关于”电脑对教育的重要意义“的英语作文模板4篇,作文题目:The importance of computer to education。以下是关于电脑对教育的重要意义的雅思英语模板,每篇作文均为真题模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:The importance of computer to education

As we all know, computers are more and more popular in our daily life, especially in education. Write a short article about words to describe the importance of computers in education. Facts have proved that computers have become an indispensable part of education.

Students can use computers to complete their homework faster and more effectively. Teachers can reduce their workload and improve their teaching level. For example, computers can free teachers from some time-consuming bookkeeping and help teachers "bank" examination projects, thus greatly reducing the time required for making new tests, More importantly, they can analyze the test results and point out to the teacher which points may need further processing in the classroom.

They can also let the teachers in the classroom pay special attention to students with learning difficulties while others are engaged in education programs. Teachers can spend time directly working with a backward student, so it is unnecessary to say that computers are at all levels Education is an extremely important pet.




Computer V teacher computers are widely used in education. Some people think that teachers do not play an important role in the classroom. To what extent do you agree or disagree with the more and more extensive use of computers in education? Some people claim that the importance of teachers has been damaged.

Computers will replace teachers in the classroom. But I am very clear that learning from teachers is the most important way. Naturally, it can not replace students.

Some people think that computers should replace the old education methods. They think that computers are powerful Can provide a new education mode, it is more interesting, more vivid, more easily accepted by children, students will no longer face serious teachers and quiet classroom, it is replaced by a new network world. In addition, it can reduce the investment in basic education and save the human and material resources as assistants.

Computers can indeed help teachers work, but they can never replace the important role of real teachers. The main function of any computer is to store and calculate. It can not independently think about all the teaching data stored in the computer, which is the teaching experience summarized by many teachers in their work Therefore, to assist education, what the computer can do is repeat what the real teacher summed up.

In addition, each student has different talents and different defects. Therefore, they may encounter a variety of problems in the learning process. When computer programmers design software, they can not predict these problems.

Therefore, a single computer can never predict these problems, and solve these problems without the guidance of teachers, if the importance of teachers is weakened The number of teachers may be reduced, that is to say, many teachers may be fired. If this happens, it will lead to a series of social problems, such as the reduction of job opportunities, which will inevitably cause the burden. In summary, the whole society is becoming more and more heavy.

Although computer-aided teaching has been popularized, teachers still play an important role in the classroom. Computers can not and will not replace teachers.





As we all know, computers are more and more popular in our daily life, especially in education. Write a short article about words to describe the importance of computers in education. Facts have proved that computers have become an indispensable part of education.

Students can use computers to complete their homework faster and more effectively. Teachers can reduce their workload and improve their teaching level. For example, computers can free teachers from some time-consuming bookkeeping and help teachers "bank" examination projects, thus greatly reducing the time required for making new tests, More importantly, they can analyze the test results and point out to the teacher which points may need further processing in the classroom.

They can also let the teachers in the classroom pay special attention to students with learning difficulties while others are engaged in education programs. Teachers can spend time directly working with a backward student, so it is unnecessary to say that computers are at all levels Education is an extremely important pet.





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