本文整理汇总了Python中warnings.warn方法的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:Python warnings.warn方法的具体用法?Python warnings.warn怎么用?Python warnings.warn使用的例子?那么恭喜您, 这里精选的方法代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。您也可以进一步了解该方法所在模块warnings的用法示例。


示例1: check_app_config_entries_dont_start_with_script_name

​点赞 6

# 需要导入模块: import warnings [as 别名]

# 或者: from warnings import warn [as 别名]

def check_app_config_entries_dont_start_with_script_name(self):

"""Check for App config with sections that repeat script_name."""

for sn, app in cherrypy.tree.apps.items():

if not isinstance(app, cherrypy.Application):


if not app.config:


if sn == '':


sn_atoms = sn.strip('/').split('/')

for key in app.config.keys():

key_atoms = key.strip('/').split('/')

if key_atoms[:len(sn_atoms)] == sn_atoms:


'The application mounted at %r has config '

'entries that start with its script name: %r' % (sn,



示例2: check_site_config_entries_in_app_config

​点赞 6

# 需要导入模块: import warnings [as 别名]

# 或者: from warnings import warn [as 别名]

def check_site_config_entries_in_app_config(self):

"""Check for mounted Applications that have site-scoped config."""

for sn, app in cherrypy.tree.apps.items():

if not isinstance(app, cherrypy.Application):


msg = []

for section, entries in app.config.items():

if section.startswith('/'):

for key, value in entries.items():

for n in ('engine.', 'server.', 'tree.', 'checker.'):

if key.startswith(n):

msg.append('[%s] %s = %s' %

(section, key, value))

if msg:


'The application mounted at %r contains the '

'following config entries, which are only allowed '

'in site-wide config. Move them to a [global] '

'section and pass them to cherrypy.config.update() '

'instead of tree.mount().' % sn)



示例3: get_app

​点赞 6

# 需要导入模块: import warnings [as 别名]

# 或者: from warnings import warn [as 别名]

def get_app(self, app=None):

"""Obtain a new (decorated) WSGI app to hook into the origin server."""

if app is None:

app = cherrypy.tree

if self.validate:


from wsgiref import validate

except ImportError:


'Error importing wsgiref. The validator will not run.')


# wraps the app in the validator

app = validate.validator(app)

return app


示例4: pipe_fopen

​点赞 6

# 需要导入模块: import warnings [as 别名]

# 或者: from warnings import warn [as 别名]

def pipe_fopen(command, mode, background=True):

if mode not in ["rb", "r"]:

raise RuntimeError("Now only support input from pipe")

p = subprocess.Popen(command, shell=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE)

def background_command_waiter(command, p):


if p.returncode != 0:

warnings.warn("Command \"{0}\" exited with status {1}".format(

command, p.returncode))


if background:

thread = threading.Thread(target=background_command_waiter,

args=(command, p))

# exits abnormally if main thread is terminated .

thread.daemon = True



background_command_waiter(command, p)

return p.stdout


示例5: fprop

​点赞 6

# 需要导入模块: import warnings [as 别名]

# 或者: from warnings import warn [as 别名]

def fprop(self, x, y, **kwargs):

if self.attack is not None:

x = x, self.attack(x)


x = x,

# Catching RuntimeError: Variable -= value not supported by tf.eager.


y -= self.smoothing * (y - 1. / tf.cast(y.shape[-1], tf.float32))

except RuntimeError:

y.assign_sub(self.smoothing * (y - 1. / tf.cast(y.shape[-1],


logits = [self.model.get_logits(x, **kwargs) for x in x]

loss = sum(



for logit in logits)

warnings.warn("LossCrossEntropy is deprecated, switch to "

"CrossEntropy. LossCrossEntropy may be removed on "

"or after 2019-03-06.")

return loss


示例6: to_categorical

​点赞 6

# 需要导入模块: import warnings [as 别名]

# 或者: from warnings import warn [as 别名]

def to_categorical(y, num_classes=None):


Converts a class vector (integers) to binary class matrix.

This is adapted from the Keras function with the same name.

:param y: class vector to be converted into a matrix

(integers from 0 to num_classes).

:param num_classes: num_classes: total number of classes.

:return: A binary matrix representation of the input.


y = np.array(y, dtype='int').ravel()

if not num_classes:

num_classes = np.max(y) + 1

warnings.warn("FutureWarning: the default value of the second"

"argument in function \"to_categorical\" is deprecated."

"On 2018-9-19, the second argument"

"will become mandatory.")

n = y.shape[0]

categorical = np.zeros((n, num_classes))

categorical[np.arange(n), y] = 1

return categorical


示例7: _get_logits_name

​点赞 6

# 需要导入模块: import warnings [as 别名]

# 或者: from warnings import warn [as 别名]

def _get_logits_name(self):


Looks for the name of the layer producing the logits.

:return: name of layer producing the logits


softmax_name = self._get_softmax_name()

softmax_layer = self.model.get_layer(softmax_name)

if not isinstance(softmax_layer, Activation):

# In this case, the activation is part of another layer

return softmax_name

if hasattr(softmax_layer, 'inbound_nodes'):


"Please update your version to keras >= 2.1.3; "

"support for earlier keras versions will be dropped on "


node = softmax_layer.inbound_nodes[0]


node = softmax_layer._inbound_nodes[0]

logits_name = node.inbound_layers[0].name

return logits_name


示例8: model_loss

​点赞 6

# 需要导入模块: import warnings [as 别名]

# 或者: from warnings import warn [as 别名]

def model_loss(y, model, mean=True):


Define loss of TF graph

:param y: correct labels

:param model: output of the model

:param mean: boolean indicating whether should return mean of loss

or vector of losses for each input of the batch

:return: return mean of loss if True, otherwise return vector with per

sample loss


warnings.warn('This function is deprecated.')

op = model.op

if op.type == "Softmax":

logits, = op.inputs


logits = model

out = softmax_cross_entropy_with_logits(logits=logits, labels=y)

if mean:

out = reduce_mean(out)

return out


示例9: infer_devices

​点赞 6

# 需要导入模块: import warnings [as 别名]

# 或者: from warnings import warn [as 别名]

def infer_devices(devices=None):


Returns the list of devices that multi-replica code should use.

:param devices: list of string device names, e.g. ["/GPU:0"]

If the user specifies this, `infer_devices` checks that it is

valid, and then uses this user-specified list.

If the user does not specify this, infer_devices uses:

- All available GPUs, if there are any

- CPU otherwise


if devices is None:

devices = get_available_gpus()

if len(devices) == 0:

warnings.warn("No GPUS, running on CPU")

# Set device to empy string, tf will figure out whether to use

# XLA or not, etc., automatically

devices = [""]


assert len(devices) > 0

for device in devices:

assert isinstance(device, str), type(device)

return devices


示例10: enable_receiving

​点赞 6

# 需要导入模块: import warnings [as 别名]

# 或者: from warnings import warn [as 别名]

def enable_receiving(self):


Switch the monitor into listing mode.

Connect to the event source and receive incoming events. Only after

calling this method, the monitor listens for incoming events.

.. note::

This method is implicitly called by :meth:`__iter__`. You don't

need to call it explicitly, if you are iterating over the


.. deprecated:: 0.16

Will be removed in 1.0. Use :meth:`start()` instead.


import warnings

warnings.warn('Will be removed in 1.0. Use Monitor.start() instead.',




示例11: from_sys_path

​点赞 6

# 需要导入模块: import warnings [as 别名]

# 或者: from warnings import warn [as 别名]

def from_sys_path(cls, context, sys_path): #pragma: no cover


.. versionchanged:: 0.4

Raise :exc:`NoSuchDeviceError` instead of returning ``None``, if

no device was found for ``sys_path``.

.. versionchanged:: 0.5

Raise :exc:`DeviceNotFoundAtPathError` instead of


.. deprecated:: 0.18

Use :class:`Devices.from_sys_path` instead.


import warnings


'Will be removed in 1.0. Use equivalent Devices method instead.',




return Devices.from_sys_path(context, sys_path)


示例12: traverse

​点赞 6

# 需要导入模块: import warnings [as 别名]

# 或者: from warnings import warn [as 别名]

def traverse(self):


Traverse all parent devices of this device from bottom to top.

Return an iterable yielding all parent devices as :class:`Device`

objects, *not* including the current device. The last yielded

:class:`Device` is the top of the device hierarchy.

.. deprecated:: 0.16

Will be removed in 1.0. Use :attr:`ancestors` instead.


import warnings


'Will be removed in 1.0. Use Device.ancestors instead.',




return self.ancestors


示例13: __iter__

​点赞 6

# 需要导入模块: import warnings [as 别名]

# 或者: from warnings import warn [as 别名]

def __iter__(self):


Iterate over the names of all properties defined for this device.

Return a generator yielding the names of all properties of this

device as unicode strings.

.. deprecated:: 0.21

Will be removed in 1.0. Access properties with Device.properties.


import warnings


'Will be removed in 1.0. Access properties with Device.properties.',




return self.properties.__iter__()


示例14: __getitem__

​点赞 6

# 需要导入模块: import warnings [as 别名]

# 或者: from warnings import warn [as 别名]

def __getitem__(self, prop):


Get the given property from this device.

``prop`` is a unicode or byte string containing the name of the


Return the property value as unicode string, or raise a

:exc:`~exceptions.KeyError`, if the given property is not defined

for this device.

.. deprecated:: 0.21

Will be removed in 1.0. Access properties with Device.properties.


import warnings


'Will be removed in 1.0. Access properties with Device.properties.',




return self.properties.__getitem__(prop)


示例15: asint

​点赞 6

# 需要导入模块: import warnings [as 别名]

# 或者: from warnings import warn [as 别名]

def asint(self, prop):


Get the given property from this device as integer.

``prop`` is a unicode or byte string containing the name of the


Return the property value as integer. Raise a

:exc:`~exceptions.KeyError`, if the given property is not defined

for this device, or a :exc:`~exceptions.ValueError`, if the property

value cannot be converted to an integer.

.. deprecated:: 0.21

Will be removed in 1.0. Use Device.properties.asint() instead.


import warnings


'Will be removed in 1.0. Use Device.properties.asint instead.',




return self.properties.asint(prop)


示例16: fit

​点赞 6

# 需要导入模块: import warnings [as 别名]

# 或者: from warnings import warn [as 别名]

def fit(self, inputs, outputs, weights=None, override=False):


Fit model.


inputs (list/Array): List/Array of input training objects.

outputs (list/Array): List/Array of output values

(supervisory signals).

weights (list/Array): List/Array of weights. Default to None,

i.e., unweighted.

override (bool): Whether to calculate the feature vectors

from given inputs. Default to False. Set to True if

you want to retrain the model with a different set of

training inputs.


if self._xtrain is None or override:

xtrain = self.describer.describe_all(inputs)


warnings.warn("Feature vectors retrieved from cache "

"and input training objects ignored. "

"To override the old cache with feature vectors "

"of new training objects, set override=True.")

xtrain = self._xtrain

self.model.fit(xtrain, outputs, weights)

self._xtrain = xtrain


示例17: predict

​点赞 6

# 需要导入模块: import warnings [as 别名]

# 或者: from warnings import warn [as 别名]

def predict(self, inputs, override=False):


Predict outputs with fitted model.


inputs (list/Array): List/Array of input testing objects.

override (bool): Whether to calculate the feature

vectors from given inputs. Default to False. Set to True

if you want to test the model with a different set of

testing inputs.


Predicted output array from inputs.


if self._xtest is None or override:

xtest = self.describer.describe_all(inputs)


warnings.warn("Feature vectors retrieved from cache "

"and input testing objects ignored. "

"To override the old cache with feature vectors "

"of new testing objects, set override=True.")

xtest = self._xtest

self._xtest = xtest

return self.model.predict(xtest)


示例18: rc

​点赞 6

# 需要导入模块: import warnings [as 别名]

# 或者: from warnings import warn [as 别名]

def rc():


config.rc() yields the data imported from the Neuropythy rc file, if any.


if config._rc is None:

# First: We check to see if we have been given a custom nptyhrc file:

npythyrc_path = os.path.expanduser('~/.npythyrc')

if 'NPYTHYRC' in os.environ:

npythyrc_path = os.path.expanduser(os.path.expandvars(os.environ['NPYTHYRC']))

# the default config:

if os.path.isfile(npythyrc_path):


config._rc = loadrc(npythyrc_path)

config._rc['npythyrc_loaded'] = True

except Exception as err:

warnings.warn('Could not load neuropythy RC file: %s' % npythyrc_path)

config._rc = {'npythyrc_loaded':False,

'npythyrc_error': err}


config._rc = {'npythyrc_loaded':False}

config._rc['npythyrc'] = npythyrc_path

return config._rc


示例19: __setitem__

​点赞 5

# 需要导入模块: import warnings [as 别名]

# 或者: from warnings import warn [as 别名]

def __setitem__(self, key, value):

if key not in self.agents or self.agents[key] is None:

self.agents[key] = value

if value is None:

warnings.warn("Trying to set the value of key {} to None.".

format(key), RuntimeWarning)



# this fails the tests at the moment, so we need to debug

# it is the tests that have a problem!

# raise KeyError("The key \"{}\" already exists in the registry"

# .format(key))


示例20: _configure_logging

​点赞 5

# 需要导入模块: import warnings [as 别名]

# 或者: from warnings import warn [as 别名]

def _configure_logging(level=logging.INFO):

logging.addLevelName(logging.DEBUG, 'Debug:')

logging.addLevelName(logging.INFO, 'Info:')

logging.addLevelName(logging.WARNING, 'Warning!')

logging.addLevelName(logging.CRITICAL, 'Critical!')

logging.addLevelName(logging.ERROR, 'Error!')

logging.basicConfig(format='%(levelname)s %(message)s', level=logging.INFO)

if not sys.warnoptions:

import warnings


# TODO hack to get rid of deprecation warning that appeared allthough filters

# are set to ignore. Is there a more sane way?

warnings.warn = lambda *args, **kwargs: None


示例21: add_member

​点赞 5

# 需要导入模块: import warnings [as 别名]

# 或者: from warnings import warn [as 别名]

def add_member(self, login):

"""Add ``login`` to this team.

:returns: bool



'This is no longer supported by the GitHub API, see '




url = self._build_url('members', login, base_url=self._api)

return self._boolean(self._put(url), 204, 404)


示例22: remove_member

​点赞 5

# 需要导入模块: import warnings [as 别名]

# 或者: from warnings import warn [as 别名]

def remove_member(self, login):

"""Remove ``login`` from this team.

:param str login: (required), login of the member to remove

:returns: bool



'This is no longer supported by the GitHub API, see '




url = self._build_url('members', login, base_url=self._api)

return self._boolean(self._delete(url), 204, 404)


示例23: _cleanup

​点赞 5

# 需要导入模块: import warnings [as 别名]

# 或者: from warnings import warn [as 别名]

def _cleanup(cls, name, warn_message):


_warnings.warn(warn_message, _ResourceWarning)


示例24: isotropic_powerspectrum

​点赞 5

# 需要导入模块: import warnings [as 别名]

# 或者: from warnings import warn [as 别名]

def isotropic_powerspectrum(*args, **kwargs): # pragma: no cover


Deprecated function. See isotropic_power_spectrum doc


import warnings

msg = "This function has been renamed and will disappear in the future."\

+" Please use isotropic_power_spectrum instead"

warnings.warn(msg, Warning)

return isotropic_power_spectrum(*args, **kwargs)


示例25: isotropic_crossspectrum

​点赞 5

# 需要导入模块: import warnings [as 别名]

# 或者: from warnings import warn [as 别名]

def isotropic_crossspectrum(*args, **kwargs): # pragma: no cover


Deprecated function. See isotropic_cross_spectrum doc


import warnings

msg = "This function has been renamed and will disappear in the future."\

+" Please use isotropic_cross_spectrum instead"

warnings.warn(msg, Warning)

return isotropic_cross_spectrum(*args, **kwargs)


示例26: check_skipped_app_config

​点赞 5

# 需要导入模块: import warnings [as 别名]

# 或者: from warnings import warn [as 别名]

def check_skipped_app_config(self):

"""Check for mounted Applications that have no config."""

for sn, app in cherrypy.tree.apps.items():

if not isinstance(app, cherrypy.Application):


if not app.config:

msg = 'The Application mounted at %r has an empty config.' % sn

if self.global_config_contained_paths:

msg += (' It looks like the config you passed to '

'cherrypy.config.update() contains application-'

'specific sections. You must explicitly pass '

'application config via '

'cherrypy.tree.mount(..., config=app_config)')





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