



View Code

using namespace std;
class Point
public:int x,y;
int on_segment( Point p, Point q1,Point q2 )//叉积
{return ( q1.x - p.x )*( q2.y - p.y ) - ( q2.x - p.x )*( q1.y - p.y );
double Distance( Point  a, Point b )//距离计算
{return sqrt( double(( a.x - b.x )*( a.x - b.x ) + ( a.y - b.y )*( a.y - b.y )) );
bool segment( Point p, Point q1,Point q2 )
{int t = on_segment( p , q1 , q2 );if( t < 0 )  return true;else if( t==0 && Distance( p , q1 ) > Distance( p , q2 ))return true;return false;
int main(  )
{int N,n,num;while( scanf( "%d",&N )==1 ){while( N -- ){bool visit[54]={0};//标记已经进入凸包的点 int record[54],count=0;//记录点顺序 scanf( "%d",&n );int min_y = 0x7fffffff,t=0; for( int i = 1; i <= n ; i++ ){scanf( "%d %d %d",&num,&point[i].x , &point[i].y );if( point[i].y < min_y )//寻找最低点
              {min_y = point[i].y;t = i;}        }record[++count] = t; visit[t] = true;while( count < n ){int temp,s=record[count];//最新的凸包起点 for( int i = 1 ; i <= n ; i ++ )//寻找新的凸包起点
              {if( !visit[i] ){temp = i;break;    }        }        for( int i = 1 ; i <= n ; i++ )//寻找最优的凸包起点
              {if( !visit[i] && i != temp ){if( segment( point[s],point[temp],point[i] )  ){temp = i;        }         }    }visit[temp] = true; record[++count] = temp;}printf( "%d",count );for( int i = 1; i <= count ; i++ ){printf( " %d",record[i] );        }puts( "" );}} //system( "pause" );return 0;


View Code

using namespace std;
class Point
public:int x,y,num;
int pos;
double Distance( Point a, Point b )
{return sqrt( double(( a.x - b.x )*( a.x - b.x ) + ( a.y - b.y )*( a.y - b.y )) );
int segment( Point p1 ,Point p2 ,Point q )
{return     ( p1.x - q.x )*( p2.y - q.y ) - ( p2.x - q.x )*( p1.y - q.y );
bool cmp( Point  a, Point  b )
{int t = segment( a , b, point[pos] ); if( t > 0 ) return true;else if( t==0 && Distance( a , point[pos] ) < Distance( b , point[pos] )) return true;return false;
int main(  )
{int N,n,num;while( scanf( "%d",&N )==1 ){while( N -- ){scanf( "%d",&n );for( int i = 0 ; i < n ; i ++ ){scanf( "%d %d %d",&point[i].num , &point[i].x ,&point[i].y );if( point[i].y < point[0].y )swap( point[0],point[i] );        }printf( "%d %d",n ,point[0].num );for( int i = 1 ; i < n ; i++ ){pos = i - 1;sort( point + i , point + n ,cmp );//极坐标排序 printf( " %d",point[i].num );}    puts( "" );}    }//system( "pause" );return 0;


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