本文以实战经验图文讲解APP提交苹果App Store审核被拒绝的一些原因以及对策。

你是否跟我一样,交了订阅费后在APP提交App Store审核时却遭到各种拒绝,而且有些看起来根本不讲道理?


下面我们先看看App Store 审核指南(App Store Review Guidelines),有中英文两个版本自己点过去看,我就不一一解读了。

我总共被拒绝了10次!主要涉及1. 2 Safety: User Generated Content、2. 1 Performance: App Completeness、2. 3 Performance: Accurate Metadata、3. 1.1 Business: Payments - In-App Purchase、3. 2.2 Business: Other Business Model Issues - Unacceptable、4. Design: Preamble、4. 2 Design: Minimum Functionality。(见文章尾部代码块)

可能很多人会卡在1. 2 Safety: User Generated Content、4. 2 Design: Minimum Functionality,其中1.2老外还附上“这些附件可能会显示可能令人反感的内容,如裸露、色情和亵渎内容。”甚至还截了根本看不出有为什么问题的图片!(见文章尾部代码块)


遇到问题要冷静分析,然后采取相关措施即可解决问题,可别像我一开始那样到处寻求帮助,甚至还去微博找Tim Cook,但你会发现一点作用都没有!


2. 1 Performance: App Completeness,这个主要是涉及登录没提交账号密码,在App Store Connect的App 审核信息勾选“需要登录”然后加上账号密码即可解决。

3. 1.1 Business: Payments - In-App Purchase,这个主要是没接入应用内支付(IAP),在App Store 审核指南的3.1.3 其他购买方式:以下 app 可以使用 App 内购买项目以外的购买方式:3.1.3(a)“阅读器”类型的 app3.1.3(b) 多平台服务、3.1.3(c) 企业服务、3.1.3(d) 一对一服务体验、3.1.3(e) App 之外的商品和服务、3.1.3(f) 免费的独立 App,而在3.1.1 App 内购买项目有提到“打赏”、“游戏内货币”等必须接入应用内支付(IAP),就算你在界面没显示出第三方支付但审核还是会被机审检查出来的,所以最好还是把第三方支付都去掉(包括各种库),免得拖延上线时间,关于接入应用内支付可以看我另一篇超详细文章《实战iOS端APP实现苹果应用内支付(IAP)(附代码)》。

Guideline 4.0 - Design,这个是兼容问题,比如有的界面在iPhone上没问题,但在iPad等显示不正常,现在要求上架的APP必须兼容各个端,我在另一篇文章有写过关于iPad一些不兼容问题,《关于uni-app使用rpx在iPad上出现字体等样式不兼容问题》。

2. 3 Performance: Accurate Metadata,这个主要是隐藏功能,像上面的接入第三方支付界面没显示出来也会被这个问题拒绝,还有编译混淆代码可能也会报这个问题,网上还有提供收费的混淆代码工具呢,实际上没必要去弄,而且用那些工具还可能泄露信息呢!

估计很多人都卡在4. 2 Design: Minimum Functionality上,实际上这个也很好过,除非你的功能真的很简单,我一开始看4. 2 Design: Minimum Functionality的说明还以为它说我的APP直接套网页,但APP我并没有直接套网页(轻App目前就是直接套网站的),后来我在APP审核信息的附件加上了几十页的《分享录(iOS版)使用说明书(User's Manual).pdf》,包括各种使用功能截图,并在备注加中英文说明,然后就过了4.2。网上可能有人说重新建App(修改Bundle Identifier)以及做代码混淆,但我觉得没必要,那样可能过不了2. 3 Performance: Accurate Metadata,加说明还是过不了,就证明你的界面、功能太简陋了,可以考虑优化界面、加些功能(加系统分享等)什么的。

1. 2 Safety: User Generated Content,这个主要涉及到评论,估计你看不懂老外的截图,更看不到他们说的“这些附件可能会显示可能令人反感的内容,如裸露、色情和亵渎内容。”,这个我是直接截图并配中英文说明评论后得后台管理员审核后才会显示出来,并且在注册、登录界面附上《服务协议》和《隐私政策》,像上面4.2内容太简单也可以加上这两个。



大家可以用苹果自带的扫码器扫描轻App码查看我的分享录轻App,也可以在App Store搜索“分享录”或打开链接下载我的分享录APP。

需要注意的是,没下载App前扫描轻App码可以打开轻App,安装App后扫描轻App码打开的是App,更多相关信息请访问我另一篇文章《我的处女作“分享录”终于上架苹果App Store了》。




2020年12月21日 上午6:35
发件人 Apple
2. 1 Performance: App Completeness
2. 3 Performance: Accurate Metadata
3. 1.1 Business: Payments - In-App Purchase
3. 2.2 Business: Other Business Model Issues - Unacceptable
4. Design: Preamble
4. 2 Design: Minimum Functionality
Guideline 2.1 - Information NeededWe have started your app's review, but we were unable to successfully access all or part of your app. In order for us to continue the review, we need to have a way to verify all app features and functionality. Typically this is done by providing a demo account that has access to all features and functionality in your app. It is also acceptable to include a demonstration mode that exhibits your app’s full features and functionality. Note that providing a demo video showing your app in use is not enough for us to continue the review.Next StepsTo help us proceed with the review of your app, please provide a user name and password in the App Review Information section of App Store Connect. Please be sure that the demo account includes content that demonstrates the features and functionality available in your app. To provide demo account information:- Log in to App Store Connect
- Click "My Apps"
- Select your app
- Click on the app version on the left side of the screen
- Scroll down to "App Review Information"
- Select the "Sign-in required" box
- Enter demo credentials in the "User name" and "Password" fields
- Once you've completed all changes, click the "Save" button at the top of the Version Information pageGuideline 2.3.1 - PerformanceWe noticed that your app may contain hidden features, functionality, or content.Specifically, your app includes PGPay SDK, which provides access to external payment mechanisms and enables the purchase of content, services, or functionality by means other than the in-app purchase API.The App Store ecosystem is built on trust and users should never be misled about the apps they download. Attempting to hide features, functionality, or content in your app may lead to removal from the Apple Developer Program.Next Steps- Review the Performance section of the App Store Review Guidelines.
- Ensure your app, as well as any third-party code and SDKs in your app, are compliant with all sections of the App Store Review Guidelines and the Apple Developer Program License Agreement.
- Revise or remove any hidden features, functionality, or content in your app.
- Once your app is fully compliant, resubmit for review.The next submission of this app may require a longer review time, and this app will not be eligible for an expedited review until this issue is resolved. If we misunderstood the intended behavior of your app, please reply to this message in Resolution Center to provide information on how the app is intended to work. Resources- Learn more about our policies for apps with suspected hidden features in App Store Review Guideline 2.3.1.
- Learn more about our policies regarding removal from the Apple Developer Program in the Apple Developer Program License Agreement.Guidelines 3.1.1 - In-App Purchase and 3.1.3(f)We found in our review that your free app provides access to a paid web based service for web hosting. However, the app does not provide a stand-alone experience. Apps that serve as companions to paid web based tools need to include sufficient free content and features to be considered a stand-alone app. Otherwise, they should give App Store customers the opportunity to purchase digital content and services using in-app purchase. Next StepsHere are two ways to resolve this issue:- You can revise your app to provide users a free stand-alone experience that serves as a companion to your paid web based service.
- Otherwise, you can revise your app to give App Store customers the option to purchase your app's content and services using in-app purchases. If there's additional information you'd like provide regarding the digital content and services in your app, reply to this message in Resolution Center and let us know. If there's information you'd like us to consider in future submissions, please feel free to include it in the App Review Information section of App Store Connect.Resources- Learn more about our policies for companion apps to web based services in App Store Review Guideline 3.1.3(f).
- Learn more about implementing in-app purchase in your app.Guideline 3.2.2 - Business - Other Business Model Issues - UnacceptableWe noticed that your app includes an interface that displays or promotes mini programs for third-party apps, which is not appropriate for the App Store.Next StepsTo resolve this issue, please remove any features in your app that promote programs for third-party apps.Guideline 4.0 - DesignWe noticed that several screens of your app were crowded or laid out in a way that made it difficult to use your app.Next StepsTo resolve this issue, please revise your app to ensure that the content and controls on the screen are easy to read and interact with.ResourcesFor more information, please review the following resources on the iOS Developer Center page:- UI Do's and Don'ts- iOS Human Interface Guidelines- UIKitGuideline 4.2 - Design - Minimum FunctionalityYour app provides a limited user experience as it is not sufficiently different from a mobile browsing experience. As such, the experience it provides is similar to the general experience of using Safari. Including iOS features such as push notifications, Core Location, and sharing do not provide a robust enough experience to be appropriate for the App Store.Next StepsTo resolve this issue, please revise your app to provide a more robust user experience by including additional native iOS functionality.If you cannot - or choose not to - revise your app to be in compliance with the App Store Review Guidelines, you may wish to build an HTML5 web app instead. You can distribute web apps directly on your web site; the App Store does not accept or distribute web apps.For more information about creating web apps, refer to the Configuring Web Applications section of the Safari Web Content Guide.For a description of the HTML elements and attributes you can use in Safari on iPhone, check out Safari HTML Reference: Introduction.Please see attached screenshots for details.Screenshot-1220-142427.png https://iosapps-ssl.itunes.apple.com/itunes-assets/Purple114/v4/a8/a4/89/a8a48960-d7c0-5d1f-4fa1-de01f6a53d2c/attachment.Screenshot-1220-142427.png?accessKey=1608791735_4815264981694430755_asUTLvQ6pZkl3Zj%2BkAoQI76xSH523RJ%2FJ2Udh3rTZvqJR7CtO3IFaAbvHHPWcaRDA%2F1mP2XHvgm0yj9%2FyX%2FkMcBXKjQxk2QoMjT1l2tGpuO%2FEDsMDXCrSMnA7MGPv9CD6dcrQECVPXQWXJz%2FutkezjipTbXwea2O4P7GUwhgd6ipyuN9BKW3Q2mUjd7WSTeY
Screenshot-1220-142803.png https://iosapps-ssl.itunes.apple.com/itunes-assets/Purple114/v4/00/13/e9/0013e961-75c4-d9d0-47e0-b82868cc4d40/attachment.Screenshot-1220-142803.png?accessKey=1608791735_3695646771338593_kTcUi5try4jyDW%2BDojrQ%2BmGHBgvlmcktnQ2VZPRWaNK5S9NhJKOoFawUbF%2BOomJieLWILBJY23zC5vhN3T26z9f7lFQ2MrcJWR19FYJypO5zM%2FPfMFQynJPwHaZ3elDX7KlJCrrhFUql9uFgsg4UysLyFLR5UpBYe%2BDSyL06yYR39uxHM7AEVyxK2CiSDOPk
Screenshot-1220-142601.png https://iosapps-ssl.itunes.apple.com/itunes-assets/Purple124/v4/b3/77/77/b3777705-4009-3dc6-6c35-4e4847ef8de2/attachment.Screenshot-1220-142601.png?accessKey=1608791735_1989412241324215711_cPCOMtdnoWtYJ6tYSFAQP7byVH9T7%2Bli0sLy4Y9DjX9LJ%2B9fp%2B%2B9JTeXFM2z%2BipxdcQPpi2DF6Z6Ai%2FV7eZ2XcE%2FbV51Ezt3okdupUe2qm6Fqxv%2FnPZiu%2BMpsQ2IL5KXvWOrmuKSoOyX8ejdrRLNbmWZ9yEKpk3tx0gA2IfpFWoS6jIPBIFQAScXiH8D6%2FuE
Screenshot-1220-142729.png https://iosapps-ssl.itunes.apple.com/itunes-assets/Purple124/v4/95/32/a6/9532a629-af54-6c80-fe37-c78b375d4bd7/attachment.Screenshot-1220-142729.png?accessKey=1608791735_8263049395527987644_kx6IT85%2BPH7uBI1I4%2F6VdZPdqai%2BhPIKsgbaDd3a8KhDX%2F%2FPX5ed2ldJToeI0VD42DbzC3K%2B6QaF6HHh%2B2VyJOHuJfdBv5qxVLmn2V56XKpf0hsUdbmMr%2FnzrXCpjaXTBlrUknKOLzh03%2BNSpGa79%2BEg%2FqcL%2Fc%2B0HhPX3qdrTYSxRIPDXabhMe8%2FE5UZ5Hv8
2021年1月1日 下午2:21
发件人 Apple
1. 2 Safety: User Generated Content
3. 2.2 Business: Other Business Model Issues - Unacceptable
Guideline 1.2 - Safety - User Generated ContentYour app enables the display of user-generated content but does not have the proper precautions in place.Next StepsTo resolve this issue, please revise your app to implement all of the following precautions:- Require that users agree to terms (EULA) and these terms must make it clear that there is no tolerance for objectionable content or abusive users
- A method for filtering objectionable content
- A mechanism for users to flag objectionable content
- A mechanism for users to block abusive users
- The developer must act on objectionable content reports within 24 hours by removing the content and ejecting the user who provided the offending contentGuideline 3.2.2 - Business - Other Business Model Issues - UnacceptableWe noticed that your app includes an interface that displays or promotes mini programs for third-party apps, which is not appropriate for the App Store.Next StepsTo resolve this issue, please remove any features in your app that promote programs for third-party apps.Please see attached screenshots for details.这些附件可能会显示可能令人反感的内容,如裸露、色情和亵渎内容。
Screenshot-1231-221906.png https://iosapps-ssl.itunes.apple.com/itunes-assets/Purple114/v4/6f/36/dc/6f36dc06-5369-ea79-450c-9559fbde9e99/attachment.Screenshot-1231-221906.png?accessKey=1609742748_3675840094633130239_jY6fyfS%2FFz1E3mfvFdgQKxbdQg%2FuKw4R6d8pfjC5HXV36JaDluGjoiCulyMoWZCvkQU1Kr%2FRsC4I5KcxmgtSsPWp1GF8LICGNA7so5MnouxjQk2QUIMhQrMkKuzd0l0vtJDcSbcym9qfkPZqsZ6exDmULHLqj1ZCnkzR5txcyXjn8BbidHWjQOpRs8eF4buN
Screenshot-1231-221926.png https://iosapps-ssl.itunes.apple.com/itunes-assets/Purple124/v4/7f/e1/00/7fe1007e-67ba-b9d6-f5c5-fc5976d1f554/attachment.Screenshot-1231-221926.png?accessKey=1609742748_4748640174955586164_K1LmSOKZwF9XTnAnuAFln28wvtdwzhNaCHTl5iEGoFj%2B6rZDt3k6B6O0kKaqowmFc6v8jvCttd36ppwSCrJ8qZCVyQSicG7nLr8un96gg5KSegYL%2FtJMphbgoUcjwJmExul494ZprAW6gvSeIIdUjWL%2FWLhZ08K1%2BwwFXfCZBmjL96Jy%2F6FumDYMHL9LcGNh
Screenshot-1231-221917.png https://iosapps-ssl.itunes.apple.com/itunes-assets/Purple124/v4/e6/67/73/e667737f-ee7d-570c-c2a6-66219532faa8/attachment.Screenshot-1231-221917.png?accessKey=1609742748_4765520753442080487_ZcNjJeAvPqQlvve6WXEJ9H%2BwfjumCV1sKvH5zlvebkdfyhnxBAtipI7A16DAkXqtAvATzX8W5BKzmuR6UW%2BqJ2VeRWnoIISqRSqse1V7HJZX2KL1MEgdYdPbjcJgnAYqG3sFkqAcFgTjVtrZsX8MqBLfBcLG7dqOngUp%2Br7eiW1m0ViStiaakIGxhgskxs51

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