A little while ago 一种lasdair Rae asked if any one had combined an anagram engine with a list of place names.

好吧,没有人上前,所以我认为这可能是一个有趣的项目。 而且,事实证明,尽管我不仅要考虑数据结构,而且要考虑地理位置,这还是很有趣的,但这对我来说可能是件好事。

我假设Alasdair可能不仅仅对字母的排列感兴趣,而是想要实际的单词(例如在填字游戏线索中使用的单词)。 我也将搜索范围限制在单个单词字谜上,因为看不到找到多个单词解决方案的简单解决方案。


I then set up a GeoTool’s PostG一世S datastore and grabbed the populated places.

Map<String, Object> params = new HashMap<String, Object>();params.put(PostgisNGDataStoreFactory.DBTYPE.key, PostgisNGDataStoreFactory.DBTYPE.sample);params.put(PostgisNGDataStoreFactory.USER.key, "username");params.put(PostgisNGDataStoreFactory.PASSWD.key, "password");params.put(PostgisNGDataStoreFactory.SCHEMA.key, "opennames");params.put(PostgisNGDataStoreFactory.DATABASE.key, "osdata");params.put(PostgisNGDataStoreFactory.HOST.key, "");params.put(PostgisNGDataStoreFactory.PORT.key, "5432");DataStore ds = DataStoreFinder.getDataStore(params);if (ds == null) {throw new RuntimeException("No datastore");}SimpleFeatureSource fs = ds.getFeatureSource("opennames");SimpleFeatureCollection features = fs.getFeatures(CQL.toFilter("type = 'populatedPlace'"));

我尝试了一种幼稚的方法,即从名称中递归地找到每个字谜,然后在一个HashMap of English words. Oddly, this took a long time so I thought (and Googled) some more and came up with the much more efficient way of sorting the letters in a word and using that as a key to all words that contained those letters. Then I could sort each place name’s letters and do a single lookup to find all the possible words that could be made with those letters. That speeded things up nicely.

To build the lookup table I made use of Google’s HashMultimap (fromGuava) which allows you to create a Map ofCollections keyed on a String.

private Map<String, Collection<String>> dict;public AnagramLookup() throws FileNotFoundException, IOException {//change this to point to your dictionary (one word per line)File f = new File("/usr/share/dict/british-english");HashMultimap<String, String> indexedDictionary = HashMultimap.create();try (BufferedReader buf = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(f))) {String line;// read each word in the dictionarywhile ((line = buf.readLine()) != null) {//strip out non lettersString word = line.toLowerCase().replaceAll("\\W", "");//store the word against the sorted keyindexedDictionary.put(sort(word), word);}}dict = indexedDictionary.asMap();}

然后,剩下要做的就是遍历每个人口稠密的地方,抓住它的名字,然后删除所有非字母并对其字母进行排序,然后在HashMap. The final trick is to remove the name itself if it appears in the list of anagrams (i.e. the name itself is an English word).

try (SimpleFeatureIterator itr = features.features()) {while (itr.hasNext()) {SimpleFeature f = itr.next();String name = (String) f.getAttribute("name1");current = name.toLowerCase().replaceAll("\\W", "");Collection<String> anagrams = getAnagrams(current);if(anagrams!=null && !anagrams.isEmpty()) {//remove the name itself if it happens to be a wordanagrams.remove(current);if(!anagrams.isEmpty()) {results.put(name, new TreeSet<String>(anagrams));}}}}



  • Balnadelson - belladonnas
  • Fortis Green - reforesting
  • Gilling East - legislating
  • Green Plains - spenglerian
  • Morningside - modernising
  • Sharrington - harringtons
  • Stone Corner - cornerstone

A Spenglerian is “of or relating to the theory of world history developed by Oswald Spengler which holds that all major cultures undergo similar cyclical developments from birth to maturity to decay”. While aHarrington is “a man’s short lightweight jacket with a collar and a zipped front.”

填字游戏二传手的其他亮点包括Aimes Green(管理人员)和Westlinton(金属丝镇)。

I have posted the full list of anagrams and the code to generate the list.

See this follow up for world names.

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