最近老没有时间上来写博文。今天有空来写写上次还没有说完的话题。上一篇提到说说我在WP7应用开发中遇到的 子控件 DataTemplete 中的按钮的命令绑定,刚开始接触似乎是个头疼的问题。那怎么解决呢?

我们仔细想想 silverlight 就是一个庞大的Composite组合模式的实现。包括了我们所说的可视树。不管怎么加Templete,怎么绑定,最终会出现在可视树上。 好就这么探索去吧。。

你会发现Silverlight, WP7中有类似功能的一些绑定中的 RelativeSource。但好像只是预留的接口,有些没有实现。

首先,观看 silverlight4中有未实现完整的相对绑定。



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public enum RelativeSourceMode{        ParentDataContext = 0,

        FindAncestor = 1




怎么能给控件一个绑定自定义绑定属性呢? Attache 附加属性 是天生的绝配啊, 给注册一个附加Binding属性 让他可以绑定一个类

,所以做一个抽象的先让数据信息和集合都需继承,这样才能都实用啊。而集合又不需要其他的属性继承下得来,没有意义。 干脆搞个空类:

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public abstract class RelativeSourceBase    {protected RelativeSourceBase()        {

        }    }


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    public class RelativeSourceBinding : RelativeSourceBase    {

/// <summary>/// Gets or sets the path to the binding source property./// </summary>        public string Path { get; set; }

/// <summary>/// Gets or sets the name of the target dependency property./// </summary>        public string TargetProperty { get; set; }

/// <summary>/// Gets or sets the XAML namespace. This namespace is used to get the class of an attached dependency property./// </summary>        public string TargetNamespace { get; set; }

/// <summary>/// Gets or sets the type of ancestor to look for. /// Define the full name (namespace and class name). Xaml Namespace do not work here./// Example: MyNamespace.MyUserControl or System.Windows.ListBox./// For types in System.Windows.dll you can just use the class name instead of the full name./// </summary>        public string AncestorType { get; set; }

// not implemented yet//public int AncestorLevel { get; set; }

/// <summary>///  Gets or sets a value that describes the location of the binding source relative///  to the position of the binding target./// </summary>        public RelativeSourceMode RelativeMode { get; set; }

/// <summary>///  Gets or sets a value that indicates the direction of the data flow in the binding./// </summary>        public BindingMode BindingMode { get; set; }

/// <summary>/// Gets or sets the converter object that is called by the binding engine to /// modify the data as it is passed between the source and target, or vice versa./// </summary>        public IValueConverter Converter { get; set; }

/// <summary>/// Gets or sets the culture to be used by the System.Windows.Data.Binding.Converter./// </summary>        public CultureInfo ConverterCulture { get; set; }

/// <summary>/// Gets or sets a parameter that can be used in the System.Windows.Data.Binding.Converter logic./// </summary>        public object ConverterParameter { get; set; }

/// <summary>/// Gets or sets a value that indicates whether the System.Windows.FrameworkElement.BindingValidationError event is raised on validation errors./// </summary>        public bool NotifyOnValidationError { get; set; }

/// <summary>/// Gets or sets a value that indicates whether the binding engine will report/// validation errors from an System.ComponentModel.IDataErrorInfo implementation/// on the bound data entity./// </summary>        public bool ValidatesOnDataErrors { get; set; }

/// <summary>/// Gets or sets a value that indicates whether the binding engine will report /// exception validation errors./// </summary>        public bool ValidatesOnExceptions { get; set; }

/// <summary>/// Gets or sets a value that indicates whether the binding engine will report/// validation errors from an System.ComponentModel.INotifyDataErrorInfo implementation/// on the bound data entity./// </summary>        public bool ValidatesOnNotifyDataErrors { get; set; }

internal DependencyProperty TargetDependencyProperty { get; set; }    }


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public class BindingList : RelativeSourceBase, IList<RelativeSourceBinding>, ICollection<RelativeSourceBinding>, IEnumerable<RelativeSourceBinding>, IList, ICollection, IEnumerable    {

private List<RelativeSourceBinding> _internalList;

public BindingList()        {            _internalList = new List<RelativeSourceBinding>();        }

#region IList<RelativeSourceBinding> Members

public int IndexOf(RelativeSourceBinding item)        {return _internalList.IndexOf(item);        }

public void Insert(int index, RelativeSourceBinding item)        {            _internalList.Insert(index, item);        }

public void RemoveAt(int index)        {            _internalList.RemoveAt(index);        }

public RelativeSourceBinding this[int index]        {get            {return _internalList[index];            }set            {                _internalList[index] = value; ;            }        }


#region ICollection<RelativeSourceBinding> Members

public void Add(RelativeSourceBinding item)        {            _internalList.IndexOf(item);        }

public void Clear()        {            _internalList.Clear();        }

public bool Contains(RelativeSourceBinding item)        {return _internalList.Contains(item);        }

public void CopyTo(RelativeSourceBinding[] array, int arrayIndex)        {            _internalList.CopyTo(array, arrayIndex);        }

public int Count        {get { return _internalList.Count; }        }

public bool IsReadOnly        {get { return false; }        }

public bool Remove(RelativeSourceBinding item)        {return _internalList.Remove(item);        }


#region IEnumerable<RelativeSourceBinding> Members

public IEnumerator<RelativeSourceBinding> GetEnumerator()        {return _internalList.GetEnumerator();        }


#region IEnumerable Members

        System.Collections.IEnumerator System.Collections.IEnumerable.GetEnumerator()        {return _internalList.GetEnumerator();        }


#region IList Members

int IList.Add(object value)        {            _internalList.Add((RelativeSourceBinding)value);return (this.Count - 1);        }

void IList.Clear()        {            _internalList.Clear();        }

bool IList.Contains(object value)        {return _internalList.Contains((RelativeSourceBinding)value);        }

int IList.IndexOf(object value)        {return _internalList.IndexOf((RelativeSourceBinding)value);        }

void IList.Insert(int index, object value)        {            _internalList.Insert(index, (RelativeSourceBinding)value);        }

bool IList.IsFixedSize        {get { return false; }        }

bool IList.IsReadOnly        {get { return false; }        }

void IList.Remove(object value)        {            _internalList.Remove((RelativeSourceBinding)value);        }

void IList.RemoveAt(int index)        {            _internalList.RemoveAt(index);        }

object IList.this[int index]        {get            {return _internalList[index];            }set            {                _internalList[index] = (RelativeSourceBinding)value;            }        }


#region ICollection Members

void ICollection.CopyTo(Array array, int index)        {throw new NotImplementedException();        }

int ICollection.Count        {get { return _internalList.Count; }        }

bool ICollection.IsSynchronized        {get { return false; }        }

object ICollection.SyncRoot        {get { return _internalList; }        }

#endregion    }





4.创建绑定。这是时候遇到了问题,需要多重"."属性分析。 还有绑定目标中是否通过名称怎么分析Type? 还好查资料有很多类型的分析代码。

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[ContentProperty("Binding")]public static class BindingAdapter    {

#region Binding (Attached DependencyProperty)

public static RelativeSourceBase GetBinding(DependencyObject obj)        {return (RelativeSourceBase)obj.GetValue(BindingProperty);        }

public static void SetBinding(DependencyObject obj, RelativeSourceBase value)        {            obj.SetValue(BindingProperty, value);        }

public static readonly DependencyProperty BindingProperty = DependencyProperty.RegisterAttached("Binding", typeof(RelativeSourceBase), typeof(BindingAdapter), new PropertyMetadata(null, OnBinding));

private static void OnBinding(DependencyObject depObj, DependencyPropertyChangedEventArgs e)        {            FrameworkElement targetElement = depObj as FrameworkElement;

if (targetElement != null)            {// attach loading event                targetElement.Loaded += new RoutedEventHandler(targetElement_Loaded);                targetElement.Unloaded += new RoutedEventHandler(targetElement_Unloaded);            }        }


#region Private methods

private static void targetElement_Loaded(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)        {try            {                FrameworkElement targetElement = sender as FrameworkElement;

// release handler to prevent memory leaks                targetElement.Loaded -= new RoutedEventHandler(targetElement_Loaded);

                RelativeSourceBase bindings = GetBinding(targetElement);

if (bindings is RelativeSourceBinding)                {// get the binding configuration                    RelativeSourceBinding bindingConfiguration = bindings as RelativeSourceBinding;                    ProcessBinding(targetElement, bindingConfiguration);                }else if (bindings is BindingList)                {// get the binding configuration                    BindingList list = bindings as BindingList;

foreach (RelativeSourceBinding bindingConfiguration in list)                    {                        ProcessBinding(targetElement, bindingConfiguration);                    }                }

            }catch (Exception ex)            {// ignore this exception, because the SL binding engine does not throw exceptions when a binding is wrong.            }        }

static void targetElement_Unloaded(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)        {try            {                FrameworkElement targetElement = sender as FrameworkElement;                targetElement.Unloaded -= new RoutedEventHandler(targetElement_Unloaded);

                RelativeSourceBase bindings = GetBinding(targetElement);

if (bindings is RelativeSourceBinding)                {// get the binding configuration                    RelativeSourceBinding bindingConfiguration = bindings as RelativeSourceBinding;if (bindingConfiguration.TargetDependencyProperty != null)                        targetElement.ClearValue(bindingConfiguration.TargetDependencyProperty);                }else if (bindings is BindingList)                {// get the binding configuration                    BindingList list = bindings as BindingList;

foreach (RelativeSourceBinding bindingConfiguration in list)                    {if (bindingConfiguration.TargetDependencyProperty != null)                            targetElement.ClearValue(bindingConfiguration.TargetDependencyProperty);                    }                }            }catch            {            }        }

private static void ProcessBinding(FrameworkElement targetElement, RelativeSourceBinding bindingConfiguration)        {

if (bindingConfiguration.RelativeMode == RelativeSourceMode.FindAncestor &&!string.IsNullOrEmpty(bindingConfiguration.AncestorType))            {// navigate up the tree to find the type                DependencyObject currentObject = VisualTreeHelper.GetParent(targetElement);

                DependencyObject candidate = null;                DependencyObject ancestor = null;

while (true)                {if (currentObject == null)                    {break;                    }

                    Type currentType = currentObject.GetType();

while (currentType != null && currentType.IsSubclassOf(typeof(DependencyObject)))                    {if (currentType.FullName == bindingConfiguration.AncestorType)                        {                            ancestor = currentObject;break;                        }

// for types in assemblies System.Windows, System.Windows.Controls, System.Windows.Controls.Data, etc, // its possible to define just the class name instead of the full class name including the namespace.                        if (candidate == null && currentType.Name == bindingConfiguration.AncestorType && currentType.Assembly.FullName.StartsWith("System.Windows"))                        {// the name of the element is matching, but it is not the fullname.// remeber the element in case if no element is matching to the ancestor type name                            candidate = currentObject;                        }

// next type up the hierarchy                        currentType = currentType.BaseType;                    }

// next parent                                        currentObject = VisualTreeHelper.GetParent(currentObject);                }

// concrete                if (ancestor == null)                {                    ancestor = candidate;                }

if (ancestor != null && ancestor is FrameworkElement)                {// bind them                    CreateBinding(targetElement, ancestor, bindingConfiguration);                }            }else if (bindingConfiguration.RelativeMode == RelativeSourceMode.ParentDataContext)            {object currentDataContext = targetElement.DataContext;

// navigate up the tree to find the parent datacontext                DependencyObject currentObject = VisualTreeHelper.GetParent(targetElement);

while (true)                {if (currentObject == null)break;

                    FrameworkElement fe = currentObject as FrameworkElement;

if (fe != null)                    {if (fe.DataContext != null && fe.DataContext != currentDataContext)                        {// bind them                            CreateBinding(targetElement, fe.DataContext, bindingConfiguration);break;                        }                    }

// next parent                                        currentObject = VisualTreeHelper.GetParent(currentObject);                }

            }        }

private static List<string> GetClassNames(Type type)        {            List<string> result = new List<string>();

// check            if (type == null && type.IsSubclassOf(typeof(DependencyObject)))return result;

// process            do            {                result.Add(type.FullName);                type = type.BaseType;            } while (type != null && type.IsSubclassOf(typeof(DependencyObject)));

// return            return result;        }

private static void CreateBinding(FrameworkElement targetElement, object sourceElement, RelativeSourceBinding bindingConfiguration)        {// input check            if (targetElement == null)return;if (sourceElement == null)return;if (bindingConfiguration == null)return;

// check binding configuration// ...target property must be set            if (bindingConfiguration.TargetProperty.IsNullOrWhiteSpace())return;// ...path property must be set            if (bindingConfiguration.Path.IsNullOrWhiteSpace())return;

// support of attached property binding syntax: TargetProperty='(Grid.Row)'            string targetPropertyName = (bindingConfiguration.TargetProperty + "").Trim().TrimStart('(').TrimEnd(')') + "Property";

// find the target dependency property            DependencyProperty targetDependencyProperty = null;if (targetPropertyName.Contains("."))            {// it is an attached dependency property                string[] parts = targetPropertyName.Split('.');

if (parts.Length == 2 && !parts[0].IsNullOrWhiteSpace() && !parts[1].IsNullOrWhiteSpace())                {                    Type attachedType = TypeLoader.GetType(parts[0], bindingConfiguration.TargetNamespace);

if (attachedType != null)                    {                        FieldInfo[] targetFields = attachedType.GetFields(BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.Static | BindingFlags.FlattenHierarchy);                        FieldInfo targetDependencyPropertyField = targetFields.FirstOrDefault(i => i.Name == parts[1]);if (targetDependencyPropertyField != null)                            targetDependencyProperty = targetDependencyPropertyField.GetValue(null) as DependencyProperty;                    }                }            }else            {// it is a standard dependency property                FieldInfo[] targetFields = targetElement.GetType().GetFields(BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.Static | BindingFlags.FlattenHierarchy);                FieldInfo targetDependencyPropertyField = targetFields.FirstOrDefault(i => i.Name == targetPropertyName);

if (targetDependencyPropertyField != null)                    targetDependencyProperty = targetDependencyPropertyField.GetValue(null) as DependencyProperty;            }

// set binding            if (targetDependencyProperty != null)            {

if (bindingConfiguration.TargetDependencyProperty != null&& bindingConfiguration.TargetDependencyProperty != targetDependencyProperty)                    targetElement.ClearValue(bindingConfiguration.TargetDependencyProperty);

                bindingConfiguration.TargetDependencyProperty = targetDependencyProperty;

                Binding binding = new Binding();                binding.Source = sourceElement;                binding.Path = new PropertyPath(bindingConfiguration.Path);                binding.Mode = bindingConfiguration.BindingMode;                binding.Converter = bindingConfiguration.Converter;                binding.ConverterParameter = bindingConfiguration.ConverterParameter;                binding.ConverterCulture = bindingConfiguration.ConverterCulture;                binding.NotifyOnValidationError = bindingConfiguration.NotifyOnValidationError;#if !WINDOWS_PHONE                binding.ValidatesOnDataErrors = bindingConfiguration.ValidatesOnDataErrors;#endif                binding.ValidatesOnExceptions = bindingConfiguration.ValidatesOnExceptions;#if !WINDOWS_PHONE                binding.ValidatesOnNotifyDataErrors = bindingConfiguration.ValidatesOnNotifyDataErrors;#endif// set the binding on our target element                targetElement.SetBinding(targetDependencyProperty, binding);            }        }

#endregion    }


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/// <summary>/// Provides functionality to load any type with its class name, namespace and assembly-name within the Silverlight environment./// </summary>/// <remarks>/// The Type.GetType method is different in Silverlight than in the standard .NET runtime. In Silverlight we have to provide the /// fully qualified assembly name to get a type in a custom assembly. Only build in controls or types in the same assembly are /// excluded from this rule. Full qualified assembly name means a syntax like the following: /// MyComponent.MyType, MyAssembly, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=4bec85d7bec6698f./// This class uses the XamlReader capability to resolve type during parsing a xaml-string. While this is a little time consuming/// the TypeLoader maintains a cache to get types faster./// </remarks>    public static class TypeLoader    {// cache for resolved type        private static Dictionary<string, Type> _cache = new Dictionary<string, Type>();

/// <summary>/// Gets the System.Type with the specified name, name space and assembly name./// </summary>/// <param name="className">The class name without namespace.</param>/// <param name="nameSpace">The name space</param>/// <param name="assemblyName">The name of the assembly containing the type.</param>/// <returns>The type matching the provided parameters or null if not found.</returns>        //[DebuggerStepThrough()]        public static Type GetType(string className, string nameSpace, string assemblyName)        {// check            if (nameSpace.IsNullOrWhiteSpace())return null;

string xamlNamespace = string.Format("clr-namespace:{0}", nameSpace);// assembly name is optional            if (!assemblyName.IsNullOrWhiteSpace())                xamlNamespace += string.Format(";assembly={0}", assemblyName);

return GetType(className, xamlNamespace);        }

/// <summary>/// Gets the System.Type with the specified name. /// This method overload can be used for:/// 1. core controls such as Button, Grid, ListBox, etc. without specifying the namespace or assembly name./// 2. with the qualified assembly name of the type without version and public key token like this: "MyNamespace.MyType, MyAssembly"./// </summary>/// <param name="className">Pure class name of Core Controls such as Button, Grid, ListBox, etc.</param>/// <returns>The type matching the provided parameters or null if not found.</returns>        //[DebuggerStepThrough()]        public static Type GetType(string className)        {if (className != null && className.Contains(","))            {string[] qualifiedNameParts = className.Split(',');

if (qualifiedNameParts.Length == 2)                {string[] fullClassNameParts = qualifiedNameParts[0].Split('.');

if (fullClassNameParts.Length > 0)                    {// classname                        string newClassName = fullClassNameParts.Last().Trim();

// namespace                        string nameSpace = "";for (int i = 0; i < fullClassNameParts.Length - 1; i++)                        {                            nameSpace += fullClassNameParts[i] + ".";                        }                        nameSpace = nameSpace.TrimEnd('.');

string assemblyName = qualifiedNameParts[1].Trim();

return GetType(newClassName, nameSpace, assemblyName);                    }                }


return GetType(className, "");        }

/// <summary>/// Gets the System.Type with the specified name. The xaml namespace specifies the namespace and assembly name in the same syntax as in xaml. /// </summary>/// <param name="className">The class name without namespace.</param>/// <param name="xamlNamespace">/// The xaml namespace. This is the same syntax as used in XAML syntax. /// Example: "clr-namespace:MyComponent.SubNamespace;assembly=MyAssemblyName/// </param>/// <returns>The type matching the provided parameters or null if not found.</returns>        //[DebuggerStepThrough()]        public static Type GetType(string className, string xamlNamespace)        {// check input            if (className.IsNullOrWhiteSpace())return null;

if (className.Contains("."))throw new ArgumentException("className must not include the namespace. Please provide namespace with separate parameter.");

// check if type is already in cache            string key = xamlNamespace + "&" + className;

if (_cache.ContainsKey(key))return _cache[key];

lock (_cache)            {try                {// check again because another thread might be faster and has already created the cache-entry                    if (_cache.ContainsKey(key))return _cache[key];

// create xaml with a simply Style element and set the TargetType property with the provided type name                    string xaml = "<Style xmlns='http://schemas.microsoft.com/winfx/2006/xaml/presentation' ";

// set the xaml namesapce if provided                    if (!xamlNamespace.IsNullOrWhiteSpace())                    {                        xaml += string.Format("xmlns:tmp='{0}' TargetType='tmp:{1}' />", xamlNamespace, className);                    }else                    {// Core controls such as Button, Grid, ListBox, etc do not need a namespace                        xaml += string.Format("TargetType='{0}' />", className);                    }

// let the XamlParser load the type via the TargetType property                     Style style = XamlReader.Load(xaml) as Style;

if (style != null)                    {                        Type targetType = style.TargetType;                        AddToCache(key, targetType);return targetType;                    }                }catch (Exception ex)                {// Try to load type in executing assembly                    if (!xamlNamespace.IsNullOrWhiteSpace())                    {// note: Type.GetType uses needs assembly-qualified name of the type to get. If the type is //       in the currently executing assembly or in Mscorlib.dll, it is sufficient to supply //       the type name qualified by its namespace.                        Type type = Type.GetType(string.Format("{0}.{1}", xamlNamespace.Replace("clr-namespace:", "").TrimEnd(';'), className));

if (type != null)                        {// add to cache                            AddToCache(key, type);return type;                        }                    }

//****** DONT SET VALUE TO NULL, BECAUSE OF CASES WHEN AN ASSEMBLY IS  *****//****** LOADED DYNAMICALLY INTO THE APPLICATION DOMAIN                *****// don't let the exception repeat. Set null as cache value                    AddToCache(key, null);//**************************************************************************/                }            }

return null;        }

private static void AddToCache(string key, Type type)        {            _cache.Add(key, type);            CompositionTarget.Rendering -= new EventHandler(CompositionTarget_Rendering);            CompositionTarget.Rendering += new EventHandler(CompositionTarget_Rendering);        }

static void CompositionTarget_Rendering(object sender, EventArgs e)        {            CompositionTarget.Rendering -= new EventHandler(CompositionTarget_Rendering);            _cache.Clear();        }



<my:CommandButton CommandParameter="{Binding}" >
              <localBinding:RelativeSourceBinding Path="ClickCommmand" TargetProperty="Command"
                                 RelativeMode="ParentDataContext" />



<my:CommandButton CommandParameter="{Binding}" >
                <localBinding:RelativeSourceBinding Path="DataContext.ClickCommmand" TargetProperty="Command"
                              RelativeMode="FindAncestor" AncestorType="Grid" />



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<ComboBox Grid.Column="1"><local:BindingAdapter.Binding><local:BindingList><local:RelativeSourceBinding Path="DataContext.Picklist" TargetProperty="ItemsSource" RelativeMode="FindAncestor" AncestorType="UserControl" /><local:RelativeSourceBinding Path="DataContext.Tooltip"TargetProperty="(ToolTipService.ToolTip)" RelativeMode="FindAncestor"AncestorType="UserControl" /><local:RelativeSourceBinding Path="DataContext.Tooltip" TargetProperty="(DemoAttachedElement.Value)"TargetNamespace="clr-namespace:********;assembly=*******" RelativeMode="FindAncestor" AncestorType="UserControl" /></local:BindingList></local:BindingAdapter.Binding></ComboBox>



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