NOTE: All this info is for programmers/developers. If you just If you want .NET just to run stuff, just go get the 800k Web Installer for .NET 4 and you're all set. It'll do the rest. Now, that said...

注意:所有这些信息都是针对程序员/开发人员的。 如果您只是想让.NET只运行某些东西,那么就去获得适用于.NET 4的800k Web Installer,一切就绪。 剩下的就做。 现在,那个...

Almost two years ago I blogged about how Microsoft was trying to make the size of the .NET Framework smaller and smaller. That day I made a site called to help folks find the smallest download possible for their system.

大约两年前,我在博客上发表了微软如何试图使.NET Framework的尺寸越来越小。 那天,我创建了一个名为http://www.smallestdotnet.com的网站,以帮助人们找到适用于他们系统的最小下载。

I just noticed a post on the WPF Perf and .NET Client Profile blog that goes into a LOT of detail on how the .NET 4 Client Profile makes things smaller.

我刚刚在WPF Perf和.NET Client Profile博客上注意到一则帖子,其中详细介绍了.NET 4 Client Profile如何使事情变得更小。

Before, the .NET 3.5 SP1 Client Profile was a good idea, but it wasn't really a first class citizen. It wonly worked on x86 and machines that didn't have .NET on them already. Some amount of time you'd end up having to get the full .NET install anyway. They say the focus on .NET 4 is on getting Client Applications to run as fast as possible with as few bits as possible.

以前,.NET 3.5 SP1客户端配置文件是一个好主意,但它并不是真正的一流公民。 它可以在x86和尚未安装.NET的计算机上运行。 无论如何,最终您将不得不花费一定的时间来获取完整的.NET安装。 他们说,对.NET 4的关注是使客户端应用程序以尽可能少的位尽可能快地运行。

Check this out from Jossef Goldberg's blog: "Unlike the NET 3.5 SP1 Client Profile, NET4 Client Profile is:"

从Jossef Goldberg的博客中查看:“与NET 3.5 SP1客户端配置文件不同,NET4客户端配置文件是:”

  • Supported on all OS that Full is 在Full所支持的所有操作系统上均受支持
  • Supported for x86 & x64 支持x86和x64
  • Client Profile is *the* framework that will be available on Windows Update for desktops

    客户端配置文件是*框架,将在Windows Update桌面版上提供

  • Supported in all aspect of VS (e.g. targeting, deployment project, etc) 在VS的所有方面均受支持(例如,定位,部署项目等)
  • Is the default target in almost all VS10 Client Project Templates (Winforms, WPF, VSTO, etc)


So that's good to know. They are committed to this and this will be the .NET 4 that gets distributed via Windows Update later this year. The general idea is that they avoid installing things you don't need a client machine. That means they won't install ASP.NET on your Mom's computer just because she wants a game. Also, the .NET 4 Client profile is a proper subset of the .NET 4 "Full" Framework.

因此,很高兴知道。 他们致力于这一点,这将是今年晚些时候通过Windows Update分发的.NET 4。 通常的想法是,他们避免安装不需要客户端计算机的东西。 这意味着他们不会仅仅因为妈妈想要玩游戏而在您妈妈的计算机上安装ASP.NET。 此外,.NET 4客户端配置文件是.NET 4“完整”框架的适当子集。

Here's the numbers:



3.5 SP1

4.0 RTM

32 bit Client Profile

Online: 28 MB
Offline: 255MB
28.8 MB
32 + 64 bit Client Profile N/A 41 MB
32 bit Full N/A 35.3 MB
32 + 64 bit Full N/A 48.1 MB
32 + ia64 bit Full N/A 51.7 MB
32 + 64 + ia64 bit Full 231 MB N/A

3.5 SP1

4.0 RTM


线上:28 MB
32 + 64位客户端配置文件 不适用 41兆字节
32位已满 不适用 35.3兆字节
32 + 64位全 不适用 48.1兆字节
32 + ia64位已满 不适用 51.7兆字节
32 + 64 + ia64位已满 231兆字节 不适用

And the chart. Seems like a return to simplicity. I'm glad they're listening. I remember harping on this, as I'm sure you did, Dear Reader, over the last few years.

和图表。 好像回到了简单。 我很高兴他们在听。 记得亲爱的读者,在过去的几年中,我曾以此为鉴。

On to the where...


下载-从哪里可以获得NET4客户端配置文件? (Downloads - Where can I get the NET4 Client Profile? )

One more time, know that this info is for developers. If you want .NET just to run stuff, just go get the 800k Web Installer and you're all set. It'll do the rest.

再过一次,请知道此信息适用于开发人员。 如果您只想运行.NET,则只需获取800k Web Installer,您便已准备就绪。 剩下的就做。

These downloads are for folks who might want to redistribute the .NET 4 Framework with their software, perhaps offline.

这些下载适用于可能希望离线使用其软件重新分发.NET 4 Framework的人们。

  • Both x86 and x64:


    • Client: dotNetFx40_Client_x86_x64.exe (41 MB): This is the Client Profile SKU that you must install on any supported 64-bit OS. This will also install on any supported 32-bit OS. Your app could run in WOW64 if it was compiled w/ "32-bit" flag or as 64-bit if you compile with "AnyCPU" or "64-bit" flags.

      客户端: dotNetFx40_Client_x86_x64.exe (41 MB):这是必须在任何支持的64位OS上安装的客户端配置文件SKU。 这也将安装在任何受支持的32位OS上。 如果使用“ 32位”标志编译您的应用程序,则可以在WOW64中运行;如果使用“ AnyCPU”或“ 64位”标志编译,则您的应用程序可以在64位运行。

      If you are redistributing the Client Profile with your application you most likely want to redist this package as it can install on both 32 and 64 bit OS’s.


    • Full: dotNetFx40_Full_x86_x64.exe (48.1 MB): This is the Full Framework SKU that you must install on any supported 64-bit OS. This will also install on any supported 32-bit OS.

      完整: dotNetFx40_Full_x86_x64.exe (48.1 MB):这是必须在任何受支持的64位OS上安装的完整框架SKU。 这也将安装在任何受支持的32位OS上。

      If you are redistributing the Full Framework with your application you most likely want to redist this package as it can install on both 32 and 64 bit OS’s.


  • Just x86:


    • Client: dotNetFx40_Client_x86.exe (28.8 MB): This is the Client Profile SKU that you could use to install on any supported 32-bit OS.  Choose this only if all your users are running 32 bit OS. (in most times this will not be your case…)

      客户端: dotNetFx40_Client_x86.exe (28.8 MB):这是客户端配置文件SKU,可用于在任何受支持的32位OS上进行安装。 仅当所有用户都运行32位操作系统时,选择此选项。 (在大多数情况下,这不是您的情况…)

    • Full: dotNetFx40_Full_x86.exe (35.3 MB): This is the Full Framework SKU that you could use to install on any supported 32-bit OS. Choose this only if all your users are running 32 bit OS (in most times this will not be your case…)

      完整: dotNetFx40_Full_x86.exe (35.3 MB):这是完整框架SKU,可用于在任何受支持的32位OS上安装。 仅当您的所有用户都在运行32位操作系统时才选择此选项(大多数情况下不会这样)。

  • Full Web Bootstrapper for Online Scenarios:


    • NET 4 RTM Web Bootstrapper: This is what you want to install if you need NET4 Full and you are online. This will detect your OS and processor architecture and will install the appropriate Framework.

      NET 4 RTM Web引导程序:如果您需要NET4 Full并且在线,则要安装此文件。 这将检测您的操作系统和处理器体系结构,并安装适当的框架。

  • Client Web Bootstrapper for Online Scenarios:


    • NET 4 Client Profile RTM Web Bootstrapper: This is what you want to install if you need NET4 Client Profile and you are online. This will detect your OS and processor architecture and will install the appropriate Client Profile.

      NET 4客户端配置文件RTM Web引导程序:如果需要NET4客户端配置文件并且在线,则要安装此文件。 这将检测您的操作系统和处理器体系结构,并安装适当的客户端配置文件。




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