玫瑰花瓣 c4d

Petals Around the Rose is a puzzle game you play with dice and a friend who already knows how to play. The challenge is to answer the question "how many petals are around the rose" following each roll of the dice. The new player must use inductive reasoning to figure out what the rose is, what the petals are, and how to answer the question posed by the name of the game.

玫瑰周围的花瓣是一款益智游戏,您可以与骰子和一个已经知道怎么玩的朋友一起玩。 挑战在于在每次掷骰子后回答“玫瑰周围有几片花瓣”的问题。 新玩家必须使用归纳推理来找出玫瑰是什么,花瓣是什么以及如何回答游戏名称所提出的问题。

如何在玫瑰周围打花瓣 ( How to Play Petals Around the Rose )

You need five dice (or more, if you want a harder game). They should be traditional dice with from one to six spots on each side. The player who already knows the answer to the game tosses the dice, looks at them and then tells the new player how many petals are around the rose, without revealing the logic behind the answer.

您需要五个骰子(如果想要更难的游戏,则需要更多)。 它们应该是传统骰子,每侧有1到6个点。 已经知道游戏答案的玩家扔骰子,看着骰子,然后告诉新玩家玫瑰周围有多少花瓣,而没有揭示答案背后的逻辑。

The new player then tosses the dice. The player who knows the answer to the puzzle states how many petals there are around the rose of the new player's toss without explaining how he arrived at the answer.

然后,新玩家掷骰子。 知道谜题答案的玩家会说出新玩家掷出的玫瑰周围有多少花瓣,而没有解释他是如何得出答案的。

The players continue to take turns tossing the dice. The player who knows the answer to the game states the number of petals around the rose of both his and the new player's tosses, after giving the new player a chance to study his toss and figure out an answer.

玩家继续轮流掷骰子。 知道游戏答案的玩家在给新玩家学习自己的掷骰方法并找出答案之后,陈述了自己和新玩家掷骰的玫瑰花瓣的数量。

Eventually, the new player should figure out the secret and give the correct response. Just to confirm the player has solved the puzzle (and didn't make a lucky guess), he tosses the dice a few more times and states the correct answer each time.

最终,新玩家应该找出秘密并给出正确的答案。 只是为了确认玩家已经解决了难题(并且没有做出幸运的猜测),他多次掷骰子,每次都给出正确的答案。

在玫瑰周围打花瓣的秘密 ( The Secret to Playing Petals Around the Rose )

When the dice are rolled, they come to rest with a single side facing upward. The rose is the dot in the center of an upward facing die side. The dice that show a one, three and five sides each have a rose; the sides with two, four or six dots do not have a dot in the center of the die, so they do not have a rose.

当骰子滚动时,它们以单面朝上的方式静止。 玫瑰是朝上的模具侧中心的点。 显示一个,三个和五个侧面的骰子各有一朵玫瑰。 具有两个,四个或六个点的侧面在模具的中心没有一个点,因此它们没有玫瑰。

The petals are the dots that appear around the center dot (the rose). The one die doesn't have any petals because it doesn't have any dots other than the rose in the center. The two, four and six dies don't have any petals because they don't have a center rose. The three die has two petals around the center rose, while the five die has four petals around the center rose.

花瓣是出现在中心点(玫瑰)周围的点。 一个骰子没有花瓣,因为除了中心的玫瑰之外,它没有任何点。 两个,四个和六个模具没有花瓣,因为它们没有中心玫瑰。 三个骰子在中心玫瑰周围有两个花瓣,而五个骰子在中心玫瑰周围有四个花瓣。

On each toss of the dice, you need to look only at the dice that display a three and a five. They are the only numbers with both a rose and petals. Count the spots that are not in the center—two on a three die and four on a five die—and speak the total. That is the secret to playing the game.

在掷骰子的每个骰子上,您只需要查看显示三个和五个的骰子即可。 他们是唯一同时拥有玫瑰和花瓣的数字。 计算不在中心的点(三个骰子上两个,五个骰子上四个),并说出总数。 那就是玩游戏的秘密。

翻译自: https://www.thoughtco.com/petals-around-the-rose-answer-3971806

玫瑰花瓣 c4d

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