
Heartbeat failed: local member_id was not recognized; resetting and re-joining group
Heartbeat session expired - marking coordinator dead
Marking the coordinator dead (node 112583)for group fba_inventory_summary_data_report_sync_to_user_db.
OffsetCommit failed for group fba_inventory_summary_data_report_sync_to_user_db due to group error ([Error 25] UnknownMemberIdError: fba_inventory_summary_data_report_sync_to_user_db), will rejoin
OffsetCommit failed for group fba_inventory_summary_data_report_sync_to_user_db due to group error ([Error 25] UnknownMemberIdError: fba_inventory_summary_data_report_sync_to_user_db), will rejoin
OffsetCommit failed for group fba_inventory_summary_data_report_sync_to_user_db due to group error ([Error 25] UnknownMemberIdError: fba_inventory_summary_data_report_sync_to_user_db), will rejoin
OffsetCommit failed for group fba_inventory_summary_data_report_sync_to_user_db due to group error ([Error 25] UnknownMemberIdError: fba_inventory_summary_data_report_sync_to_user_db), will rejoin
Auto offset commit failed: [Error 25] UnknownMemberIdError: fba_inventory_summary_data_report_sync_to_user_db
OffsetCommit failed for group fba_inventory_summary_data_report_sync_to_user_db due to group error ([Error 25] UnknownMemberIdError: fba_inventory_summary_data_report_sync_to_user_db), will rejoin
OffsetCommit failed for group fba_inventory_summary_data_report_sync_to_user_db due to group error ([Error 25] UnknownMemberIdError: fba_inventory_summary_data_report_sync_to_user_db), will rejoin
OffsetCommit failed for group fba_inventory_summary_data_report_sync_to_user_db due to group error ([Error 25] UnknownMemberIdError: fba_inventory_summary_data_report_sync_to_user_db), will rejoin
OffsetCommit failed for group fba_inventory_summary_data_report_sync_to_user_db due to group error ([Error 25] UnknownMemberIdError: fba_inventory_summary_data_report_sync_to_user_db), will rejoin
OffsetCommit failed before join, ignoring: CommitFailedError: ('Commit cannot be completed since the group has already\n            rebalanced and assigned the partitions to another member.\n            This means that the time between subsequent calls to poll()\n            was longer than the configured max_poll_interval_ms, which\n            typically implies that the poll loop is spending too much\n            time message processing. You can address this either by\n            increasing the rebalance timeout with max_poll_interval_ms,\n            or by reducing the maximum size of batches returned in poll()\n            with max_poll_records.\n            ', 'Commit cannot be completed since the group has already rebalanced and may have assigned the partitions to another member')







Error sending JoinGroupRequest_v2 to node 112581 [[Error 7] RequestTimedOutError] -- marking coordinator dead

2. 最终只有了一个治标的方法:在耗时并且只能同步执行的代码处加入0.1睡眠时间,这0.1秒的睡眠时间可以让消费组去发送心跳



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