Python sorted() function returns a sorted list from the items in the iterable.

Python sorted()函数从iterable中的项目返回排序列表。

Python sorted()函数 (Python sorted() function)

Python sorted() function syntax is:

Python sorted()函数语法为:

sorted(iterable, *, key=None, reverse=False)

There are two optional arguments – key and reverse – which must be specified as keyword arguments.

有两个可选参数– key和reverse –必须指定为关键字参数。

  • iterable: elements from the iterable will be sorted. If key is not specified then natural sorting is used for the elements.iterable :将对iterable中的元素进行排序。 如果未指定键,则对元素使用自然排序。
  • key: specifies a function of one argument that is used to extract a comparison key from each list element.key :指定一个参数的函数,该函数用于从每个列表元素中提取比较键。
  • reverse: optional boolean argument. If specified as True then elements are sorted in reverse order.reverse :可选的布尔参数。 如果指定为True,则元素以相反的顺序排序。

Python sorted()字符串 (Python sorted() string)

String is iterable in Python, let’s see an example of using sorted() function with string argument.


s = sorted('djgicnem')

Output: ['c', 'd', 'e', 'g', 'i', 'j', 'm', 'n']

输出: ['c', 'd', 'e', 'g', 'i', 'j', 'm', 'n']

Python sorted()反向 (Python sorted() reverse)

Let’s see the sorted list when reversed is passed as True.


s = sorted('azbyx', reverse=True)

Output: ['z', 'y', 'x', 'b', 'a']

输出: ['z', 'y', 'x', 'b', 'a']

Python sorted()元组 (Python sorted() tuple)

s = sorted((1, 3, 2, -1, -2))
print(s)s = sorted((1, 3, 2, -1, -2), reverse=True)



[-2, -1, 1, 2, 3]
[3, 2, 1, -1, -2]

Python sorted()键 (Python sorted() key)

Let’s say we want to sort a sequence of numbers based on their absolute value, we don’t care about their being positive or negative. We can achieve this by passing key=abs to sorted() function. Note that abs() is the built-in function that returns the absolute value of the number.

假设我们要根据数字的绝对值对数字序列进行排序,我们不在乎它们是正数还是负数。 我们可以通过将key=abs传递给sorted()函数来实现。 注意, abs()是返回数字绝对值的内置函数。

s = sorted((1, 3, 2, -1, -2), key=abs)

Output: [1, -1, 2, -2, 3]

输出: [1, -1, 2, -2, 3]

Python排序列表 (Python sort list)

Let’s see some examples of using sorted() function with list.


s = sorted(['a', '1', 'z'])
print(s)s = sorted(['a', '1b', 'zzz'])
print(s)s = sorted(['a', '1b', 'zzz'], key=len)
print(s)s = sorted(['a', '1b', 'zzz'], key=len, reverse=True)



['1', 'a', 'z']
['1b', 'a', 'zzz']
['a', '1b', 'zzz']
['zzz', '1b', 'a']

sorted()与list.sort() (sorted() vs list.sort())

  • sorted() function is more versatile because it works with any iterable argument.sorted()函数更具通用性,因为它可以与任何可迭代的参数一起使用。
  • Python sorted() function builds a new sorted list from an iterable whereas list.sort() modifies the list in-place.Python sorted()函数从可迭代对象构建新的排序列表,而list.sort()就地修改列表。

具有不同元素类型可迭代的sorted() (sorted() with iterable of different element types)

Let’s see what happens when we try to use sorted() function with iterable having different element types.


s = sorted(['a', 1, 'x', -3])



TypeError: '<' not supported between instances of 'int' and 'str'

带自定义对象的sorted() (sorted() with custom objects)

We can use sorted() function to sort a sequence of custom object based on different types of criteria.


Let’s say we have an Employee class defined as:


class Employee:id = 0salary = 0age = 0name = ''def __init__(self, i, s, a, n) = iself.salary = sself.age = = ndef __str__(self):return 'E[id=%s, salary=%s, age=%s, name=%s]' % (, self.salary, self.age,

Now we have a list of employee objects as:


e1 = Employee(1, 100, 30, 'Amit')
e2 = Employee(2, 200, 20, 'Lisa')
e3 = Employee(3, 150, 25, 'David')
emp_list = [e1, e2, e3]

Sort list of employees based on id


def get_emp_id(emp):return emp.idemp_sorted_by_id = sorted(emp_list, key=get_emp_id)
for e in emp_sorted_by_id:print(e)



E[id=1, salary=100, age=30, name=Amit]
E[id=2, salary=200, age=20, name=Lisa]
E[id=3, salary=150, age=25, name=David]

Sort list of employees based on age


def get_emp_age(emp):return emp.ageemp_sorted_by_age = sorted(emp_list, key=get_emp_age)
for e in emp_sorted_by_age:print(e)



E[id=2, salary=200, age=20, name=Lisa]
E[id=3, salary=150, age=25, name=David]
E[id=1, salary=100, age=30, name=Amit]

摘要 (Summary)

Python sorted() function is guaranteed to be stable. It’s very powerful and allows us to sort a sequence of elements based on different keys.

Python sorted()函数保证稳定。 它非常强大,可以让我们根据不同的键对元素序列进行排序。

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Reference: Official Documentation

参考: 官方文档


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