



(function() {

'use strict';

var socket = new WebSocket('ws://'),


// cross browser requestAnimationFrame loop to handle the animation looping

var rAF = (function() {

return window.requestAnimationFrame ||

window.webkitRequestAnimationFrame ||

window.mozRequestAnimationFrame ||

window.oRequestAnimationFrame ||

window.msRequestAnimationFrame ||

function(callback) {

window.setTimeout(callback, 1000 / 60);



var winWidth, winHeight, maxRadius,

minRadius = 10,

gridCols, gridRows,


tracer = {},

origin = {},

countChangeRate = 5,

gridSize = 7,

particleSize = 2,

canvas, ctx,

avgFPS = 60,

timer = (new Date()).getTime(),

frameBuffer = [60, 60, 60, 60, 60, 60, 60, 60, 60, 60],

FPS = 0,

tick = 1,

fillStyles = [],

friction = 0.97,

initialized = false,

initializing = true;

// ------------------------ //

// #### Particle Class #### //

// ------------------------ //

function Particle() {

var _p = this;

_p.newTracer = true;

_p.x = tracer.x;

_p.y = tracer.y;

_p.fillOffset = 0;

_p.tracer = {

x: tracer.x,

y: tracer.y


// start this particle with velocity

_p.velx = Math.random() * 10 - 5;

_p.vely = Math.random() * 10 - 5;


// Setup a common draw function that will be called

// by all members of the Particle class

Particle.prototype.draw = function() {

var _p = this,

box = {

t: Math.floor(_p.y / gridSize) * gridSize,

l: Math.floor(_p.x / gridSize) * gridSize,

r: Math.ceil(_p.x / gridSize) * gridSize,

b: Math.ceil(_p.y / gridSize) * gridSize


if (Math.abs(_p.velx) + Math.abs(_p.vely) < 1) {

ctx.fillRect(box.l + particleSize, box.t + particleSize, gridSize - particleSize * 2, gridSize - particleSize * 2);

} else if (Math.abs(_p.velx) > Math.abs(_p.vely)) {

if (_p.y - box.b > box.t - _p.y) {

ctx.fillRect(_p.x, box.t, particleSize, particleSize);

} else {

ctx.fillRect(_p.x, box.b, particleSize, particleSize);


} else {

if (_p.x - box.l > box.r - _p.x) {

ctx.fillRect(box.r, _p.y, particleSize, particleSize);

} else {

ctx.fillRect(box.l, _p.y, particleSize, particleSize);



if (_p.newTracer) {

ctx.fillRect(Math.floor(_p.tracer.x / gridSize) * gridSize, Math.floor(_p.tracer.y / gridSize) * gridSize, gridSize, gridSize);

_p.newTracer = false;



Particle.prototype.update = function(tick) {

var _p = this,

_rnd = Math.random(),


_t = _p.tracer,

diffX, diffY,

maxBurst = 10,


diffX = _t.x - _p.x;

diffY = _t.y - _p.y;

if ((Math.abs(_p.velx) < 1 && Math.abs(_p.vely) < 1) && (Math.abs(diffX) < 1 && Math.abs(diffY) < 1)) {

burst = maxBurst * d.d + 2;

_p.velx = Math.random() * burst - (burst / 2);

_p.tracer.x = tracer.x + (d.d * maxRadius + minRadius) * Math.sin(_rnd * (Math.PI * 2));

_p.vely = Math.random() * burst - (burst / 2);

_p.tracer.y = tracer.y + (d.d * maxRadius + minRadius) * Math.cos(_rnd * (Math.PI * 2));

if (!d.c) {

_p.x = origin.x;

_p.y = origin.y;


_p.fillOffset = 100 * d.e;

_p.newTracer = true;

// _p.tracer.y = d.a[1] * winHeight;


_p.velx += diffX / 1000;

_p.vely += diffY / 1000;

// friction

_p.velx *= friction;

_p.vely *= friction;

// We don't want to let the particles leave the

// area, so just change their position when they

// touch the walls of the window

if (_p.x >= winWidth && _p.velx > 0 || _p.x < 0 && _p.velx < 0) {

_p.velx *= -1;


if (_p.y >= winHeight && _p.vely > 0 || _p.y < 0 && _p.vely < 0) {

_p.vely *= -1;


// tick adjust

_p.x += _p.velx * tick;

_p.y += _p.vely * tick;

_vel = Math.abs(_p.velx) + Math.abs(_p.vely);

_p.fillStyle = Math.min(Math.round((_vel / 15) * 99), 99) + (_p.fillOffset);

_p.fillStyle = (_p.fillStyle + 100) % 100;


// ------------------------------ //

// #### Draw the canvas data #### //

// ------------------------------ //

function drawScene() {

var i, len, f, _p;

ctx.fillStyle = 'rgba(20, 20, 20, 80.15)';

ctx.fillRect(0, 0, winWidth, winHeight);

_p = particles[i - 1];

for (len = fillStyles.length, f = 0; f < len; f++) {

// draw each particle

i = particles.length;

ctx.fillStyle = fillStyles[f];

for (; i--;) {

_p = particles[i];

if (_p.fillStyle !== f) {






// check if we are connected

if (socket.readyState != 1) {

ctx.lineWidth = 1;

ctx.fillStyle = "#FFFFFF";

ctx.font = "24px sans-serif";

ctx.fillText("Can't connect to the uncontext server :-(", 100, 100);

ctx.fillText("...please try again later", 150, 140);

} else {

// update the scene



// schedule the next update



// ------------------------------------------------ //

// #### Update the scene, animate all elements #### //

// ------------------------------------------------ //

function update() {

// 1000ms is 1s, divided by the number of ms it took

// us since last update gives us how many times we

// could have performed this frame within 1 second (FPS)

var _timer = (new Date()).getTime();

var _lastFPS = FPS;

var i;

FPS = 1000 / (_timer - timer);



// average the new FPS value with the last one to ease the change rate

avgFPS = frameBuffer.reduce(function(prev, cur) {

return prev + cur;

}, 0) / frameBuffer.length;

timer = _timer;

// tick is how far from the ideal speed we are

// if we are rendering slower, this number will be higher.

// we'll use this to adjust the amount of movement we perform

// on each particle per frame.

tick = 60 / FPS;

i = countChangeRate;

if (avgFPS > 58) {

for (; i--;) {

particles.push(new Particle());


} else if (avgFPS < 55) {

for (; i--;) {




// look at each particle and evaluate how it should move

// next based on it's current valocity and attraction to

// any other particles that are close enough.

for (i = particles.length; i--;) {




// -------------------------------------------- //

// #### Initialize and setup the animation #### //

// -------------------------------------------- //

function init() {

var i;

initializing = true;

// Get a reference to our canvas

canvas = document.getElementById("canvas") || document.createElement("canvas"); = 'canvas';



ctx = canvas.getContext("2d");

// setup init values

particles = [];

for (i = 100; i--;) {

fillStyles[i] = 'hsla(' +

(360 * (i / 99)) + ', ' +

'100%, 60%, 0.4)';


// create all of our particles and push them into our main array to hold.

i = countChangeRate;

for (; i--;) {

particles[i] = new Particle();


if (!initialized) {



initialized = true;


initializing = false;


function sizeCanvas() {

winHeight = window.innerHeight;

winWidth = window.innerWidth;

maxRadius = Math.min(winWidth, winHeight) / 2;

canvas.width = winWidth;

canvas.height = winHeight; = winWidth + 'px'; = winHeight + 'px';


// -------------------------------------------------- //

// #### Set up the event bindings for user input #### //

// -------------------------------------------------- //

function bindEvents() {

// resize canvas when window resizes

window.addEventListener('resize', init, false);


// Initialize the animation

socket.onmessage = function(data) {

var initCode = d == null;

d = JSON.parse(;

tracer.x = d.a[0] * (winWidth - maxRadius) + (maxRadius / 2);

tracer.y = d.a[1] * (winHeight - maxRadius) + (maxRadius / 2);

origin.x = ((d.b[0] + d.e) / 2) * winWidth;

origin.y = ((d.b[1] + d.e) / 2) * winHeight;





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