1.Unix的发明者:Ken Tompson 和 Dennis Ritche

2.Linux的发明者:Linus  Torvald


主要由kernal,shell,utilities and programming

4.Distribution of Linux

(1) RedHat Enterprise Linux AS :used for large servers supports 16 CPUS.

(2) RedHat Enterprise Linux ES:used for small and middle servers and supports up to two CPUS.

(3 RedHat Enterprise Linux WS:used as desktop operating systerm and supports up to two CPUS.

(4) Mandrake user-friendly

(5) Debian earlist distribution of Linux

(6) SuSE German Linux



(1) %m,显示一年中的月份 (month)

(2) %d,显示一年中的日期 (date)

(3) %y,显示显示年份 (year)

(4) %D,以mm/dd/yy显示日期 (DATE 与 TIME对应)

(5) %H, 显示小时(hour)因为month与minute的首字母相同所以改为大写

(6) %M,显示分钟(minute)


(8)%T,以HH/MM/SS显示时间 (Time)

(9) %a,显示缩写的星期几 (缩写的英文为 abbreviated,星期小于月份故缩写的星期几用%a)

(10)%h,显示缩写的月份 (用时间表示中的第一个参数%H,小时参数的小写表示月份的缩写)


6.Modify the screen

(1) clear it is used to clear the terminal screen

(2) tput clear :it clears the standard output device,the screen,and positions the cursor at the left top corner

(3) tput cup :  it is followed by the screen coordinates and positions the cursor ai the specified row and column.

(4) tput smso: it sets the screen to reverse video

(5)tput rmso:it sets the screen back to normal


(1)-m display the name of the current user logged in, it is the same as who am i

(可以理解为,who -m = who am i所以参数为m)

(2)-q prints only the login name and the number of users logged in


8.man and info



(2)man display the manual page of Linux


c1: NAME Name of the command and its one line descrption

c2:SYNOPSIS(概述)Command usage of command along with the optional and non-optional arguments


c3:DESCRIPTION Details on how to use the command abd ab explanation of each option


(3)info + cmd


c1: --apropos = string search the indices of all the manuals and display the result.

c2:--output = FILENAME Create a file in the current directory and writes the result of the info command in the file instead of displaying the result on the standard output

c3:-h --help display the help page and exit

c4:--version displays the version information of the info command and exit

9.The function of the Linux

(1) samba is the protocal used by the Microsoft operating systerm to share file and print services.

(2) Shared Libraries These are sets of functions or sub-routines maintained as a set of files,All the applications that use these functions access the functions frome the shared library files instead of individual maintaining(维护) code for the functions.

(3) Network Information Service (NIS) : It is possible to share passwords and group files across a network in Linux using the NIS.(用于在网络上共享文件和资源)

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