
In this week's roundup, prevent duplicate totals, build an Excel dashboard, formatting nit-picks, and much more.


1.在Excel中创建小计 (1. Create Subtotals in Excel)

If you use the Subtotal feature in Excel, and add two or more layers, you might end up with duplicate grand totals. While working on a project recently, I figured out what was causing those duplicates, and how to prevent the problem. There's a video too, that shows the steps.

如果在Excel中使用小计功能,并添加两个或多个图层,则最终可能会出现重复的总计 。 最近在从事一个项目时,我弄清楚了造成这些重复的原因以及如何防止该问题的发生。 还有一个视频,显示了步骤。

2. ModelOff (2. ModelOff)

The first two rounds of this year's ModelOff have been completed, and the finals will be held in London, on December 3-4. The judging panel was announced last week, and congratulations to Roger Govier, who is one of the three judges. You can see some of Roger's excellent work on his Sample Files page on the Contextures website.

今年的ModelOff前两轮比赛已经完成,决赛将于12月3-4日在伦敦举行。 评审委员会于上周宣布,对三位法官之一的罗杰·戈维尔(Roger Govier)表示祝贺。 您可以在Contextures网站的“ 样本文件”页面上看到Roger的出色作品。

3.功率查询 (3. Power Query)

Ken Puls shows how you can merge data from two tables in Power Query, combining two columns to make a unique key. It sounds complicated, but looks surprisingly easy!

Ken Puls显示了如何在Power Query中合并两个表中的数据 ,合并两列以构成唯一键。 听起来很复杂,但看起来却很简单!

4. Office 2016 (4. Office 2016)

If you're using Excel 2016 on the Mac, the Excel team shows 8 of the new features and shortcuts that you can use. On the list are Pivot Table Slicers and the Analysis ToolPak. (Wow, glad I'm using Excel on Windows!)

如果在Mac上使用Excel 2016,则Excel团队将显示8个可以使用的新功能和快捷方式 。 列表中是数据透视表切片器和分析工具库。 (哇,很高兴我在Windows上使用Excel!)

If you're using Excel 2016 for Windows, is it faster than the previous version? Dick Kusleika, from Daily Dose of Excel, finds that his macros run much slower in Excel 2013 than they did in Excel 2010. To prove it, you can download his sample file, click the Test button, then open the CSV that the macro creates. It shows the time taken to get to each step. (And if you were a fan of the old TV series, Taxi, does this remind you of Jim's driving test? -- "What does a yellow light mean?")

如果您使用的是Windows的Excel 2016,它是否比以前的版本快? 来自Excel Daily Dose的Dick Kusleika发现,他的宏在Excel 2013中的运行比在Excel 2010中运行的慢得多。要证明这一点,可以下载他的示例文件 ,单击“测试”按钮,然后打开该宏创建的CSV 。 它显示了到达每个步骤所需的时间。 (如果您是旧电视剧《出租车》的粉丝,这是否使您想起了吉姆的驾驶考试?-“黄灯意味着什么?”)

5.建立一个仪表盘 (5. Build a Dashboard)

Ben Collins gives detailed instructions for the dynamic, interactive dashboard that he built in Excel, to show U.S. historical political data. He even describes features, like a radar chart, that he decided not to include. There are links to the source data, so you can follow along, and build your own dashboard. Make sure that you have an "I Love Spreadsheets" mug though, before you get started.

本·柯林斯(Ben Collins)详细介绍了他在Excel中建立的动态交互式仪表板 ,以显示美国历史政治数据。 他甚至描述了自己决定不包括的功能,例如雷达图。 这里有到源数据的链接,因此您可以继续学习并构建自己的仪表板。 在开始之前,请确保已装有“ I Love Spreadsheets”马克杯 。

But remember, a workbook can't tell you everything. Dick Taylor takes a look back at how he got started using Excel, and some spreadsheet limitations.

但是请记住,工作簿无法告诉您所有信息。 Dick Taylor回顾了他如何开始使用Excel以及一些电子表格限制。

6. Excel格式 (6. Excel Formatting)

For Excel 2016 for Windows, another chapter from Curtis Frye's new book, "Microsoft Excel 2016 Step by Step" is available for free download. This chapter covers formatting, and there might be a few tips that you hadn't discovered yet, such as how to change the default font for a workbook. If you'd like to buy a copy of the book, you can get it on Amazon.

对于Windows的Excel 2016, 可免费下载 Curtis Frye的新书“ Microsoft Excel 2016 Step by Step”的另一章。 本章介绍了格式设置,可能还有一些尚未发现的提示,例如如何更改工作簿的默认字体。 如果您想购买这本书的副本, 可以在Amazon上购买 。

Meanwhile, on the Consultants Mind blog, there are some Excel formatting nit-picks. Are you guilty of any of those, and what would you add to the list? I've seen "twerked" words, but never heard them called that!

同时,在Consultants Mind博客上,有一些Excel格式的nit-picks 。 您是否对其中任何一项感到内,,并将添加到清单中? 我见过“扭曲”的单词,但从未听过他们这么说!

7. Excel幽默 (7. Excel Humour)

Finally, for a bit of spreadsheet humour, you can see what people are saying about Excel, in my weekly collection of tweets. Here's one of my favourite tweets from this week's collection.

最后,对于电子表格的一些幽默,您可以在我的每周推文集中看到人们对Excel 的评价 。 这是本周收藏中我最喜欢的推文之一。

通过电子邮件获取Excel每周新闻 (Get Weekly Excel News By Email)

To get Excel news and tips by email, add your name for the Contextures Excel newsletter.

若要通过电子邮件获取Excel新闻和提示,请为Contextures Excel新闻通讯添加名称。

翻译自: https://contexturesblog.com/archives/2015/11/01/excel-roundup-20151102/




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