

#!/usr/bin/evn python

# coding=utf-8

import json

from bottle import get, put, post, delete

from common import web_helper, db_helper, convert_helper, json_helper, string_helper


def callback():




# 设置查询条件

wheres = ''

# 产品分类id

product_class_id = convert_helper.to_int0(web_helper.get_query('product_class_id', '', is_check_null=False))

if product_class_id > 0:

wheres = 'where product_class_id=' + str(product_class_id)

# 页面索引

page_number = convert_helper.to_int1(web_helper.get_query('page', '', is_check_null=False))

# 页面显示记录数量

page_size = convert_helper.to_int0(web_helper.get_query('rows', '', is_check_null=False))

# 排序字段

sidx = web_helper.get_query('sidx', '', is_check_null=False)

# 顺序还是倒序排序

sord = web_helper.get_query('sord', '', is_check_null=False)

# 初始化排序字段

order_by = 'id desc'

if sidx:

order_by = sidx + ' ' + sord


# 初始化输出格式(前端使用jqgrid列表,需要指定输出格式)

data = {

'records': 0,

'total': 0,

'page': 1,

'rows': [],



# 执行sql,获取指定条件的记录总数量

sql = 'select count(1) as records from product %(wheres)s' % {'wheres': wheres}

result = db_helper.read(sql)

# 如果查询失败或不存在指定条件记录,则直接返回初始值

if not result or result[0]['records'] == 0:

return data

# 保存总记录数量

data['records'] = result[0].get('records', 0)


### 设置分页索引与页面大小 ###

# 设置分页大小

if page_size is None or page_size <= 0:

page_size = 10

# 计算总页数

if data['records'] % page_size == 0:

page_total = data['records'] // page_size


page_total = data['records'] // page_size + 1

# 记录总页面数量

data['total'] = page_total

# 判断提交的页码是否超出范围

if page_number < 1 or page_number > page_total:

page_number = page_total

# 记录当前页面索引值

data['page'] = page_number

# 计算当前页面要显示的记录起始位置

record_number = (page_number - 1) * page_size

# 设置查询分页条件

paging = ' limit ' + str(page_size) + ' offset ' + str(record_number)

### 设置排序 ###

if not order_by:

order_by = 'id desc'


# 组合sql查询语句

sql = "select * from product %(wheres)s order by %(orderby)s %(paging)s" % \

{'wheres': wheres, 'orderby': order_by, 'paging': paging}

# 读取记录

result = db_helper.read(sql)

if result:

# 存储记录

data['rows'] = result

if data:

# 直接输出json

return web_helper.return_raise(json.dumps(data, cls=json_helper.CJsonEncoder))


return web_helper.return_msg(-1, "查询失败")



def callback(id):




sql = """select * from product where id = %s""" % (id,)

# 读取记录

result = db_helper.read(sql)

if result:

# 直接输出json

return web_helper.return_msg(0, '成功', result[0])


return web_helper.return_msg(-1, "查询失败")



def callback():




name = web_helper.get_form('name', '产品名称')

code = web_helper.get_form('code', '产品编码')

product_class_id = convert_helper.to_int0(web_helper.get_form('product_class_id', '产品分类'))

standard = web_helper.get_form('standard', '产品规格')

quality_guarantee_period = web_helper.get_form('quality_guarantee_period', '保质期')

place_of_origin = web_helper.get_form('place_of_origin', '产地')

front_cover_img = web_helper.get_form('front_cover_img', '封面图片')

content = web_helper.get_form('content', '产品描述', is_check_special_char=False)

# 防sql注入攻击处理

content = string_helper.filter_str(content, "'")

# 防xss攻击处理

content = string_helper.clear_xss(content)

is_enable = convert_helper.to_int0(web_helper.get_form('is_enable', '是否启用'))

# 添加记录(使用returning这个函数能返回指定的字段值,这里要求返回新添加记录的自增id值)

sql = """insert into product (name, code, product_class_id, standard, quality_guarantee_period,

place_of_origin, front_cover_img, content, is_enable)

values (%s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s) returning id"""

vars = (name, code, product_class_id, standard, quality_guarantee_period, place_of_origin, front_cover_img, content, is_enable)

# 写入数据库

result = db_helper.write(sql, vars)

# 判断是否提交成功

if result and result[0].get('id'):

return web_helper.return_msg(0, '成功')


return web_helper.return_msg(-1, "提交失败")


def callback(id):




name = web_helper.get_form('name', '产品名称')

code = web_helper.get_form('code', '产品编码')

product_class_id = convert_helper.to_int0(web_helper.get_form('product_class_id', '产品分类'))

standard = web_helper.get_form('standard', '产品规格')

quality_guarantee_period = web_helper.get_form('quality_guarantee_period', '保质期')

place_of_origin = web_helper.get_form('place_of_origin', '产地')

front_cover_img = web_helper.get_form('front_cover_img', '封面图片')

content = web_helper.get_form('content', '产品描述', is_check_special_char=False)

# 防sql注入攻击处理

content = string_helper.filter_str(content, "'")

# 防xss攻击处理

content = string_helper.clear_xss(content)

is_enable = convert_helper.to_int0(web_helper.get_form('is_enable', '是否启用'))

# 编辑记录

sql = """

update product

set name=%s, code=%s, product_class_id=%s, standard=%s, quality_guarantee_period=%s,

place_of_origin=%s, front_cover_img=%s, content=%s, is_enable=%s

where id=%s returning id"""

vars = (name, code, product_class_id, standard, quality_guarantee_period, place_of_origin, front_cover_img, content,

is_enable, id)

# 写入数据库

result = db_helper.write(sql, vars)

# 判断是否提交成功

if result and result[0].get('id'):

return web_helper.return_msg(0, '成功')


return web_helper.return_msg(-1, "提交失败")



def callback(id):




# 编辑记录

sql = """delete from product where id=%s returning id"""

vars = (id,)

# 写入数据库

result = db_helper.write(sql, vars)

# 判断是否提交成功

if result:

return web_helper.return_msg(0, '成功')


return web_helper.return_msg(-1, "删除失败")


六、 测试代码

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