


The XB8989AF Series product is a high

integration solution for lithium

ion/polymer battery protection.

XB8989AF contains advanced power

MOSFET, high-accuracy voltage

detection circuits and delay circuits.

XB8989AF is put into an SOP8-PP

package and only one external

component makes it an ideal solution in

limited space of battery pack.

XB8989AF has all the protection functions

required in the battery application including

overcharging, overdischarging, overcurrent

and load short circuiting protection etc. The

accurate overcharging detection voltage

ensures safe and full utilization charging.

The low standby current drains little current

from the cell while in storage.

The device is not only targeted for digital

cellular phones, but also for any other

Li-Ion and Li-Poly battery-powered

information appliances requiring long

term battery life.



Protection of Charger Reverse



Protection of Battery Cell Reverse



Integrate Advanced Power MOSFET

with Equivalent of 7.3mΩ RSS(ON)


SOP8-PP Package


Only One External Capacitor



Over-temperature Protection


Overcharge Current Protection


Two-step Overcurrent Detection:

-Overdischarge Current

-Load Short Circuiting


Charger Detection Function


0V Battery Charging Function

- Delay Times are generated inside


High-accuracy Voltage Detection


Low Current Consumption

- Operation Mode:7μ A typ.

- Power-down Mode: 4μ A typ.


RoHS Compliant and Lead (Pb) Free


One-Cell Lithium-ion Battery Pack

Lithium-Polymer Battery Pack

Power Bank



The XB8989AF Series product is a high

integration solution for lithium

ion/polymer battery protection.

XB8989AF contains advanced power

MOSFET, high-accuracy voltage

detection circuits and delay circuits.

XB8989AF is put into an SOP8-PP

package and only one external

component makes it an ideal solution in

limited space of battery pack.

XB8989AF has all the protection functions

required in the battery application including

overcharging, overdischarging, overcurrent

and load short circuiting protection etc. The

accurate overcharging detection voltage

ensures safe and full utilization charging.

The low standby current drains little current

from the cell while in storage.

The device is not only targeted for digital

cellular phones, but also for any other

Li-Ion and Li-Poly battery-powered

information appliances requiring long

term battery life.



Protection of Charger Reverse



Protection of Battery Cell Reverse



Integrate Advanced Power MOSFET

with Equivalent of 7.3mΩ RSS(ON)


SOP8-PP Package


Only One External Capacitor



Over-temperature Protection


Overcharge Current Protection


Two-step Overcurrent Detection:

-Overdischarge Current

-Load Short Circuiting


Charger Detection Function


0V Battery Charging Function

- Delay Times are generated inside


High-accuracy Voltage Detection


Low Current Consumption

- Operation Mode:7μ A typ.

- Power-down Mode: 4μ A typ.


RoHS Compliant and Lead (Pb) Free


One-Cell Lithium-ion Battery Pack

Lithium-Polymer Battery Pack

Power Bank


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