Justin Duino
贾斯汀·杜伊诺(Justin Duino)

Checking for app updates has been easy for iPhone and iPad owners. It got a little more complicated when iOS 13 and iPadOS 13 replaced the Updates tab with Apple Arcade. Now you have to tap your profile icon first.

对于iPhone和iPad所有者而言,检查应用程序更新非常容易。 当iOS 13和iPadOS 13用Apple Arcade取代了Updates选项卡时,情况变得更加复杂。 现在,您必须先点击您的个人资料图标。

Your iPhone or iPad automatically installs app updates as long as the “App Updates” option is enabled from Settings > iTunes & App Stores. That’s why Apple made this option a bit harder to find—you don’t have to install app updates manually anymore.

只要在“设置”>“ iTunes和App Store ”中启用“应用程序更新”选项,您的iPhone或iPad就会自动安装应用程序更新。 这就是为什么Apple使得该选项很难找到的原因-您不必再手动安装应用程序更新。

在iOS 13,iPadOS 13和更高版本中更新应用 (Update Apps in iOS 13, iPadOS 13, and Above)

Start by opening the App Store. If you can’t find the icon on your iPhone or iPad, swipe down on the home screen and utilize Spotlight search to find the app.

首先打开App Store。 如果您无法在iPhone或iPad上找到该图标,请在主屏幕上向下滑动并使用Spotlight搜索来找到该应用。

Next, tap on your account picture located in the top-right corner of the display.


Your list of recently updated apps can be found hidden under your account information and options to add funds to your Apple ID.

您可以在您的帐户信息和向Apple ID添加资金的选项下隐藏您最近更新的应用程序列表。

If you don’t see any available apps, swipe down on the screen to refresh the App Store. If any updates are available, they will appear under the “Upcoming automatic update” listing.

如果看不到任何可用的应用程序,请在屏幕上向下滑动以刷新App Store。 如果有可用的更新,它们将显示在“即将进行的自动更新”列表下。

Select “Update all” to install all of the available updates or tap on the “Update” button next to each app to only install certain ones.


在iOS 12及以下版本中更新应用 (Update Apps in iOS 12 and Below)

If your iPhone or iPad is running iOS 12 or older, the update process is similar (and easier) than the one above. To begin, open the App Store.

如果您的iPhone或iPad运行的是iOS 12或更早版本,则更新过程与上述过程类似(并且更容易)。 首先,打开App Store。

Next, tap on the “Updates” tab located in the bottom toolbar.


You will now see all of your recently updated apps with the available updates located near the top of the display. Select “Update all” to install all of the available updates or tap on the “Update” button next to each app to only install certain ones.

现在,您将在屏幕顶部附近看到所有最近更新的应用程序以及可用的更新。 选择“全部更新”以安装所有可用更新,或点击每个应用旁边的“更新”按钮以仅安装某些更新。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/441179/how-to-update-iphone-and-ipad-apps/


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