
答案:看左侧 题目:
答案:看左侧 题目:
答案:看左侧 题目:
Bill Gates
答案:看左侧 题目:
M.A.K. Halliday
答案:看左侧 题目:本公司全体同仁竭诚为各界服务
答案:看左侧 题目:四川省房地产开发总公司系经四川省政府批准成立
答案:看左侧 题目:The company has been in the manufacturing business since 1950, adopting the corporate name of GUMOTEX in 1952.
答案:看左侧 题目:Today, American Express is known in four major business areas: travel, insurance, banking and investment
答案:看左侧 题目:该企业先后获得“省级先进企业”,“市文明企业”,“市质量管理奖”,“市质量效益型先进企业”,“全国轻工优秀企业”,“国家二级企业”等称号。
答案:看左侧 题目:目前,亚太药业的产品已经销售到国内24个省、市、自治区,在全国各省设有50多个办事处,并力争远销多个国家和地区
答案:看左侧 题目:杭州市北有超山,西有天目山。
答案:看左侧 题目:Fresh-up with Seven-up. (Seven-up)
答案:看左侧 题目:福特汽车“安全、快捷、与人快乐”
答案:看左侧 题目:Minolta, finest to put you finest. (Minolta)
答案:看左侧 题目:诺基亚——超大显示屏,单手操作,简便易行、独一无二的操作系统,时尚的欧式外形设计
答案:看左侧 题目:雷雨时请勿进行电话布线。
答案:看左侧 题目:将产品放入内包装箱。
答案:看左侧 题目:使用方法:为了宝宝的健康,请遵照以下说明.
答案:看左侧 题目:原文:Your claim should be supported by sufficient evidence. 译文:你方索赔须有充分的证据
答案:看左侧 题目:原文:We shall take out insurance at this end under our Open Policy. 译文:我们将在开放政策下在此办理保险
答案:看左侧 题目:原文:卖方须于9月10日前(不含9月10日)将货物交给买方。 译文:The vendor shall deliver the goods to the vendee by September 10.
答案:看左侧 题目:原文:该产品在本地的销售看好,我方出价可达每吨150美元或以上。 译文:The market here for this product is active, and the best price we can offer is over US $150 per ton.
答案:看左侧 题目:In order to give you a general idea of the Cotton Piece Goods now available for export, we enclose a brochure and a price list.
答案:看左侧 题目:We are pleased to confirm our cable shipping advice for today, and inform you that we have shipped you 5,000 tons of iron scrap per M/S Pacific leaving here on May 20.
答案:看左侧 题目:Thank you for your letter of June 6 and we enclose our Order No. 2245 for lady’s shoes.
答案:看左侧 题目:Please be informed that, on account of the fluctuations of foreign exchanges the quotation is subject to change without previous notice.
答案:看左侧 题目:We look forward to your quotations for the arts and crafts which we are interested in.
答案:看左侧 题目:Enclosed please find the price list and catalogue of this season. Would you be kind enough to study them and inform us your requirements for the coming season?
答案:看左侧 题目:If you can accept US $275 and send us a proforma invoice, we will open a letter of credit for 1,000 sets.
答案:看左侧 题目:In reply to your enquiry of May 12, we regret to tell you that our cotton sweaters do not come in any size larger than 18.
答案:看左侧 题目:Such a chance was denied (to) me.
答案:看左侧 题目:It was beyond his power to sign such a contract.
答案:看左侧 题目:His anger is out of hand.
答案:看左侧 题目:They feel great anxiety about his sickness.
答案:看左侧 题目:His refusal is final.
答案:看左侧 题目:We can’t wait to meet you.
答案:看左侧 题目:We must never stop taking an optimistic view of life.
答案:看左侧 题目:Students, with no exception, are to hand in your exercises this afternoon.
答案:看左侧 题目:In a small company such things cannot be done without remark.
答案:看左侧 题目:The offer is not unacceptable.
答案:看左侧 题目:It’s a rare book on reengineering that doesn’t include an insurance example.
答案:看左侧 题目:Few persons dissented from this suggestion.
答案:看左侧 题目:Port of Destination
答案:看左侧 题目:外贸销售合同
答案:看左侧 题目:签约地点
答案:看左侧 题目:
A. Sell
B. Sells
C. Sellers
D. Sellors

答案:看左侧 题目:Postal Code
答案:看左侧 题目:买方
答案:看左侧 题目:The Seller agrees to sell and the Buyer agrees to buy the undermentioned goods on the terms and conditions stated below
答案:看左侧 题目:总值
答案:看左侧 题目:包装
答案:看左侧 题目:Force Majeure
答案:看左侧 题目:Quality/Quantity Discrepancy and Claim
答案:看左侧 题目:Remark
答案:看左侧 题目:Microphone
答案:看左侧 题目:Watt
答案:看左侧 题目:clone
答案:看左侧 题目:gene
答案:看左侧 题目:nanotechnology
答案:看左侧 题目:nylon
答案:看左侧 题目:calorie
答案:看左侧 题目:twist bit
答案:看左侧 题目:X-ray
答案:看左侧 题目:H-beam
答案:看左侧 题目:Uranium
答案:看左侧 题目:DOS prompt
答案:看左侧 题目:analog computing
答案:看左侧 题目:creativity
答案:看左侧 题目:amount to
答案:看左侧 题目:implement
答案:看左侧 题目:primary education
答案:看左侧 题目:developing regions
答案:看左侧 题目:dishwashers
答案:看左侧 题目:rocket
答案:看左侧 题目:consumption
答案:看左侧 题目:fall dramatically
答案:看左侧 题目:Videophone
答案:看左侧 题目:balance
答案:看左侧 题目:

答案:看左侧 题目:
3)         BSC 
A. Value added tax
B. Shipping order
C. Cable transfer
D. Free on Board
E. Central Business District
F. World Trade Organization
G. Pay on delivery
H. Letter of Credit
I. Gross Domestic Product
J. Balance of trade
K. Wholly Foreign-owned Enterprises
L. Consumer Price Index
M. Cost, Insurance and Freight
N. Greenwich Mean Time
O. Bunker Surcharge

A、O. Bunker Surcharge

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