
六西格玛黑带是六西格玛管理中最重要的角色。根据ILSSI 国际精益六西格玛研究所、ASQ 美国质量协会和 CAQ 中国质量协会的描述,六西格玛黑带的主要职责包括,领导、策划、培训、辅导 、传递、发现、确认、影响、沟通。

作为六西格玛黑带,他必须具备的广泛的技能,当 中包括管理和领导能力,决策制定,沟通, 团队建设和谈判,策划、调度和行动,关注全局,人际交往能力等等。

六西格玛黑带更要了解各种改善工具,包括 高级的分析方法,更深入地了解统计分析, 过程控制,假设检验,设计实验等硬知识。

















优思学院学习六西格玛黑带没没有在学历上的最低要求 ,也不需要拥有绿带资格。想认证成为六西 格玛黑带并获得我们的认可证书,学员只要 完成整个课程,练习和考试。

获取证书的最低要求是在最后考试中取得 70 %分数以上。考试题目共 150 题,5 小时内完 成;合格分数为 70%,相当于答对 105 题。


在六西格玛方法论中,做为一名黑带应知识渊博、见多识广、经验丰富,以下 20 件事是必须要了解到的:

1.The Six Sigma Black Belt should be able to measure progress towards the goals in terms meaningful to customers and leaders.


2.The Six Sigma Black Belt should know how to establish control systems for maintaining the gains achieved through Six Sigma.


3.The Six Sigma Black Belt should understand the roles of the various people involved in change (senior leader, champion, mentor, change agent, technical leader, team leader, facilitator).

六西格玛黑带应了解参与变革的各种员工所扮演的角色(高层领导、拥护者、顾问、变 革代理人、技术领导、团队领导、推动者)。

4.The Six Sigma Black Belt should know the COPQ rationale for Six Sigma, i.e., he should be able to explain what to do if COPQ analysis indicates that the optimum for a given process is less than Six Sigma.

六西格玛黑带应了解劣质成本对于六西格玛的根本意义,也即他应能说明如果劣质成本 分析显示出给定过程的最佳值小于六西格玛时该做些什么。

5.Given a list of tasks for a project, their times to complete, and their precedence relationships, the Six Sigma Black Belt should be able to compute the time to completion for the project, the earliest completion times, the latest completion times and the slack times. He should also be able to identify which tasks are on the critical path.

给出一个项目的任务列表、它们的完成时间和它们之间的优先级关系,六西格玛黑带应 能计算出项目的完成时间、最早完成时间、最迟完成时间和延迟时间。他还应能识别哪项任 务位于关键路径上。

6.Given a properly collected set of data, the Six Sigma Black Belt should be able to perform a complete measurement system analysis, including the calculation of bias, repeatability, reproducibility, stability, discrimination(resolution) and linearity.

给出一组适当的数据,六西格玛黑带应能完成测量系统分析,包括计算偏倚、重复性、 再现性、稳定性、辨别力(分辨率)和线性。

7.The Six Sigma Black Belt should know the difference between computing sigma from a data set whose production sequence is known and from a data set whose production sequence is not known.

六西格玛黑带应了解从已知生产次序的数据组和未知生产次序的数据组计算出的西格 玛之间的不同。

8.Given a list of problems, the Six Sigma Black Belt should be able to construct a Pareto Diagram of the problem frequencies.


9.Given a table of x and y data pairs, the Six Sigma Black Belt should be able to determine if the relationship is linear or non-linear.

给出一份 XY 配对的数据表,六西格玛黑带应能确定 XY 之间的关系是线性的还是非线 性的。

10.The Six Sigma Black Belt should be able to construct and interpret a run chart when given a table of data in a time-ordered sequence. This includes calculating run length, number of runs, and quantitative trend evaluation.

当给定一份时间序列数据表时,六西格玛黑带应能构建并解释趋势图,包括计算运行长 度、运行数量以及定量趋势评估。

11.The Six Sigma Black Belt should be familiar with the commonly used probability distributions, including hypergeometric, binomial, Poisson, normal, exponential, chi-square, Student's t, and F.

六西格玛黑带应熟悉常用的概率分布,包括超几何分布、二项式分布、泊松分布、正态 分布、指数分布、卡方分布、学者 t 分布和 F 分布。

12.The Six Sigma Black Belt should know that different techniques are required for analysis depending on whether a given measure (e.g., the mean) is assumed known or estimated from a sample. The Six Sigma Black Belt should choose and properly use the correct technique when provided with data and sufficient information about the data.

六西格玛黑带应了解,根据所给量值(例如,平均值)是假设的,还是按样本估计的, 在分析时需要不同的方法。当提供了数据以及和数据有关的足够信息时,六西格玛黑带应能 选择并正确地使用这种技术。

13.Given a set of subgrouped data, the Six Sigma Black Belt should be able to select and prepare the correct control charts and to determine if a given process is in a state of statistical control.

给出一组分组数据,六西格玛黑带应能选择和作出正确的控制图,并且确定给定的过程 是否处在统计控制状态。

14.Given a stable set of subgrouped data, the Six Sigma Black Belt should be able to perform a complete Process Capability Analysis. This includes computing and interpreting capability indices, estimating the % failures, control limit calculations, etc.

给出一组稳定的分组数据,六西格玛黑带应能完成完整的过程能力分析。包括计算和解 释过程能力指数、估计故障百分率、控制限计算等。

15.Ditto for one way ANOVA, two way ANOVA(with and without replicates),full and fractional factorials, and response surface designs.

给定一组数据,六西格玛黑带应能进行一维方差分析、二维方差分析(有或没有重复), 全部析因,部分析因和响应曲面设计。

16.Given the failure rates for given subsystems, the Six Sigma Black Belt will be able to use reliability apportionment to set MTBF goals.

给出给定子系统的故障率,六西格玛黑带应能利用可靠性分配原则设定平均无故障时间 目标。

17.The Six Sigma Black Belt will be able to compute the reliability of series, parallel, and series-parallel system configurations.


18.The Six Sigma Black Belt will be able to compute the reliability of series, parallel, and series-parallel system configurations.


19.The Six Sigma Black Belt will be able to apply statistical tolerancing to set tolerances for simple assemblies. He will know how to compare statistical tolerances to the so-called “worst-case” tolerancing.

六西格玛黑带应能用统计公差来设定简单装配的公差,他应了解如何比较统计公差与所 谓的最差情况公差。

20.The Six Sigma Black Belt will be aware of the limits of the Six Sigma approach.



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