A Sequence-Based Novel Approach for Quality Evaluation of Third-Generation Sequencing Reads

一种基于 序列的新方法,用于评价第三代测序Reads的质量


Wenjing Zhang,Neng Huang,Jiantao Zheng,Xingyu Liao,Jianxin Wang,Hong-Dong Li


  • School of Information Science and Engineering, Central South University, Changsha 410083, China; wjzhang@csu.edu.cn (W.Z.); huangneng@csu.edu.cn (N.H.); jiantao@csu.edu.cn (J.Z.); liaoxingyu@csu.edu.cn (X.L.); jxwang@csu.edu.cn (J.W.)


文章关键词:Genomics,Read quality assessment,Third-generation sequencing

原文摘要:The advent of third-generation sequencing (TGS) technologies, such as the Pacific Biosciences (PacBio) and Oxford Nanopore machines, provides new possibilities for contig assembly, scaffolding, and high-performance computing in bioinformatics due to its long reads. However, the high error rate and poor quality of TGS reads provide new challenges for accurate genome assembly and long-read alignment. Efficient processing methods are in need to prioritize high-quality reads for improving the results of error correction and assembly. In this study, we proposed a novel Read Quality Evaluation and Selection Tool (REQUEST) for evaluating the quality of third-generation long reads. REQUEST generates training data of high-quality and low-quality reads which are characterized by their nucleotide combinations. A linear regression model was built to score the quality of reads. The method was tested on three datasets of different species. The results showed that the top-scored reads prioritized by REQUEST achieved higher alignment accuracies. The contig assembly results based on the top-scored reads also outperformed conventional approaches that use all reads. REQUEST is able to distinguish high-quality reads from low-quality ones without using reference genomes, making it a promising alternative sequence-quality evaluation method to alignment-based algorithms.

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