
1. 载入单细胞数据

# if (!requireNamespace("BiocManager", quietly = TRUE))
#   install.packages("BiocManager")
# BiocManager::install("scRNAseq")library(scRNAseq) # Collection of Public Single-Cell RNA-Seq Datasets
hESCs <- LaMannoBrainData('human-es')
# 取前100个单细胞的表达谱做演示
hESCs <- hESCs[,1:100]
assay(hESCs)[1:4,1:4]#assay(x, i)
#is simply a convenience function which is equivalent to
#assays(se)[[1]][1:5, 1:5]
#assay(se)[1:5, 1:5]

2. 载入细胞类型注释数据集


library(celldex) <- HumanPrimaryCellAtlasData()

3. 注释细胞类型

ls("package:SingleR")# library(BiocStyle)
# browseVignettes("BiocStyle")# SingleR Returns the best annotation for each cell in a test dataset,
# given a labelled reference dataset in the same feature space.
# • scores, a numeric matrix of correlations at the specified quantile for each label (column) in
# each cell (row). This will contain NAs if multiple references were supplied to trainSingleR
# with recompute=TRUE.
# • first.labels, a character vector containing the predicted label before fine-tuning. Only
# added if fine.tune=TRUE.
# • tuned.scores, a DataFrame containing first and second.
# These are numeric vectors containing the best and next-best scores
# at the final round of fine-tuning for each cell. Only added if fine.tune=TRUE.
# • labels, a character vector containing the predicted label based on the maximum entry in
# scores.
# • pruned.labels, a character vector containing the pruned labels where “low-quality”. els are
# replaced with NAs. Only added if prune=TRUE.## SingleR() expects reference datasets to be normalized and log-transformed.
hESCs <- logNormCounts(hESCs) <- logNormCounts( <- SingleR(test = hESCs, ref =, assay.type.test="logcounts",labels =$label.main)
class(pred.hesc) # "DFrame"
dim(pred.hesc) # 行为单细胞名,列为特征,其中label是细胞类型
#Create a heatmap of the SingleR assignment scores across all cell-label combinations.
#Plot the distribution of deltas (i.e., the gap between the assignment score
#for the assigned label and those of the remaining labels) across cells assigned to each reference label.
plotDeltaDistribution(pred.hesc, ncol = 3)summary($pruned.labels))

4. 用一个SingleCellExperiment对象的细胞类型label去注释另一个SingleCellExperiment

sceM <- MuraroPancreasData()# One should normally do cell-based quality control at this point, but for
# brevity's sake, we will just remove the unlabelled libraries here.
sceM <- sceM[,!$label)]# SingleR() expects reference datasets to be normalized and log-transformed.
# scuttle包:Provides basic utility functions for performing single-cell analyses,
#focusing on simple normalization, quality control and data transformations.
#Also provides some helper functions to assist development of other packages.library(scuttle)
sceM <- logNormCounts(sceM)## -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
sceG <- GrunPancreasData()
sceG <- sceG[,colSums(counts(sceG)) > 0] # Remove libraries with no counts.
sceG <- logNormCounts(sceG)
sceG <- sceG[,1:100]## -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
pred.grun <- SingleR(test=sceG, ref=sceM, labels=sceM$label, de.method="wilcox")

5. 可视化

## -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
plotScoreHeatmap(pred.grun)## -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
plotDeltaDistribution(pred.grun, ncol = 3)## -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
summary($pruned.labels))## -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
## 不同细胞类型的marker基因
all.markers <- metadata(pred.grun)$de.genes
sceG$labels <- pred.grun$labels# Beta cell-related markers
plotHeatmap(sceG, order_columns_by="labels",features=unique(unlist(all.markers$beta))) 


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