

Error starting ApplicationContext. To display the conditions report re-run your application with ‘debug’ enabled.

Relying upon circular references is discouraged and they are prohibited by default. Update your application to remove the dependency cycle between beans. As a last resort, it may be possible to break the cycle automatically by setting spring.main.allow-circular-references to true.

出现bug的大概意思是:不鼓励依赖循环引用,默认情况下是禁止的,更新您的应用程序以删除bean之间的依赖循环。作为最后的手段,可以通过将 spring.main.allow-circular-references设置为true来自动终端循环。


springboot2.6正式发布:循环依赖默认禁止。如上提供解决方案为将spring.main.allow-circular-references 设置为true,来自动中断循环。






Relying upon circular references is discouraged and they are prohibited by default 循环依赖bug解决相关推荐

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