ovs vswitchd的启动



void bridge_run() {.../* Initialize the ofproto library.  This only needs to run once, but* it must be done after the configuration is set.  If the* initialization has already occurred, bridge_init_ofproto()* returns immediately. */bridge_init_ofproto(cfg);bridge_run__();...

bridge_init_ofproto用于初始化ofproto-dpif组件,首先会从ovsdb记录中汇总bridge, port, interfaces等信息,之后针对这些调用ofproto_init

/* Must be called to initialize the ofproto library.** The caller may pass in 'iface_hints', which contains an shash of* "iface_hint" elements indexed by the interface's name.  The provider* may use these hints to describe the startup configuration in order to* reinitialize its state.  The caller owns the provided data, so a* provider will make copies of anything required.  An ofproto provider* will remove any existing state that is not described by the hint, and* may choose to remove it all. */
ofproto_init(const struct shash *iface_hints)
{struct shash_node *node;size_t i;ofproto_class_register(&ofproto_dpif_class);/* Make a local copy, since we don't own 'iface_hints' elements. */SHASH_FOR_EACH(node, iface_hints) {const struct iface_hint *orig_hint = node->data;struct iface_hint *new_hint = xmalloc(sizeof *new_hint);const char *br_type = ofproto_normalize_type(orig_hint->br_type);new_hint->br_name = xstrdup(orig_hint->br_name);new_hint->br_type = xstrdup(br_type);new_hint->ofp_port = orig_hint->ofp_port;shash_add(&init_ofp_ports, node->name, new_hint);}for (i = 0; i < n_ofproto_classes; i++) {ofproto_classes[i]->init(&init_ofp_ports);}ofproto_unixctl_init();


static void
init(const struct shash *iface_hints)
{struct shash_node *node;/* Make a local copy, since we don't own 'iface_hints' elements. */SHASH_FOR_EACH(node, iface_hints) {const struct iface_hint *orig_hint = node->data;struct iface_hint *new_hint = xmalloc(sizeof *new_hint);new_hint->br_name = xstrdup(orig_hint->br_name);new_hint->br_type = xstrdup(orig_hint->br_type);new_hint->ofp_port = orig_hint->ofp_port;shash_add(&init_ofp_ports, node->name, new_hint);}ofproto_unixctl_init();udpif_init();



static void
{struct bridge *br;struct sset types;const char *type;/* Let each datapath type do the work that it needs to do. */sset_init(&types);ofproto_enumerate_types(&types);SSET_FOR_EACH (type, &types) {ofproto_type_run(type);}sset_destroy(&types);/* Let each bridge do the work that it needs to do. */HMAP_FOR_EACH (br, node, &all_bridges) {ofproto_run(br->ofproto);}


dp_enumerate_types(struct sset *types)
{struct shash_node *node;dp_initialize();ovs_mutex_lock(&dpif_mutex);SHASH_FOR_EACH(node, &dpif_classes) {const struct registered_dpif_class *registered_class = node->data;sset_add(types, registered_class->dpif_class->type);}ovs_mutex_unlock(&dpif_mutex);


struct udpif代表了ofproto_dpif的upcall handler结构体,包含两部分,一是struct handler的数组,用于处理upcall请求,可以看做是一个线程池,二是revalidators的数组,这块我没有细看,应该是一种类似gc机制的线程池,用于回收过期的flow

/* An upcall handler for ofproto_dpif.** udpif keeps records of two kind of logically separate units:** upcall handling* ---------------**    - An array of 'struct handler's for upcall handling and flow*      installation.** flow revalidation* -----------------**    - Revalidation threads which read the datapath flow table and maintains*      them.*/
struct udpif {struct ovs_list list_node;         /* In all_udpifs list. */struct dpif *dpif;                 /* Datapath handle. */struct dpif_backer *backer;        /* Opaque dpif_backer pointer. */struct handler *handlers;          /* Upcall handlers. */size_t n_handlers;struct revalidator *revalidators;  /* Flow revalidators. */size_t n_revalidators;struct latch exit_latch;           /* Tells child threads to exit. *//* Revalidation. */struct seq *reval_seq;             /* Incremented to force revalidation. */bool reval_exit;                   /* Set by leader on 'exit_latch. */struct ovs_barrier reval_barrier;  /* Barrier used by revalidators. */struct dpif_flow_dump *dump;       /* DPIF flow dump state. */long long int dump_duration;       /* Duration of the last flow dump. */struct seq *dump_seq;              /* Increments each dump iteration. */atomic_bool enable_ufid;           /* If true, skip dumping flow attrs. *//* These variables provide a mechanism for the main thread to pause* all revalidation without having to completely shut the threads down.* 'pause_latch' is shared between the main thread and the lead* revalidator thread, so when it is desirable to halt revalidation, the* main thread will set the latch. 'pause' and 'pause_barrier' are shared* by revalidator threads. The lead revalidator will set 'pause' when it* observes the latch has been set, and this will cause all revalidator* threads to wait on 'pause_barrier' at the beginning of the next* revalidation round. */bool pause;                        /* Set by leader on 'pause_latch. */struct latch pause_latch;          /* Set to force revalidators pause. */struct ovs_barrier pause_barrier;  /* Barrier used to pause all *//* revalidators by main thread. *//* Following fields are accessed and modified by different threads. */atomic_uint flow_limit;            /* Datapath flow hard limit. *//* n_flows_mutex prevents multiple threads updating these concurrently. */atomic_uint n_flows;               /* Number of flows in the datapath. */atomic_llong n_flows_timestamp;    /* Last time n_flows was updated. */struct ovs_mutex n_flows_mutex;/* Following fields are accessed and modified only from the main thread. */struct unixctl_conn **conns;       /* Connections waiting on dump_seq. */uint64_t conn_seq;                 /* Corresponds to 'dump_seq' whenconns[n_conns-1] was stored. */size_t n_conns;                    /* Number of connections waiting. */

struct handler以及struct revalidator

/* A thread that reads upcalls from dpif, forwards each upcall's packet,* and possibly sets up a kernel flow as a cache. */
struct handler {struct udpif *udpif;               /* Parent udpif. */pthread_t thread;                  /* Thread ID. */uint32_t handler_id;               /* Handler id. */
};/* A thread that processes datapath flows, updates OpenFlow statistics, and* updates or removes them if necessary.** Revalidator threads operate in two phases: "dump" and "sweep". In between* each phase, all revalidators sync up so that all revalidator threads are* either in one phase or the other, but not a combination.**     During the dump phase, revalidators fetch flows from the datapath and*     attribute the statistics to OpenFlow rules. Each datapath flow has a*     corresponding ukey which caches the most recently seen statistics. If*     a flow needs to be deleted (for example, because it is unused over a*     period of time), revalidator threads may delete the flow during the*     dump phase. The datapath is not guaranteed to reliably dump all flows*     from the datapath, and there is no mapping between datapath flows to*     revalidators, so a particular flow may be handled by zero or more*     revalidators during a single dump phase. To avoid duplicate attribution*     of statistics, ukeys are never deleted during this phase.*     During the sweep phase, each revalidator takes ownership of a different*     slice of umaps and sweeps through all ukeys in those umaps to figure out*     whether they need to be deleted. During this phase, revalidators may*     fetch individual flows which were not dumped during the dump phase to*     validate them and attribute statistics.*/
struct revalidator {struct udpif *udpif;               /* Parent udpif. */pthread_t thread;                  /* Thread ID. */unsigned int id;                   /* ovsthread_id_self(). */



/* Performs periodic work needed by all the various kinds of netdevs.** If your program opens any netdevs, it must call this function within its* main poll loop. */
{netdev_initialize();struct netdev_registered_class *rc;CMAP_FOR_EACH (rc, cmap_node, &netdev_classes) {if (rc->class->run) {rc->class->run(rc->class);}}

netdev_run会首先调用netdev_initialize,该函数用一个struct ovsthread_once代码块来管理,保证只会调用一次。其主要工作是注册了不同的netdev_class和tunnel_class

static void
{static struct ovsthread_once once = OVSTHREAD_ONCE_INITIALIZER;if (ovsthread_once_start(&once)) {fatal_signal_add_hook(restore_all_flags, NULL, NULL, true);netdev_vport_patch_register();netdev_register_provider(&netdev_linux_class);netdev_register_provider(&netdev_internal_class);netdev_register_provider(&netdev_tap_class);netdev_vport_tunnel_register();ovsthread_once_done(&once);}

netdev_vport_patch_register注册了patch port这么一类的vport(patch port用于连接不同的bridge,本身没有dpif的任何属性),netdev_vport_tunnel_register则注册了多种tunnel类型,e.g.

    static const struct vport_class vport_classes[] = {TUNNEL_CLASS("geneve", "genev_sys", netdev_geneve_build_header,netdev_tnl_push_udp_header,netdev_geneve_pop_header),TUNNEL_CLASS("gre", "gre_sys", netdev_gre_build_header,netdev_gre_push_header,netdev_gre_pop_header),TUNNEL_CLASS("ipsec_gre", "gre_sys", NULL, NULL, NULL),TUNNEL_CLASS("vxlan", "vxlan_sys", netdev_vxlan_build_header,netdev_tnl_push_udp_header,netdev_vxlan_pop_header),TUNNEL_CLASS("lisp", "lisp_sys", NULL, NULL, NULL),TUNNEL_CLASS("stt", "stt_sys", NULL, NULL, NULL),};


const struct netdev_class netdev_linux_class =NETDEV_LINUX_CLASS("system",netdev_linux_construct,netdev_linux_get_stats,netdev_linux_get_features,netdev_linux_get_status);const struct netdev_class netdev_tap_class =NETDEV_LINUX_CLASS("tap",netdev_linux_construct_tap,netdev_tap_get_stats,netdev_linux_get_features,netdev_linux_get_status);const struct netdev_class netdev_internal_class =NETDEV_LINUX_CLASS("internal",netdev_linux_construct,netdev_internal_get_stats,NULL,                  /* get_features */netdev_internal_get_status);static const struct netdev_class dpdk_class =NETDEV_DPDK_CLASS("dpdk",netdev_dpdk_construct,netdev_dpdk_destruct,netdev_dpdk_set_config,netdev_dpdk_set_tx_multiq,netdev_dpdk_eth_send,netdev_dpdk_get_carrier,netdev_dpdk_get_stats,netdev_dpdk_get_features,netdev_dpdk_get_status,netdev_dpdk_reconfigure,netdev_dpdk_rxq_recv);static const struct netdev_class dpdk_ring_class =NETDEV_DPDK_CLASS("dpdkr",netdev_dpdk_ring_construct,netdev_dpdk_destruct,netdev_dpdk_ring_set_config,netdev_dpdk_set_tx_multiq,netdev_dpdk_ring_send,netdev_dpdk_get_carrier,netdev_dpdk_get_stats,netdev_dpdk_get_features,netdev_dpdk_get_status,netdev_dpdk_reconfigure,netdev_dpdk_rxq_recv);static const struct netdev_class dpdk_vhost_class =NETDEV_DPDK_CLASS("dpdkvhostuser",netdev_dpdk_vhost_construct,netdev_dpdk_vhost_destruct,NULL,NULL,netdev_dpdk_vhost_send,netdev_dpdk_vhost_get_carrier,netdev_dpdk_vhost_get_stats,NULL,NULL,netdev_dpdk_vhost_reconfigure,netdev_dpdk_vhost_rxq_recv);

最后对于每一类注册的netdev_class,都会调用run函数,以netdev_linux_class为例(dpdk_class的run函数为空),主要是通过netlink sock来定期做一些更新的工作,不细说了


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