N-Puzzle Problem


  • N-Puzzle Problem
    • Preview
      • N-Puzzle Problem:
      • N-Puzzle Problem 的可解性判断
      • Algorithms
    • Three Stages and Related Algorithms
      • First phase:
        • 所需解决样例以及最多时间:
        • Algorithm:A*
        • Code:
        • Result:
      • Second phase:
        • 所需解决样例以及最多时间:
        • Algorithm:IDA*
        • Code:
        • Result:
      • Third phase:
        • 所需解决样例以及最多时间:
        • Algorithm:IDA*+Disjoint Pattern Database Heuristics
        • 不断优化的启发式
          • 1、曼哈顿距离
          • 2、Manhattan Distance+Linear Conflict
          • 3、非可加性的模式数据库
          • 4、不相交的模式数据库(可加性的)
          • 5、裁剪
          • 6、动态分区模式数据库启发式 Dynamically-Partitioned Database Heuristics
        • Code:不相交模式数据库静态6-6-3分区
        • Result:
    • Reference resources


N-Puzzle Problem:

在人工智能中,常常以N-Puzzle 问题的求解为例子来说明各种搜索策略。





128M 1e7

操作:平移操作——把与空格相邻 的某一数码移入空格,称这种操作为平移操作。

Problem:对于给定的任一初始状态,使用平移操作,求解到目标状态的最优步数 (最少步骤的移法) 以及移动的每一步状态。

Goal position:

N-Puzzle Problem 的可解性判断




​ N-Puzzle问题之所以能用来为例说明各种搜索策略,在于对于N-Puzzle问题,根据所需求解的初始状态的复杂性,我们可以从爆搜开始,一步一步优化,当某种算法不足于求解时,可从优化数据结构,更换搜索算法上升一个境界,求得更加复杂的初始状态的解。


:我会爆搜 dfs+STL库,但是DFS不能找到最优解;找最优解我会bfs


:STL库会很废效率,我可以用hash判重;正好学了Zobrist Hash





:对于A*,需要每次找到Open表中f(f(n) = g(n)+h(n)) 最小的的元素。如果排序那么工作量会很大应该怎么办呢?






:那就只能去啃英文论文了。A.Felner,R.Korf的Disjoint Pattern Database Heuristics, 不相交模式数据库启发式算法。Additive Pattern Database Heuristics ——E.Korf,A.Felner,S.Hanan。这是一中新的设计更精确的可容许启发式评价函数的方法,该方法基于模式数据库。


从A* 开始,优化数据结构;


最后用Pattern Database Heuristics解决15码最复杂的样例。




Three Stages and Related Algorithms

First phase:




​ A*算法是一种静态网中求解最短路径最有效的直接搜索方法也是也是一种启发式算法。在搜索过程中使用启发函数。估价函数与实际值越接近,最终搜索到目标格局的时间越快。


f(n) = g(n) + h(n)
//f(n) 表示从初始状态到目标状态的估测代价
//g(n) 表示从初始状态到当前状态(节点n)的代价(已经确定)
//h(n) 表示从当前状态(节点n)到目标状态的估测代价(预测)h(n) < h'(n) //h'(n)为当前状态到目标状态的实际步数

h(n) 的好坏直接影响评估函数的好坏。


​ 从初始状态出发 =>经过一系列中间状态 =>最终到达目标状态(或者无法到达)。

​ 该算法用于经过中间状态时候的行进策略(其中的中间状态或者由题目给出,或者在前边已经推导得出)。






package core.astar;import core.problem.Action;
import core.problem.Problem; //操作
import core.problem.State;import java.util.ArrayList;public class AStar {public AStar(Problem problem) {super();this.problem = problem;}public Node childNode(Node parent, Action action) {State state = problem.result(parent.getState(), action);//getPathCost 初始到当前的实际代价   stepCost 从父级到后续任务的路径成本int pathCost = parent.getPathCost() + problem.stepCost(parent.getState(), action);int heuristic = problem.heuristic(state);  //估计从状态到目标状态最便宜路径的成本return new Node(state, parent, action, pathCost, heuristic);}public Problem getProblem() {return problem;}public void setProblem(Problem problem) {this.problem = problem;}public Node Search(){//起始节点State initState = problem.getInitialState();Node node = new Node(initState, null, null, 0, problem.heuristic(initState));Fringe fringe = new Fringe();fringe.insert(node);Explored explored = new Explored();while (true) {if (fringe.isEmpty())   return null;    //失败node = fringe.pop(); //choose the lowest-cost node in frontierif (problem.goalTest(node.getState())) return node;explored.insert(node.getState());for (Action action : problem.Actions(node.getState())) {Node child = childNode(node, action);//child.getState()不再在扩展节点的集合(Close表中)且fringe(Open表)中不存在状态为state的节点  则将节点插入fringe中if (!explored.contains(child.getState()) && !fringe.contains(child.getState())) {fringe.insert(child);}else {/**如果邻接结点N’在CLOSED表中,比较CLOSED表中的g(N')值和当前的g(N')值,如果当前的g(N')更小,那么删除CLOSED表中的N',把N设成N'的父节点,重新将N'插入OPEN表。如果邻接结点N’在OPEN表中,比较OPEN表中的g(N')值和当前的g(N')值,如果当前的g(N')更小,那么删除OPEN表中的N',把N设成N'的父节点,重新将N'插入OPEN表。***/Node revisited = fringe.revisited(child.getState());if (revisited != null && revisited.evaluation() > child.evaluation()) {fringe.replace(revisited, child);//用child节点代替Fringe中的 revisited节点}}}} }//用动画展示问题的解路径public void solution(Node node){// Fix me// 调用Problem的drawWorld方法,和simulateResult方法problem.drawWorld();}private Problem problem;


项目目录:Searching_Student: E:\University\AI\Searching_student

No Initial State Steps Time Limited Time
1 8, 6, 7, 2, 5, 4, 3, 0, 1 31 0.132s 1s
2 6, 4, 7, 8, 5, 0, 3, 2, 1 31 0.133s 1s
3 8, 13, 0, 6, 1, 15, 9, 14, 3, 4, 5, 11, 7, 2, 10, 12 52 1.929s
4 2,9,5,11, 8,3,4,14, 7,10,1,12, 0,15,6,13 GC
5 4,7,0,9,12,10,11,8,14,6,15,1,2,5,3,13 GC

Second phase:


4阶的,能够在与老师程序同级别的时间内,解决相同 的问题实例。



IDA*算法, ID(Iterative Deepening)指的是迭代加深.



​ 设置每次可达的最大深度depth,若没有到达目标状态则加深最大深度。

​ 采用估值函数,剪掉f(n)大于depth的路径


a、首先对初始状态进行评估, 评估值作为最小限度, 而最大限度为自己的设置.这个评估值在这个问题中可以用此状态到正确状态的每个位置的曼哈顿距离来表示.

b、从最小限度到最大限度进行遍历, 此值作为当前dfs的限度值, 这个限度不断在有效范围内递增的过程就称作迭代加深

c、进行dfs, 调整状态, 将新状态加入到新的dfs中, 直到找到了一个解(由于迭代加深, 此解为最优解). 进行回溯, 加入路径, 算法结束.

IDA* is described as follows:

  • Set threshold equal to the heuristic evaluation of the initial state.

  • Conduct a depth-first search, pruning a branch when the cost of the latest node exceeds threshold. If a solution is found during the search, return it.

  • If no solution is found during the current iteration, increment threshold by the minimum amount it was exceeded, and go back to the previous step.

  • 设置阈值等于初始状态的启发式评估。

  • 进行深度优先搜索,在最新节点的成本超过阈值时修剪分支。如果在搜索过程中找到解决方案,请将其返回。

  • 如果在当前迭代期间未找到解决方案,则将阈值增加超过最小值,然后返回上一步骤。







ArrayList<Problem> problems = ProblemFactory.getProblems(1);test2(problems);


public static void test2(ArrayList<Problem> problems) {for (Problem problem : problems) {Rstep=0;flg=0;result = new int[200][20];PuzzleState state = (PuzzleState) problem.getInitialState();side = state.getSide();tmp = state.getStatus();System.out.println();xx = new int[20];yy = new int[20];for (int i = 0; i < side * side; i++) {if (tmp[i] == 0) pos = i;else {xx[tmp[i]] = (i / side);yy[tmp[i]] = (i % side);}}if (!check(tmp)) System.out.println("No");mat = new int[20];for (int i = 0; i < side * side; i++) mat[i] = i + 1;mat[side * side - 1] = 0;pos = side * side - 1;double time1 = 0;Stopwatch timer1 = new Stopwatch();
//          for(int i=0;i<100;i++){//              layer[i]=-1;
//          }//System.out.println(H(mat));for (bound = H(mat); bound <= 100; bound = dfs(0, H(mat), 4))if (flg == 1) break;time1 = timer1.elapsedTime();Ans_show();System.out.printf("行走了 %s 步,执行了 %.3f 秒\n", Rstep, time1);}}


public static boolean check(int[] a) {int tot=0;int flag=0;for(int i=0;i<side*side;i++){if(a[i]==0) {flag = i/side;continue;}for(int j=0;j<i;j++){if(a[j]>a[i]){tot++;}}}if(side%2==1) return tot%2==0;else{tot+= abs(flag-(side-1));if(tot%2==0) return true;else return false;}}


 public static int H(int[] mat) {int h = 0;for (int i = 0; i < side*side-1; i++) {h += abs(xx[mat[i]] - (i / side)) + abs(yy[mat[i]] - (i % side));}return h;}


public static boolean ok(int x,int y){if(x>y){int ff=x;x=y;y=ff;}if(x==0&y==1) return false;  //与操作  1 1 为1if(x==2&&y==3) return false;return true;}


public static int dfs(int step, int h, int las) {//g(n)+h(n)=f(n) 更新f(n) bound 最大限度  采用估值函数,剪掉f(n)大于depth的路径if (step + h > bound) return step + h; //
//      if(layer[h]==-1)layer[h]=step;
//      if(step>layer[h]+15){//          System.out.printf("enter\n");
//          return step+h;
//      }if (h == 0) { // 到达最终状态 输出g(n)即可//       System.out.println(step);flg = 1;Rstep = step;return step;}int pos1 = pos;int ret = 127, x = pos1 / side, y = pos1 % side;int dx, dy, tar, ht, temp, i;for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) { //四个方向扩展dx = x + u[i];dy = y + p[i];if (dx < 0 || dy < 0 || dx > side - 1 || dy > side - 1 || !ok(i, las)) continue;tar = (dx * side) + dy; //计算出扩展出的新节点的一维坐标 2,2 2*4+2= 10mat[pos1] = mat[tar]; // 0的坐标等于扩展出来的点的坐标 a.mat[10]=11;mat[tar] = 0;//相当于swap()pos = tar;//计算新的h值//阶段三主要在这修改 用不相交模式数据库 h(n) 为当前节点的各点的曼哈顿距离和。ht = h - (Math.abs(xx[mat[pos1]] - dx) + Math.abs(yy[mat[pos1]] - dy))  + Math.abs(xx[mat[pos1]] - x) + Math.abs(yy[mat[pos1]] - y);if (step + ht <= bound)for (int k = 0; k < side*side; k++)result[step][k] = mat[k];temp = dfs(step + 1, ht, i);if (flg == 1)  return temp;if (ret > temp) ret = temp;mat[tar] = mat[pos1];mat[pos1] = 0;pos = pos1;}return ret;}


项目目录:SearchingAstar: E:\University\AI\SearchingAstar
Limited Time为老师IDA跑的时间。从结果可以看出,反向IDA速度会更快。

No Initial State Steps Time Limited Time
1 8, 6, 7, 2, 5, 4, 3, 0, 1 31 0.000s 0.047s
2 6, 4, 7, 8, 5, 0, 3, 2, 1 31 0.003s 0.047s
3 8, 13, 0, 6, 1, 15, 9, 14, 3, 4, 5, 11, 7, 2, 10, 12 52 0.147s 0.304s
4 2,9,5,11, 8,3,4,14, 7,10,1,12, 0,15,6,13 51 2.423s 3.652s
5 4,7,0,9,12,10,11,8,14,6,15,1,2,5,3,13 56 0.554s 12.367s
6 12, 10, 3, 2, 0, 7, 14, 9, 1, 15, 5, 6, 8, 4, 13, 11 57 4.341s 75.458s
7 12, 1, 5, 6, 2, 11, 7, 9, 14, 10, 0, 4, 15, 3, 13, 8 50 0.058s 3.671s
8 4, 6, 15, 13, 12, 9, 10, 2, 8, 0, 7, 3, 14, 5, 1, 11 61 10.918s 299.286s
9 15, 14, 13, 12, 11, 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 1, 2, 0 70 1761.019s

Third phase:








b、添加不相交模式数据库(Disjoint Pattern Database Heuristics)与静态6-6-3分区

Algorithm:IDA*+Disjoint Pattern Database Heuristics

这个算法就只能硬着头皮去读E.Korf和A.Felner的论文Disjoint Pattern Database Heuristics。

就刚开始看了Tsan-sheng Hsu的一个应该是用来讲课的pdf,看完之后???开始思考三连:我是,我去,我思???大概花了一下午的时间看完那篇pdf,当时是很崩溃的,伴随着这门课的无理取闹与老师的嗯。。。就已经绝望了,此时,滑块那边也没有进展,老师张口闭口严格证明就很无语老师你是真的没搞懂滑块吧,真准备弃了。当天晚上又因为一个评估函数的优劣性被同学怼了,心情很糟糕。



Additive Pattern Database Heuristics ——E.Korf,A.Felner,S.Hanan

Disjoint Pattern Database Heuristics——E.Korf,A.Felner




​ 例如,在滑动拼图拼图中,要将拼贴从位置x移动到位置y,x和y必须相邻,并且位置y必须为空。如果我们忽略空约束,我们得到一个简化的问题,任何瓦片都可以移动到任何相邻位置,并且多个瓦片可以占据相同的位置。在这个新问题中,瓦片彼此独立,我们可以通过沿着最短路径将每个瓦片移动到其目标位置来最佳地解决任何实例,计算所做的移动的数量。





2、Manhattan Distance+Linear Conflict

Historically, the linear-conflict heuristic was the first significant improvementover Manhattan distance [5]. It applies to tiles in their goal row or column, but reversed relative to each other. For example, assume the top row of a given state contains the tiles (2 1) in that order, but in the goal state they appear in the order (1 2). To reverse them, one of the tiles must move out of the top row, to allow the other tile to pass by, and then move back into the top row. Since these two moves are not counted in the Manhattan distance of either tile, two moves can be added to the sum of the Manhattan distances of these two tiles without violating admissibility.

(从历史上看,线性冲突启发式是曼哈顿距离的第一个显着改进[5]。它适用于目标行或列中的切片,但相对于彼此反转。例如,假设给定状态的顶行按顺序包含tile(2 1),但在目标状态下它们按顺序出现(1 2)。要反转它们,其中一个切片必须移出顶行,以允许另一个切片通过,然后移回顶行。由于这两个移动不计入任一区块的曼哈顿距离,因此可以将两个移动添加到这两个区块的曼哈顿距离的总和而不违反可接受性。)





因此,我们可以预先计算所有这些值,将它们存储在内存中,并在搜索过程中查找它们。由于有七个边缘拼贴和一个空白,以及十六个不同的位置,边缘拼贴和空白的可能排列总数为16!/(16-8)!= 518,918,400。


存储表后,我们使用IDA *搜索特定问题实例的最佳解决方案。在生成每个状态时,使用数字图块和空白的位置来计算图案数据库中的索引,并且使用相应的条目,即解决数字图块和空白所需的移动的数量,作为该状态的启发式值。



非加性模式数据库的主要限制是它们无法解决更大的问题。例如,由于二十四个拼图包含25个不同的位置,一个覆盖n个拼贴和空白的模式数据库需要25!/(25 - n - 1)!条目。仅有六个图块和空白的数据库将需要超过24亿个条目。此外,来自仅六个瓦片的数据库的值将小于所有瓦片的曼哈顿距离。对于多个数据库,允许组合它们的最佳方法是获取其值的最大值,即使这些图块组是不相交的。原因是非加性模式数据库值包括解决模式切片所需的所有移动,包括其他切片的移动
















第一个数据列显示了启发函数在1000个初始状态下的平均值。第二列给出了每个问题实例生成的平均节点数,以找到第一个最优解。第三列显示算法的平均速度,以每秒节点数为单位,, on a 440 MegaHertz Sun Ultra10 workstation. 。第四列表示找到第一个最佳解决方案的平均运行时间(以秒为单位)。最后一列给出了生成的平均节点数,以找到问题实例的所有最优解。



used a technique, based on finite-state machines (FSMs), to prune duplicate nodes representing the same state arrived at via different paths in the graph

*使用了一种基于有限状态机(FSM)的技术来修剪表示通过图中不同路径到达的相同状态的重复节点[16]。 FSM修剪减少了IDA 在五个问题上产生的节点数量,范围从2.4到3.6。对于这项工作,我们没有使用FSM修剪,因为该技术很复杂,结果取决于所使用的特定FSM,使得其他研究人员难以重现相同的结果

6、动态分区模式数据库启发式 Dynamically-Partitioned Database Heuristics


论文:Additive Pattern Database Heuristics

15-puzzle ;24-puzzle 动态模式数据库会比静态模式数据库慢。

35-puzzle 动态模式数据库会比静态模式数据库快。




/*** File: PatternDatabaseGenerator.java* Author: Brian Borowski* Date created: June 10, 2010* Date last modified: May 13, 2011*/
import java.io.BufferedOutputStream;
import java.io.DataOutputStream;
import java.io.FileNotFoundException;
import java.io.FileOutputStream;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.Comparator;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.LinkedList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Queue;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.StringTokenizer;/*** Examples:* When generating a complete pattern database (i.e. no dummy tiles):*  java PatternDatabaseGenerator 8 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,0 8-puzzle.db** When generating a disjoint additive pattern database (i.e. dummy tiles 'x'):*  java PatternDatabaseGenerator 15 0,2,3,4,x,x,x,x,x,x,x,x,x,x,x,0     15-puzzle-663-0.db*  java PatternDatabaseGenerator 15 1,x,x,x,5,6,x,x,9,10,x,x,13,x,x,0   15-puzzle-663-1.db*  java PatternDatabaseGenerator 15 x,x,x,x,x,x,7,8,x,x,11,12,x,14,15,0 15-puzzle-663-2.db*/
public final class PatternDatabaseGenerator {public static final byte KEY_NOT_FOUND = -1;final int numOfTiles, numOfTilesMinusOne, dimension;PrimitiveHashMap tempMap;List<Entry> stateToCostEntries_8_puzzle;byte[] costTable_15_puzzle;long[] configTable_15_puzzle;public PatternDatabaseGenerator(final int numOfTiles, final long boardConfig,final byte dummyTile, final String filename) {this.numOfTiles = Node.numOfTiles = numOfTiles;this.numOfTilesMinusOne = numOfTiles - 1;this.dimension = Node.dimension = (int)Math.sqrt(numOfTiles);DataOutputStream dos = null;if (filename != null) {try {dos = new DataOutputStream(new BufferedOutputStream(new FileOutputStream(filename)));} catch (final FileNotFoundException fnfe) {System.err.println("Error: Cannot open file '" + filename + "' for output.");System.exit(1);}}if (numOfTilesMinusOne == 15) {generateFifteenPuzzleDB(dummyTile, boardConfig);outputFifteenPuzzleData(filename, dos);} else {generateEightPuzzleDB(boardConfig);outputEightPuzzleData(filename, dos);}}private void generateFifteenPuzzleDB(final byte dummyTile,final long boardConfig) {final boolean[] tilesInSubset = computeSubset(dummyTile, boardConfig);final int[] tilePositions = new int[tilesInSubset.length];int numTilesInSubset = 0;for (int i = 0; i < tilePositions.length; ++i) {if (tilesInSubset[i]) {tilePositions[i] = numTilesInSubset++;}}breadthFirstSearch(boardConfig, tilesInSubset);final int tableLength = (int)Math.pow(2, numTilesInSubset * 4);costTable_15_puzzle = new byte[tableLength];configTable_15_puzzle = new long[tableLength];for (int i = tableLength - 1; i >= 0; --i) {costTable_15_puzzle[i] = KEY_NOT_FOUND;}System.err.println("Total states visited: " + tempMap.size());System.err.print("Removing duplicates...");final Set<Entry> entries = tempMap.entrySet();final Iterator<Entry> it = entries.iterator();while (it.hasNext()) {final Entry entry = it.next();final long config = entry.getKey();final byte movesRequired = entry.getValue();final int index = indexFor(config, true, tilesInSubset, tilePositions);final byte moves = costTable_15_puzzle[index];if (moves == KEY_NOT_FOUND || movesRequired < moves) {configTable_15_puzzle[index] = config;costTable_15_puzzle[index] = movesRequired;}}int numElements = 0;for (int i = tableLength - 1; i >= 0; --i) {if (costTable_15_puzzle[i] != KEY_NOT_FOUND) {++numElements;}}System.err.println("done");System.err.println("States in subset: " + numElements);}private void generateEightPuzzleDB(final long boardConfig) {breadthFirstSearch(boardConfig, null);final PrimitiveHashMap costMap_8_puzzle = new PrimitiveHashMap();System.err.println("Total states visited: " + tempMap.size());System.err.print("Removing duplicates...");final Set<Entry> entries = tempMap.entrySet();final Iterator<Entry> it = entries.iterator();while (it.hasNext()) {final Entry entry = it.next();final long config = entry.getKey();final byte movesRequired = entry.getValue();final byte moves = costMap_8_puzzle.get(config);if (moves == PrimitiveHashMap.KEY_NOT_FOUND || movesRequired < moves) {costMap_8_puzzle.put(config, movesRequired);}it.remove();}System.err.println("done");final int numElements = costMap_8_puzzle.size();stateToCostEntries_8_puzzle = new LinkedList<Entry>(costMap_8_puzzle.entrySet());System.err.print("Sorting entries...");Collections.sort(stateToCostEntries_8_puzzle, new Comparator<Entry>() {public int compare(final Entry e1, final Entry e2) {return e1.getValue() - e2.getValue();}});System.err.println("done");System.err.println("States in subset: " + numElements);}private void outputFifteenPuzzleData(final String filename,final DataOutputStream dos) {System.err.print("Writing file...");if (filename == null) {// Write values to stdout. User can redirect stdout to a file, if desired.for (int i = 0; i < configTable_15_puzzle.length; ++i) {final long config = configTable_15_puzzle[i];System.out.println((i + 1) + "," + config + "," +costTable_15_puzzle[i] + "," +Utility.longToString(config, numOfTiles));}} else {int i = 0;try {for ( ; i < costTable_15_puzzle.length; ++i) {dos.writeByte(costTable_15_puzzle[i]);}} catch (final IOException ioe) {System.err.println("Error: Cannot write entry " + i + " to file.");System.exit(1);} finally {try {if (dos != null) {dos.close();}} catch (final IOException ioe) { }}}System.err.println("done");}private void outputEightPuzzleData(final String filename,final DataOutputStream dos) {System.err.print("Writing file...");final Iterator<Entry> listIter = stateToCostEntries_8_puzzle.iterator();if (filename == null) {// Write values to stdout. User can redirect stdout to a file, if desired.int i = 1;while (listIter.hasNext()) {final Entry entry = listIter.next();final long config = entry.getKey();System.out.println(i + "," + config + "," + entry.getValue() +"," + Utility.longToString(config, numOfTiles));++i;}} else {int i = 0;try {while (listIter.hasNext()) {final Entry entry = listIter.next();dos.writeLong(((Long)entry.getKey()).longValue());dos.writeByte(((Byte)entry.getValue()).byteValue());++i;}} catch (final IOException ioe) {System.err.println("Error: Cannot write entry " + i + " to file.");System.exit(1);} finally {try {if (dos != null) {dos.close();}} catch (final IOException ioe) { }}}System.err.println("done");}private void breadthFirstSearch(final long boardConfig,final boolean[] tilesInSubset) {BFSNode currentState = new BFSNode(boardConfig);currentState.cost = 0;tempMap = new PrimitiveHashMap();tempMap.put(boardConfig, (byte)0);final Queue<BFSNode> queue = new LinkedList<BFSNode>();queue.add(currentState);byte previous = 1;while (true) {final char fromDirection = currentState.direction;if (fromDirection != 'R') {final BFSNode left = currentState.moveLeftNode(tilesInSubset);if (left != null) {final byte moves = tempMap.get(left.boardConfig);if (moves == PrimitiveHashMap.KEY_NOT_FOUND || left.cost < moves) {tempMap.put(left.boardConfig, left.cost);queue.add(left);}}}if (fromDirection != 'L') {final BFSNode right = currentState.moveRightNode(tilesInSubset);if (right != null) {final byte moves = tempMap.get(right.boardConfig);if (moves == PrimitiveHashMap.KEY_NOT_FOUND || right.cost < moves) {tempMap.put(right.boardConfig, right.cost);queue.add(right);}}}if (fromDirection != 'D') {final BFSNode up = currentState.moveUpNode(tilesInSubset);if (up != null) {final byte moves = tempMap.get(up.boardConfig);if (moves == PrimitiveHashMap.KEY_NOT_FOUND || up.cost < moves) {tempMap.put(up.boardConfig, up.cost);queue.add(up);}}}if (fromDirection != 'U') {final BFSNode down = currentState.moveDownNode(tilesInSubset);if (down != null) {final byte moves = tempMap.get(down.boardConfig);if (moves == PrimitiveHashMap.KEY_NOT_FOUND || down.cost < moves) {tempMap.put(down.boardConfig, down.cost);queue.add(down);}}}if (!queue.isEmpty()) {currentState = queue.remove();final byte movesRequired = currentState.cost;if (movesRequired > previous) {System.err.println("Generating boards with up to " + previous +" moves; map size: " + tempMap.size());previous = movesRequired;}} else {break;}}}private int indexFor(final long boardConfig, final boolean isFifteenPuzzle,final boolean[] tilesInSubset, final int[] tilePositions) {if (isFifteenPuzzle) {int hashCode = 0;for (int i = numOfTilesMinusOne; i >= 0; --i) {final int tile = (int)((boardConfig >> (i << 2)) & 0xF);if (tilesInSubset[tile]) {hashCode |= i << (tilePositions[tile] << 2);}}return hashCode;}return (int)boardConfig;}private boolean[] computeSubset(final byte dummyValue, final long boardConfig) {final boolean[] tilesInSubset = new boolean[numOfTiles];for (int pos = numOfTiles - 1; pos >= 0; --pos) {final byte tile = (byte)((boardConfig >> (pos << 2)) & 0xF);if (tile != dummyValue && tile != 0) {tilesInSubset[tile] = true;}}return tilesInSubset;}private static byte getArray(final String arrayString, final byte[] tiles,final int numOfTiles) {final StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer(arrayString, ",");final int numOfTokens = st.countTokens();// Validate the number of tiles entered.if (numOfTokens < numOfTiles) {System.out.println("Error: Input contains only " + numOfTokens +" of the " + numOfTiles + " tiles.");System.exit(1);} else if (numOfTokens > numOfTiles) {System.out.println("Error: Input exceeds required " +numOfTiles + " tiles.");System.exit(1);}// Create an array of String representations of the tile numbers.final String[] numStrings = new String[numOfTokens];int i = 0;while (st.hasMoreTokens()) {numStrings[i++] = st.nextToken();}// Make sure each string is a number.final int[] tilePositions = new int[numOfTiles];for (i = 0; i < tiles.length; ++i) {tiles[i] = -1;tilePositions[i] = -1;}for (i = 0; i < numStrings.length; ++i) {final String s = numStrings[i];try {final byte tile = Byte.parseByte(s);tiles[i] = tile;tilePositions[tile] = i;} catch (final NumberFormatException nfe) {if (!s.trim().toLowerCase().equals("x")) {System.err.println("Error: Expected integer or 'X' at index " + (i + 1) +", received '" + numStrings[i] + "'.");System.exit(1);}}}byte dummyTile = -1;// Make sure no tile number is missing from the input.for (i = 0; i < numOfTiles; ++i) {if (tilePositions[i] == -1) {if (i == 0) {System.err.println("Error: Tile 0 is missing for input.");System.exit(1);}dummyTile = (byte)i;break;}}// Replace 'X' (-1) tiles with the dummy value.for (i = 0; i < tiles.length; ++i) {if (tiles[i] == -1) {tiles[i] = dummyTile;}}return dummyTile;}public static void main(final String[] args) {if (args.length < 2 || args.length > 3) {System.err.println("Usage: java PatternDatabaseGenerator <num of tiles> <tile order> [filename]");System.exit(1);}int puzzleSize = 0;try {puzzleSize = Integer.parseInt(args[0].trim());if ((puzzleSize != 8) && (puzzleSize != 15)) {System.err.println("Error: Puzzle size must be either 8 or 15.");System.exit(1);}++puzzleSize;} catch (final NumberFormatException nfe) {System.err.println("Error: Puzzle size must be either 8 or 15.");System.exit(1);}final String tileOrder = args[1].trim();final byte[] tiles = new byte[puzzleSize];final byte dummyTile = getArray(tileOrder, tiles, puzzleSize);System.err.println("Using dummy tile: " + dummyTile);String filename = null;if (args.length == 3) {filename = args[2];}new PatternDatabaseGenerator(puzzleSize, Utility.byteArrayToLong(tiles), dummyTile, filename);}


public static int dfs(int step, int h, int las) {if (step + h > bound) return step + h; // 从目标开始找 f(n)刚开始最小 如果有更大的则更新 f(n) 反方向找
//      if(layer[h]==-1)layer[h]=step;
//      if(step>layer[h]+15){//          System.out.printf("enter\n");
//          return step+h;
//      }if (h == 0) { // 到达最终状态 输出g(n)即可//       System.out.println(step);flg = 1;Rstep = step;return step;}int pos1 = pos;int ret = 127, x = pos1 / side, y = pos1 % side;int dx, dy, tar, ht, temp, i;for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) { //四个方向扩展dx = x + u[i];dy = y + p[i];if (dx < 0 || dy < 0 || dx > side - 1 || dy > side - 1 || !ok(i, las)) continue;tar = (dx * side) + dy; //计算出扩展出的新节点的一维坐标 2,2 2*4+2= 10tmp[pos1] = tmp[tar]; // 0的坐标等于扩展出来的点的坐标 a.mat[10]=11;tmp[tar] = 0;//相当于swap()pos = tar;//如果换一个评估函数呢//阶段三  使用不相交模式数据库得到评估函数 ht值为分为的块的h的和加起来//ht = getH(tmp);//ht = h - (Math.abs(xx[mat[pos1]] - dx) + Math.abs(yy[mat[pos1]] - dy))  + Math.abs(xx[mat[pos1]] - x) + Math.abs(yy[mat[pos1]] - y);if (step + ht <= bound) {for (int k = 0; k < side * side; k++) {result[step][k] = tmp[k];}//System.out.println(i);if(i==0){redir[step]='r';}else if(i==1){redir[step]='l';}else if(i==2){redir[step]='d';}else{redir[step]='u';}}temp = dfs(step + 1, ht, i);if (flg == 1)  return temp;if (ret > temp) ret = temp;tmp[tar] = tmp[pos1];tmp[pos1] = 0;pos = pos1;}return ret;}


static final int[] tilePositions = {-1, 0, 0, 1, 2, 1, 2, 0, 1, 3, 4, 2, 3, 5, 4, 5};
static final int[] tileSubsets = {-1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 2, 2, 1, 1, 2, 2, 1, 2, 2};
public static int getH(int [] tmp) {int index0 = 0, index1 = 0, index2 = 0;for (int pos = 15; pos >= 0; --pos) {final int tile = tmp[pos];if (tile != 0) {final int subsetNumber = tileSubsets[tile];switch (subsetNumber) {case 2:index2 |= pos << (tilePositions[tile] << 2);break;case 1:index1 |= pos << (tilePositions[tile] << 2);break;default:index0 |= pos << (tilePositions[tile] << 2);break;}}}return PuzzleConfiguration.costTable_15_puzzle_0[index0] +PuzzleConfiguration.costTable_15_puzzle_1[index1] +PuzzleConfiguration.costTable_15_puzzle_2[index2];


项目目录: SearchingAstar: E:\University\AI\SearchingAstar3\SearchingAstar

No Initial State Steps Time Limited Time
3 8, 13, 0, 6, 1, 15, 9, 14, 3, 4, 5, 11, 7, 2, 10, 12 52 1.045s
4 2,9,5,11, 8,3,4,14, 7,10,1,12, 0,15,6,13 51 0.070s
5 4,7,0,9,12,10,11,8,14,6,15,1,2,5,3,13 56 0.028s
6 12, 10, 3, 2, 0, 7, 14, 9, 1, 15, 5, 6, 8, 4, 13, 11 57 0.180s
7 12, 1, 5, 6, 2, 11, 7, 9, 14, 10, 0, 4, 15, 3, 13, 8 50 0.009s
8 4, 6, 15, 13, 12, 9, 10, 2, 8, 0, 7, 3, 14, 5, 1, 11 61 0.987s
9 15, 14, 13, 12, 11, 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 1, 2, 0 70 4.758s 60s

Reference resources

(1)Ariel Felner,Richard E. Korf ,Disjoint pattern database heuristics
(2)Ariel Felner,Richard E. Korf,Sarit Hanan,Additive Pattern Database Heuristics









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