When you click “Save” beneath a YouTube video, a list of playlists you’ve created or subscribed to will be displayed. If you haven’t created or subscribed to any other playlists, only your “Watch Later” playlist will be visible here, along with the “Create a New Playlist” button.

当您单击YouTube视频下方的“保存”时,将显示您创建或订阅的播放列表的列表。 如果您尚未创建或订阅任何其他播放列表,则此处仅显示“稍后观看”播放列表,以及“创建新播放列表”按钮。

If you have another playlist available, however, this will be visible underneath your “Watch Later” playlist with the name you (or the playlist creator) provided.


You can tap the checkbox next to this to immediately add the video to that playlist. (The checkbox will turn blue.) If you want to remove it from your playlist, tap the checkbox to remove it.

您可以点击此复选框旁边的复选框,以立即将视频添加到该播放列表。 (该复选框将变为蓝色。)如果要从播放列表中将其删除,请点按该复选框以将其删除。

Once you’re done, click the “X” button in the top right to close the menu. YouTube will automatically save or remove the video from your playlist, depending on the choice you made.

完成后,单击右上角的“ X”按钮以关闭菜单。 YouTube会根据您的选择自动将视频保存或从播放列表中删除。

在Android,iPhone和iPad上 (On Android, iPhone, and iPad)

For Android, iPhone, and iPad users, tapping the “Save” button below a playing video (or “Saved” if the video is already saved to a playlist) will bring up the available playlist options.


If you want to save the video to your playlist, tap the checkbox next to the playlist name.


Once a video is added to a playlist, the checkbox will turn blue with a white check in the middle.  To remove it instead, tap this checkbox to remove the blue tick.

将视频添加到播放列表后,该复选框将变为蓝色,中间带有白色对勾。 要删除它,请点击此复选框以删除蓝色对勾。

When you’re finished, tap “Done” to save and exit the menu.


查看,编辑和删除YouTube播放列表 (Viewing, Editing, and Deleting YouTube Playlists)

YouTube playlists are visible in your YouTube library. From here, you can view and play your playlists, modify settings, or delete them entirely.

YouTube播放列表在您的YouTube库中可见。 在这里,您可以查看和播放播放列表,修改设置或完全删除它们。

在YouTube网站上 (On YouTube Web)

If you’re using YouTube on the web, click “Library” in the left-hand menu to access your playlists. Playlists will also be visible beneath “Watch Later” and other playlists in the same menu.

如果您在网络上使用YouTube,请点击左侧菜单中的“库”以访问您的播放列表。 播放列表也将在“稍后观看”和同一菜单中的其他播放列表下方显示。

Clicking on the playlist name will bring up the playlist for you to edit or play.


To begin playing videos in your playlist, click the individual video thumbnail or select “Play All” to begin playback from the first video.


If you want to change the privacy level for your playlist, click the privacy drop-down menu under the playlist name.


You can select public, private, or unlisted—changes you make will be applied automatically.


If you want to change the name or description of your playlist, tap the “Pencil” icon next to those sections.


If you want to allow other users to add videos to a playlist you’ve created, select the three-dot menu icon and then click the “Collaborate” option.


In the “Collaborate” menu, select the slider next to the “Collaborators Can Add Videos To This Playlist” option and then click “Done” to confirm.


To delete your playlist entirely, click the three-dot menu icon and then select the “Delete Playlist” option.


YouTube will ask you to confirm your choice here, so click “Delete” to do so.


Once confirmed, your YouTube playlist will be deleted.


This will only delete the playlist, however. Any videos you’ve uploaded separately will be maintained on your account, as will videos you added to your playlist from other channels.

但是,这只会删除播放列表。 您单独上传的所有视频以及从其他渠道添加到播放列表的视频都将保留在您的帐户中。

在Android,iPhone和iPad上 (On Android, iPhone, and iPad)

For mobile users on iPhone, iPad, and Android, you can view existing playlists you’ve created or subscribed to by tapping “Library” in the bottom menu.


Playlists will be visible under the “Playlists” section here. Tapping the playlist name will provide you with more information about the playlist.

播放列表将在此处的“播放列表”部分下可见。 点按播放列表名称将为您提供有关播放列表的更多信息。

To begin playing your playlist from the beginning, tap the red “Play” button.


You can also play videos individually by selecting the video’s thumbnail.


To edit the playlist, tap the “Pencil” button.


From here, you can set the playlist name, description, privacy level, and whether or not you want other users adding videos to it under the “Collaborate” section.


Tap the “Save” button in the top right once you’re done.


To delete the playlist, tap the three-dot menu icon in the top right.


From here, tap the “Delete Playlist” option.


YouTube will ask you to confirm—select “Delete” to do so.


Once confirmed, the YouTube playlist will be deleted.


翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/678334/how-to-make-a-playlist-on-youtube/


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