ShengBTE用迭代法求解声子的完全线性化玻尔兹曼输运方程。这远远超出了广泛使用的弛豫时间近似(relaxation-time  approximation);在“正常”(准动量守恒)三声子过程起相关作用的材料中,这种差异可能很重要。



同位素散射:使用田村公式(Tamura's formula)实现。公式中出现的状态的投影振动密度是用局部自适应展宽算法计算的。



这组变量通常是计算出来的从头算DFT软件包,例如VASP或者Quantum Espresso。在某些情况下,这些程序可以直接计算二阶常数;在其他情况下,需要Phonopy等辅助软件来促进这个过程。而ShengBTE的作者同时开发了软件thirdorder,在三阶计算中扮演类似的角色。


  • 取样q点的声子频率。

  • 声子群速度。

  • 晶格比热。

  • 单位平均自由程的纳米颗粒热导率。

  • 能量守恒允许处理的三声子部分,有时称为三声子相空间。

  • 模式对三声子相空间的贡献。

  • 态的振动密度:总量和投影。

  • 每模式对热导率的贡献。

  • 累积热导率:平均自由程小于阈值的声子对此量的贡献。

  • 散射率:总量、区域贸易协定值、同位素和非谐波贡献。

  • 沿块体任意晶向切割的纳米线的热导率。

  • 总计和模式Grüneisen参数。




  • VMware Workstation Pro -16.0.0-16894299

  • CentOS Linux release 7.9.2009 (Core)

  • Linux version 3.10.0-957.el7.x86_64

  • gcc version :10.2.0

  • icc ifort icpc mpiifort : Intel_parallel_studio_xe_2019

  • python3:Anaconda3-2021.11-Linux-x86_64


spglib-1.9.7                        spglib download |

ShengBTE-1.1.1                sousaw / ShengBTE / Downloads — Bitbucket

thirdorder-1.1.1                sousaw / thirdorder / Downloads — Bitbucket




tar vzxf spglib-1.9.7.tar.gz
cd spglib-1.9.7/
mkdir build && cd build && pwd && cd ../
./configure –prefix=/opt/ShengBTE/spglib-1.9.7/build
make && make install







export FFLAGS=-traceback -debug -O2 -static_intel
export LDFLAGS=/opt/ShengBTE/spglib-1.9.7/build/lib/libsymspg.a
export MPIFC=mpiifort
MKL=$(MKLROOT)/lib/intel64/libmkl_lapack95_lp64.a -Wl,--start-group \
$(MKLROOT)/lib/intel64/libmkl_intel_lp64.a           \
$(MKLROOT)/lib/intel64/libmkl_sequential.a           \
$(MKLROOT)/lib/intel64/libmkl_core.a -Wl,--end-group -lpthread -lm
export LAPACK=$(MKL)
export LIBS=$(LAPACK)





cd Test-QE
#which mpirun
mpirun -np 2 ../ShengBTE




export PATH=/opt/ShengBTE/ShengBTE:$PATH


mpirun -np N ShengBTE |tee  BTE.out



在文件中间提示我们要添加spglib.h文件和spglib的shared library 文件夹路径到这个setup.py文件中,这时我们便根据之前已经安装好的spglib的安装路径补充进去。

其中spglib.h文件在/opt/ShengBTE/spglib-1.9.7/build/include/spglib文件夹内,而shared library文件夹则为上层目录中的lib文件夹,路径为/opt/ShengBTE/spglib-1.9.7/build/lib,完善后的setup.py文件如下。

保存后我们在安装文件夹中执行命令运行 compile.sh进行安装





export PATH=/opt/ShengBTE/thirdorder:$PATH


cubic diamond5.50.0    0.5     0.50.5    0.0     0.50.5    0.5     0.0Si2
Direct-0.125 -0.125 -0.1250.125  0.125  0.130 

然后我们在文件夹中执行如下命令然后我们在文件夹中执行如下命令 sow 4 4 4 -3










# `ShengBTE`: a solver for the Boltzmann transport equation for phonons## Authors:- Wu Li <>
- Jesús Carrete Montaña <>
- Nebil A. Katcho <>
- Natalio Mingo <>## How to download, compile and use `ShengBTE`Development of `ShengBTE` is hosted at [Bitbucket]( The latest version can be downloaded using the "download" link at []( Alternatively, it is possible to clone its [GIT]( repository from the command line with```bash
git clone ShengBTE
```or from one of the many graphical frontends available.To compile the code it is enough to run `make` in the `Src` subdirectory of the distribution, but a suitable `arch.make` must be present in that directory. An example is provided as `arch.make.example`. As a minimum, `$MPIFC` must contain a valid command to compile Fortran 90 code with MPI directives, while the combination of `$LDFLAGS` and `$LIBS` must contain any linker flags required in order to link against an implementation of `LAPACK` and against Atsushi Togo's [spglib]( ShengBTE uses some Fortran 2003 extensions, most notably its new syntax for array initialization, and a recent Fortran compiler is required that supports them; `gfortran` 4.8.2 and `ifort` 12.0.0 are known to work.After compilation succeeds, a `ShengBTE` binary will be created in the root directory of the distribution. This executable takes no command-line options and accepts no input from the terminal. It can be invoked simply as```bash
```for serial mode, but most often it will be run using a command like```bash
mpirun -n 32 ./ShengBTE 2>BTE.err >BTE.out
```often as part of a script to be submitted to a batch system.## Input filesExactly three files are required for a `ShengBTE` run: `CONTROL`, one of `FORCE_CONSTANTS_2ND` or `espresso.ifc2`, and `FORCE_CONSTANTS_3RD`. Their contents are detailed below; for a complete example, the reader is referred to the `Test-VASP` and `Test-QE` subdirectories of the distribution.### The `CONTROL` fileThe contents of this file describe the system to be studied and specify a set of parameters and flags controlling execution. Its format is merely a sequence of four Fortran [namelists](, with a reasonably flexible syntax that should become apparent after looking at the example `Test-*/CONTROL` for zincblence InAs and GaAs. Some parameters and flags are mandatory, whereas others are optional and take a default value when unspecified.- `&allocations` namelist:- `nelements` (integer, mandatory): number of different elements in the compound- `natoms` (integer, mandatory): number of atoms in the unit cell- `ngrid` (integer, 3, mandatory): number of grid planes along each axis in reciprocal space- `norientations` (integer, default=0): number of orientations along which to study nanowires
- `&crystal` namelist:- `lfactor` (real, nm, default=1.0): unit of measurement for lattice vectors- `lattvec` (real, 3 x 3, mandatory): real-space lattice vectors, in units of `lfactor`- `types` (integer, `natoms`, mandatory): a vector of `natom` integers, ranging from 1 to `nelements`, assigning an element to each atom in the system- `elements` (string, `nelements`, mandatory): a vector of element names- `positions` (real, 3 x `natoms`, mandatory): atomic positions in lattice coordinates- `masses` (real, `nelements`, g/mol, default=automatic): atomic masses corresponding to each element. If they are omitted and `autoisotopes` is true and the element names are known, they are computed automatically.- `gfactors` (real, `nelements`, default=automatic): g factors for isotopic scattering associated to each element. If they are omitted and `autoisotopes` is true and the element names are known, they are computed automatically.- `epsilon` (real, 3 x 3, &Epsilon;<sub>0</sub>, default=1): dielectric tensor of the system in the Cartesian basis- `born` (real, 3 x 3 x `natoms`, e, default=0): Born effective charge tensor of each atom in the Cartesian basis- `scell` (integer, 3, mandatory): supercell sizes along each crystal axis used for the 2nd-order force constant calculation- `orientations` (integer, 3 x `norientations`, mandatory unless `norientations`==0): terns of integer indices defining the crystallographic directions along which to study nanowires
- `&parameters` namelist:- `T` (real, K): temperature to be used in the case of single temperature calculation- `T_min`,`T_max`,`T_step` (real, K): the minimum temperature, the maximum temperature and the increment to be used for multiple-temperature calculation. T takes the priority if it is present. - `omega_max` (real, rad/ps, default=1.e100): the max angular frequency up to which the anharmonic scattering properties are calculated for limited purposes. - `scalebroad` (real, default=1.0): scale parameter for Gaussian smearing. The default is theoretically guaranteed to work, but significant speedups can sometimes be achieved by reducing it, with negligible loss of precision.- `rmin` (real, nm, default=5.0): minimum radius of nanowires whose thermal conductivity will be computed- `rmax` (real, nm, default=505.0): maximum radius of nanowires whose thermal conductivity will be computed- `dr` (real, nm, default=100.0): radius increment to be used when simulating nanowires from `rmin` to `rmax`- `maxiter` (integer, default=1000): maximum number of iterations allowed in the BTE convergence process- `nticks` (integer, default=100): number of different values of the mean free path at which to compute the cumulative thermal conductivity- `eps` (real, default=10<sup>-5</sup>): the iterative solver of the BTE will stop when the relative change in the thermal conductivity tensor is less than `eps`. Such change between steps n-1 and n is measured as ||&Kappa;<sub>n</sub>-&Kappa;<sub>n-1</sub>||, where ||&sdot;||  denotes a matrix 2-norm.
- `&flags` namelist:- `nonanalytic` (logical, default=.true.): compute and use the nonanalytic part of the dynamical matrix- `convergence` (logical, default=.true.): if true, iterate the BTE solver until convergence is achieved. If false, compute thermal conductivities in the relaxation time approximation.- `isotopes` (logical, default=.true.): include isotopic scattering in the relaxation times- `autoisotopes` (logical, default=.true.): compute atomic masses and g factors automatically- `nanowires` (logical, default=.false.): study the thermal conductivity of nanowires in addition to that of the bulk- `onlyharmonic` (logical, default=.false.): stop the program after computing the specific heat and small-grain thermal conductivity- `espresso` (logical, default=.false.): read second-order force constants from `espresso.ifc2` (Quantum Espresso format) instead of the default `FORCE_CONSTANTS_2ND` (Phonopy format)### The `FORCE_CONSTANTS_2ND` fileThis file contains the second derivatives of the system's energy with respect to the Cartesian coordinates of the nuclei, _i.e._ the interatomic force constant matrix. Its format is precisely that chosen in [Phonopy]( for the `FORCE_CONSTANTS` file, so that the result of a Phonopy calculation can be used directly. The first line of the file declares the total number of atoms in the supercell, `npairs`, which must be equal to `scell(1)` x `scell(2)` x `scell(3)` x `natoms`, and is followed by `npairs` blocks of four lines each. The first line of each of those blocks contains two integers with the 1-based indices of the atoms forming the pair; the remaining three lines contain the 3 x 3 matrix of second-order interatomic force constants linking those two atoms, in eV/&Aring;<sup>2</sup>.### The `espresso.ifc2` fileThe information contained in this file is equivalent to that in `FORCE_CONSTANTS_2ND`, but the format is different. For details, consult the [Quantum ESPRESSO]( documentation. Please note that although this file's header contains information about lattice vectors, atomic positions, Born effective charges and so forth, it is ignored by `ShengBTE`. It is the user's responsibility to ensure that `espresso.ifc2` and `CONTROL` are compatible.### The `FORCE_CONSTANTS_3RD` fileSimilarly, this file contains the third-order interatomic force constant matrix, but uses a sparse description to save space. All constants are implicitily refered to a central unit cell i taken as the origin of coordinates. The first line again contains a single integer, `nb`, which is followed by `nb` blocks with the following structure:- A blank line
- A 1-based sequential index
- A line with the Cartesian coordinates of the second unit cell in &Aring;
- A line with the Cartesian coordinates of the third unit cell in &Aring;
- A line with the 1-based indices of the three atoms involved, each from 1 to `natoms`
- 27 lines, each of which starts with a tern of integers specifying three Cartesian axes and is completed by a force constant in eV/&Aring;<sup>3</sup>. The last element of the tern changes first.The following is an example of one such block:```10.000  0.000  0.0000.000  0.000  0.0001 1 11 1 1    0.0000000000E+001 1 2    0.0000000000E+001 1 3    0.0000000000E+001 2 1    0.0000000000E+001 2 2    0.0000000000E+001 2 3    0.2346653425E+021 3 1    0.0000000000E+001 3 2    0.2346653425E+021 3 3    0.0000000000E+002 1 1    0.0000000000E+002 1 2    0.0000000000E+002 1 3    0.2346653425E+022 2 1    0.0000000000E+002 2 2    0.0000000000E+002 2 3    0.0000000000E+002 3 1    0.2346653425E+022 3 2    0.0000000000E+002 3 3    0.0000000000E+003 1 1    0.0000000000E+003 1 2    0.2346653425E+023 1 3    0.0000000000E+003 2 1    0.2346653425E+023 2 2    0.0000000000E+003 2 3    0.0000000000E+003 3 1    0.0000000000E+003 3 2    0.0000000000E+003 3 3    0.0000000000E+00
```## Output filesMany files including temperature-dependent directories are created during a successful run of `ShengBTE`. They contain not only the thermal conductivity and related quantities, but also a set of intermediate results that may be useful to diagnose problems. For some quantites, values only for the q points in the irreducible wedge are output, values for the rest can be recovered by looking into the equivilent points in the irreducible wedge.  This section includes a brief description of their contents.- `BTE.ReciprocalLatticeVectors`: three reciprocal lattice basis vectors b1, b2 and b3 in nm-1.
- `BTE.qpoints`: This file gives q points in the irreducible wedge of Brillouin zone (BZ), of which the relative coordinates with respect to the reciprocal lattice vectors are shown in the last 3 columns. The 1st and 2nd columns correspond the indices of those q points numbered in the irreducible wedge and in the whole Brillouin zone, respectively. The 3rd column lists the corresponding degeneracies.
- `BTE.qpoints_full`: this file lists all q points in `ngrid(1)` x `ngrid(2)` x `ngrid(3)` &Gamma;-centered regular grid. The 1st column is a sequentially increasing index, the 2nd column contains the index of the equivalent irreducible q point numbered in the irreducible wedge, and the 3 remaining columns are the relative coordinates with respect to the reciprocal lattice vectors for the q point.
- ``: phonon angular frequencies of those q points in the irreducible wedge, in rad/ps.
- `BTE.v`: group velocities of those modes (q index changes first, and then band index) in the irreducible wedge, in km/s (or nm THz)
- `BTE.v_full`: group velocities of all modes (q index changes first, and then band index)for all points listed in `BTE.qpoints_full`
- `BTE.w_boundary`: boundary scattering rate (in ps<sup>-1</sup> , 2nd column) obtained for a characteristic length L=1 nm and a specularity parameter p=0 vs angular frequency (in rad/ps, 1st column) for those modes (q index changes first, and then band index) in the irreducible wedge.
- `BTE.w_isotopic`: isotopic scattering rate (in ps<sup>-1</sup> , 2nd column) vs angular frequency (in rad/ps, 1st column) for those modes (q index changes first, and then band index) in the irreducible wedge.
- `BTE.dos`: the phonon density of states (2nd column) vs the angular frequencies (1st column, in rad/ps)
- `BTE.pdos`: the phonon density of states projected on each atom in the unit cell (from the 2nd column on) vs the angular frequencies (1st column, in rad/ps)
- `BTE.P3`: volume in phase space available for three-phonon processes, for each irreducible q point and phonon band
- `BTE.P3_total`: sum of all the contributions in `BTE.P3`, total volume in phase space available for three-phonon processes
- `BTE.P3_plus*`, `BTE.P3_minus*`: equivalents of `BTE.P3` and `BTE.P3_total`, but including only contributions from emission (minus) or absorption (plus) processes
- `BTE.gruneisen`: Grüneisen parameter for each irreducible q point and phonon band
- `BTE.cvVsT`: specific heat of the system, in J/\(m<sup>3</sup> K) as a function of T (1st column)
- `BTE.gruneisenVsT_total`: total Grüneisen parameter obtained as a weighted sum of the mode contributions as a function of T (1st column)
- `BTE.KappaTensorVsT_sg`:  thermal conductivity tensor per unit of mean free path in the small-grain limit, in W/(m K nm) as a function of T (1st column).
- `BTE.KappaTensorVsT_RTA`: total thermal conductivity tensor in unit of W/(m K) in the Relaxation Time Approximation (zero-order) as a function of T (1st column).
- `BTE.KappaTensorVsT_CONV`: total CONVerged thermal conductivity tensor in unit of W/(m K) as a function of T (1st column). The last column gives the number of iterations reaching convergence.Under temperature-dependent directories:- ``: specific heat of the system, in J/\(m<sup>3</sup> K)
- `BTE.kappa_sg`: thermal conductivity per unit of mean free path in the small-grain limit, in W/(m K nm)
- `BTE.gruneisen_total`: total Grüneisen parameter obtained as a weighted sum of the mode contributions
- `BTE.WP3`: weighted phase space available for three-phonon processes  (in ps<sup>4</sup>rad<sup>-4</sup> , 2nd column) vs angular frequency (in rad/ps, 1st column) for those modes (q index changes first, and then band index) in the irreducible wedge. See [Phys. Rev. B 91, 144304 (2015)] for definition of weighted phase space.
- `BTE.WP3_plus`: WP3 contributed by phonon absorption processes alone
- `BTE.WP3_minus`: WP3 contributed by phonon emission processes alone
- `BTE.w_anharmonic`: contribution of three-phonon processes to the scattering rate, for each q point and each band, in ps<sup>-1</sup>
- `BTE.w`: total zeroth-order scattering rate for each q point and each band, in ps<sup>-1</sup>
- `BTE.w_final`: total converged scattering rate for each irreducible q point and each band, in ps<sup>-1</sup>
- `BTE.kappa`: tensorial contribution to the thermal conductivity from each band, in W/(m K). The last line contains converged values, the rest show the convergence process.
- `BTE.kappa_tensor`: total thermal conductivity, a 3 x 3 tensor expressed in W/(m K). The last line contains converged values, the rest show the convergence process.
- `BTE.kappa_scalar`: average of diagonal elements of the thermal conductivity tensor, in W/(m K). The last line contains converged values, the rest show the convergence process.
- `BTE.kappa_nw_*`: thermal conductivities of nanowires built along different directions of the bulk material, for different radii. The first column in each file is a diameter, the following 3 x `natoms` contain the contributions of each band and the last column contains the total thermal conductivity. Diameters are expressed in nm and conductivities in W/(m K)
- `BTE.kappa_nw_*_lower`: lower bounds to the thermal conductivities of nanowires built along different directions of the bulk material, for different radii. The first column in each file is a diameter, the following 3 x `natoms` contain the contributions of each band and the last column contains the total thermal conductivity. Diameters are expressed in nm and conductivities in W/(m K). Each lower bound is estimated by using the set of zeroth-order bulk relaxation times.
- `BTE.cumulative_kappa_*`: this set of files is analogous to `BTE.kappa*`, except in that their 1st column specifies a cutoff mean free path (in nm) when calculating the total contribution.
- `BTE.cumulative_kappaVsOmega_tensor`: this is analogous to `BTE.cumulative_kappa_tensor`, except in that the 1st column specifies a cutoff angular frequency (in rad/ps) when calculating the total contribution.


# thirdorder #The purpose of the thirdorder scripts is to help users of [ShengBTE]( and [almaBTE]( create FORCE\_CONSTANTS\_3RD files in an efficient and convenient manner. More specifically, it performs two tasks:1) It resolves an irreducible set of atomic displacements from which to compute the full anharmonic interatomic force constant (IFC) matrix. The displaced supercells are saved to input files that can be fed to first-principles DFT codes for calculating the forces arising from the atomic displacements. Currently supported DFT codes are VASP (, Quantum ESPRESSO ( and CASTEP ( From the output files created by the DFT code, thirdorder reconstructs the full IFC matrix and writes it in the right format to FORCE\_CONSTANTS\_3RD.# Compilation #thirdorder is a set of Python scripts. It was developed using Python 2.7.3, but should work with slightly older versions. In addition to the modules in Python's standard library, the numpy and scipy numerical libraries are required. Moreover, this script relies on a module, thirdorder\_core, which is written in Cython. Thus, in spite of Python being an interpreted language, a compilation step is needed. Note that in addition to the .pyx source we also distribute the intermediate .c file, so Cython itself is not needed. The only requirements are a C compiler, the Python development package and Atsushi Togo's [spglib]( can be as easy as running```bash
```However, if you have installed spglib to a nonstandard directory, you will have to perform some simple editing on so that the compiler can find it. Please refer to the comments in that file.# Usage #After a successful compilation, the directory will contain the compiled module thirdorder\, and DFT-code specific interfaces (e.g. All are needed to run thirdorder. You can either use them from that directory (maybe including it in your PATH for convenience) or copying the .py files to a directory in your PATH and thirdorder\ to any location where Python can find it for importing.# Running thirdorder with VASP #Any invocation of requires a POSCAR file with a description of the unit cell to be present in the current directory. The script uses no other configuration files, and takes exactly five mandatory command-line arguments:```bash sow|reap na nb nc cutoff[nm/-integer]
```The first argument must be either "sow" or "reap", and chooses the operation to be performed (displacement generation or IFC matrix reconstruction). The next three must be positive integers, and specify the dimensions of the supercell to be created. Finally, the "cutoff" parameter decides on a force cutoff distance. Interactions between atoms spaced further than this parameter are neglected. If cutoff is a positive real number, it is interpreted as a distance in nm; on the other hand, if it is a negative integer -n, the maximum distance among n-th neighbors in the supercell is automatically determined and the cutoff distance is set accordingly.The following POSCAR describes the relaxed geometry of the primitive unit cell of InAs, a III-V semiconductor with a zincblende structure:```
InAs6.000000000000000.0000000000000000    0.5026468896190005    0.50264688961900050.5026468896190005    0.0000000000000000    0.50264688961900050.5026468896190005    0.5026468896190005    0.0000000000000000In   As1   1
Direct0.0000000000000000  0.0000000000000000  0.00000000000000000.2500000000000000  0.2500000000000000  0.2500000000000000
```Let us assume that such POSCAR is in the current directory and that is in our PATH. To generate an irreducible set of displacements for a 4x4x4 supercell and up-to-third-neighbor interactions, we run```bash sow 4 4 4 -3
```This creates a file called 3RD.SPOSCAR with the undisplaced supercell coordinates and 144 files with names following the pattern 3RD.POSCAR.*. It is the latter that need to be input to VASP. This step is completely system-dependent, but suppose that in ~/vaspinputs we have the required INCAR, POTCAR and KPOINTS files as well as a script that can be passed to qsub. We can run a command sequence like:```bash
for i in 3RD.POSCAR.*;dos=$(echo $i|cut -d"." -f3) &&d=job-$s &&mkdir $d &&cp $i $d/POSCAR &&cp ~/vaspinputs/INCAR ~/vaspinputs/POTCAR ~/vaspinputs/KPOINTS $d &&cp ~/vaspinputs/ $d &&(cd $d && qsub
```Some time later, after all these jobs have finished successfully, we only need to feed all the vasprun.xml files in the right order to, this time in reap mode:```bash
find job* -name vasprun.xml|sort -n| reap 4 4 4 -3
```If everything goes according to plan, a FORCE\_CONSTANTS\_3RD file will be created at the end of this run. Naturally, it is important to choose the same parameters for the sow and reap steps.# Running thirdorder with Quantum ESPRESSO #The invocation of requires two files:1) an input file of the unit cell with converged structural parameters2) a template input file for the supercell calculations. The template file is a normal QE input file with some wildcardsThe following input file describes the relaxed geometry of the primitive unit cell of GaAs, a III-V semiconductor with a zincblende structure```
&CONTROLcalculation='scf',prefix='gaas',restart_mode='from_scratch',tstress = .true.,tprnfor = .true.,
ATOMIC_SPECIESGa  69.723    Ga.pbe-dnl-kjpaw_psl.1.0.0.UPFAs  74.92160  As.pbe-dn-kjpaw_psl.1.0.0.UPF
ATOMIC_POSITIONS crystalGa 0.00 0.00 0.00As 0.25 0.25 0.25
K_POINTS automatic
11 11 11 0 0 0
CELL_PARAMETERS angstrom0.000000000   2.857507756   2.8575077562.857507756   0.000000000   2.8575077562.857507756   2.857507756   0.000000000
``` supports the following QE input conventions for structural parameters:1) ibrav = 0 together with CELL_PARAMETERS (alat | bohr | angstrom)2) ibrav != 0 together with celldm(1)-celldm(6)For ATOMIC_POSITIONS, all QE units are supported (alat | bohr | angstrom | crystal). Simple algebraic expressions for the positions are supported in similar fashion to QE. Please note that ibrav = 11..14  have not been tested so far with (please report if you run these cases successfully or run into problems). Cases ibrav = -5, -9, -12, -13, and 91 are not currently implemented (but those structures can be defined via ibrav = 0 instead)The following supercell template is used for creating the supercell input files (note the ##WILDCARDS##):```
&CONTROLcalculation='scf',prefix='gaas',tstress = .true.,tprnfor = .true.,outdir = 'tmp_##NUMBER##'
ATOMIC_SPECIESAs  74.92160  As.pbe-dn-kjpaw_psl.1.0.0.UPFGa  69.723    Ga.pbe-dnl-kjpaw_psl.1.0.0.UPF
K_POINTS gamma
```Please note that if Gamma-point k-sampling is used for the supercells, it is computationally much more efficient to apply "K_POINTS gamma" instead of "K_POINTS automatic" with the mesh set to "1 1 1 0 0 0". SCF convergence criterion conv_thr should be set to a tight value and parameters tstress and tprnfor are required so that thirdorder can extract the forces from the output file.Thirdorder uses no other configuration files, and requires seven mandatory command-line arguments to create the supercell inputs with the "sow" operation:```bash sow na nb nc cutoff[nm/-integer]
```Please see the above description for VASP for the explanation of the parameters na, nb, nc, and cutoff. For the present GaAs example, we execute:```bash sow 4 4 4 -3
```The command creates a file called with the undisplaced supercell coordinates and 144 files with names following the pattern The DISP files should be executed with QE. This step is completely system-dependent, but some practical suggestions can be extracted from the VASP example above.After all the jobs have finished successfully, we only need to feed all the output files in the right order to, this time in reap mode (now using only six arguments, the supercell argument is not used here):```bash
find . -name '*out' | sort -n | reap 4 4 4 -3
```If everything goes according to plan, a FORCE_CONSTANTS_3RD file will be created at the end of this run. Naturally, it is important to choose the same parameters for the sow and reap steps.# Running thirdorder with CASTEP #Any invocation of requires a CELL and PARAM file with a description of the unit cell and parameters to be present in the current directory. The script uses no other configuration files, and takes
exactly six mandatory command-line arguments:```bash sow|reap na nb nc cutoff[nm/-integer] <seedname>
```The first argument must be either "sow" or "reap", and chooses the operation to be performed (displacement generation or irreducible force constant (IFC) matrix reconstruction). The next three must be positive integers,
and specify the dimensions of the supercell to be created. The "cutoff" parameter specifies the force cutoff distance in nanometres; interactions between atoms further apart than this parameter are neglected. If cutoff is
a negative integer -n, the cutoff is set automatically to the maximum distance of the n-th nearest neighbours in the supercell, e.g. if it is set to -3, the 3rd nearest-neighbour distances will be computed, and the cutoff set to thelargest value. Finally, <seedname> is the file prefix for CASTEP's input/output files.The following CELL file describes the relaxed geometry of the primitive unit cell of InAs, a III-V semiconductor with a zincblende structure:```
%BLOCK LATTICE_CART0.000000000000000    3.015881337714003    3.0158813377140033.015881337714003    0.000000000000000    3.0158813377140033.015881337714003    3.015881337714003    3.015881337714003
In  0.0000000000000000  0.0000000000000000  0.0000000000000000
As  0.2500000000000000  0.2500000000000000  0.2500000000000000
kpoints_mp_grid 5 5 5
```Let us assume that such a CELL file is in the current directory along with an appropriate PARAM file, and that is in our PATH. To generate an irreducible set of displacements for a 4x4x4 supercell and
up to third-nearest-neighbour interactions, we run:```bash sow 4 4 4 -3 InAs
```This creates an InAs-3RD directory (`<seedname>`-3RD in the general case) with the undisplaced supercell coordinates and 144 subdirectories with names following the pattern job-*, which contain supercells with small perturbations
to the atomic positions. Each job is a separate calculation which needs to be input to CASTEP. This step is completely system-dependent. As an example, on a given system the user could run the jobs in series with a command sequence like:```bash
for i in {000..144}
docd InAs-3RD/job-$iaprun -n ${n} castep.mpi InAscd -echo "job-$i done" >> jobs_done.txt
```It is necessary to complete all jobs in `<seedname>`-3RD directory before proceeding to the REAP step. After the jobs have completed successfully, the output files have to be collated and passed to, this
time in REAP mode. The general syntax is:```bash
find <seedname>-3RD/job* -name <seedname>.castep | sort -n| reap nx ny nz cutoff seedname
```For the InAs example, this would be:```bash
find InAs-3RD/job* -name InAs.castep | sort -n| reap 4 4 4 -3 InAs
```If everything goes well, a FORCE\_CONSTANTS\_3RD file will be created at the end of this run. Naturally, it is important to choose the same parameters (nx, ny, nz, cutoff) for the sow and reap steps. Use this
FORCE\_CONSTANTS\_3RD file along with FORCE\_CONSTANTS\_2ND and CONTROL to perform a ShengBTE run. The [CASTEP2ShengBTE script]( can be useful for generating FORCE\_CONSTANTS\_2ND and CONTROL files from CASTEP calculations.### Limitations of the CASTEP interface:
- Spin-polarised calculations are not supported at the moment. Spin values will not be included in the supercell files.
- The initial <seedname>.cell file MUST be in the following format:Lattice parameter, Cell contents AND THEN everything else.
- Only fractional coordinates are supported. Use only fractional coordinates.### Hints and tips for CASTEP calculations:- Use `write_checkpoint: none` in the `<seedname>`.param file. Otherwise, the process of writing hundreds of checkpoint files to the hard drive will slow down the calculation process.- It is possible to reuse a single checkpoint file for each of the runs. This should save you a couple of hours. For that purpose, generate a checkpoint file from one of the runs and place the file in the root directory where your input files are placed. Then add `reuse : ../../seedname.check` to your `<seedname>`.param file in the root directory and either run once again in SOW mode paste the edited `<seedname>`.param file to all subdirectories or copy and paste it manually.- If you don't want to generate the pseudopotentials at the start of each run, you can add the following block to the end of the <seedname>.cell in the root directory:```
In ../../In_C17_PBE_OTF.usp
As ../../As_C17_PBE_OTF.usp



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