
本文主要研究一下Spring Data Auditable接口的变化



import java.io.Serializable;import org.joda.time.DateTime;/*** Interface for auditable entities. Allows storing and retrieving creation and modification information. The changing* instance (typically some user) is to be defined by a generics definition.* * @param <U> the auditing type. Typically some kind of user.* @param <ID> the type of the audited type's identifier* @author Oliver Gierke*/
public interface Auditable<U, ID extends Serializable> extends Persistable<ID> {/*** Returns the user who created this entity.* * @return the createdBy*/U getCreatedBy();/*** Sets the user who created this entity.* * @param createdBy the creating entity to set*/void setCreatedBy(final U createdBy);/*** Returns the creation date of the entity.* * @return the createdDate*/DateTime getCreatedDate();/*** Sets the creation date of the entity.* * @param creationDate the creation date to set*/void setCreatedDate(final DateTime creationDate);/*** Returns the user who modified the entity lastly.* * @return the lastModifiedBy*/U getLastModifiedBy();/*** Sets the user who modified the entity lastly.* * @param lastModifiedBy the last modifying entity to set*/void setLastModifiedBy(final U lastModifiedBy);/*** Returns the date of the last modification.* * @return the lastModifiedDate*/DateTime getLastModifiedDate();/*** Sets the date of the last modification.* * @param lastModifiedDate the date of the last modification to set*/void setLastModifiedDate(final DateTime lastModifiedDate);




/*** Interface for auditable entities. Allows storing and retrieving creation and modification information. The changing* instance (typically some user) is to be defined by a generics definition.* * @param <U> the auditing type. Typically some kind of user.* @param <ID> the type of the audited type's identifier* @author Oliver Gierke*/
public interface Auditable<U, ID, T extends TemporalAccessor> extends Persistable<ID> {/*** Returns the user who created this entity.* * @return the createdBy*/Optional<U> getCreatedBy();/*** Sets the user who created this entity.* * @param createdBy the creating entity to set*/void setCreatedBy(U createdBy);/*** Returns the creation date of the entity.* * @return the createdDate*/Optional<T> getCreatedDate();/*** Sets the creation date of the entity.* * @param creationDate the creation date to set*/void setCreatedDate(T creationDate);/*** Returns the user who modified the entity lastly.* * @return the lastModifiedBy*/Optional<U> getLastModifiedBy();/*** Sets the user who modified the entity lastly.* * @param lastModifiedBy the last modifying entity to set*/void setLastModifiedBy(U lastModifiedBy);/*** Returns the date of the last modification.* * @return the lastModifiedDate*/Optional<T> getLastModifiedDate();/*** Sets the date of the last modification.* * @param lastModifiedDate the date of the last modification to set*/void setLastModifiedDate(T lastModifiedDate);

可以看到新版版本,去掉了强制依赖joda-time,改为在接口定义新增泛型来表达,该泛型要求实现TemporalAccessor接口 另外,返回值的类型都改为了Optional



  • 时间类型改为泛型定义,要求具体类型实现TemporalAccessor接口
  • 返回值统一返回Optional类型


  • 3.9. Auditing


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