
Key Facts 事实


How fast is fast ? 快就是快?

Portability 可塑性

UCL is a portable lossless data compression library written in ANSI C.

是一个用 ANSI c 编写的便携式无损数据压缩库。

UCL implements a number of compression algorithms that achieve an excellent compression ratio while allowing *very* fast decompression. Decompression requires no additional memory.


UCL is an OpenSource re-implementation of some NRV compression algorithms.

UCL 是对一些 NRV 压缩算法的 OpenSource 重新实现。

As compared to LZO, the UCL algorithms achieve a better compression ratio but decompression is a little bit slower. See below for some rough timings.

与 LZO 相比,UCL 算法实现了更好的压缩比/值,但是解压缩速度有点慢。以下是一些粗略的时间安排。


UCL is written in ANSI C. Both the source code and the compressed data format are designed to be portable across platforms.

UCL 是用 ANSI c 编写的,源代码和压缩的数据格式都被设计成可跨平台移植的。

UCL implements a number of algorithms with the following features:


  • Decompression is simple and * 减压很简单 *very 非常* fast. * 快速
  • Requires no memory for decompression. 不需要解压缩内存
  • The decompressors can be squeezed into less than 200 bytes of code. 可以将解压缩器压缩到少于200字节的代码中
  • Focuses on compression levels for generating pre-compressed data which achieve a quite competitive compression ratio. 集中于压缩级别生成预压缩数据,实现一个相当有竞争力的压缩比
  • Allows you to dial up extra compression at a speed cost in the compressor. The speed of the decompressor is not reduced. 允许您以压缩机中的速度成本拨号进行额外的压缩。减压器的速度并没有降低
  • Algorithm is thread safe. 算法是线程安全的
  • Algorithm is lossless. 算法是无损的

UCL supports in-place decompression.

UCL 支持就地减压。

UCL and the UCL algorithms and implementations are distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License (GPL) { auf Deutsch }. Special licenses for commercial and other applications are available by contacting the author.

UCL 和 UCL 的算法和实现都是在 GNU通用公共许可协议协议(GPL)的条款下发布的。特殊许可证的商业和其他应用可与作者联系。

How fast is fast ? 快就是快?

Here are some original timings on an ancient Intel Pentium 133 back in the year 2000:


  • memcpy(): ~60 MB/sec Memcpy () : ~ 60mb/sec
  • UCL decompression in optimized assembler: ~13 MB/sec 优化汇编程序的 UCL 解压缩: ~ 13mb/sec
  • LZO decompression in optimized assembler: ~20 MB/sec 优化汇编器中的 LZO 解压缩: ~ 20mb/sec
  • LZO decompression in C: ~16 MB/sec C 中的 LZO 解压缩: ~ 16 MB/sec

Portability 可塑性

UCL's decompressors should work on any system around - they could even get ported to 8-bit processors such as the Z-80 or 6502. (In fact I expect a 6502 implementation too happen soon in the process of extending the UPX executable packer).

UCL 的解压缩器应该可以在周围的任何系统上工作——它们甚至可以被移植到8位处理器上,比如 z-80或6502。(事实上,我期望在扩展 UPX 可执行封装程序的过程中很快就能实现6502)。

The compressors currently require at least 32-bit integers. While porting them to more restricted environments (such as 16-bit DOS) should be possible without too much effort this is not considered important at this time.

压缩器目前至少需要32位整数。虽然可以将它们移植到更受限制的环境(例如16位 DOS) ,但不需要付出太多努力,这一点目前并不重要。

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