在我的游戏中有几个我写的课,包括房间,灯,胸部,java,播放器,键和 Map . 这些都已经过测试并且是正确的,所以现在我正在写我的冒险课程,这是该计划的驱动程序 . 我需要将球员的位置设置为[0] [0],我无法弄清楚如何 . 这是我目前在我的房间和冒险课上所拥有的 .

public class Adventure {

Scanner in = new Scanner(System.in);

private Room room;

public Adventure() {

Player player = new Player();

Map map = new Map();



int x = 0;

int y = 0;

map.getRoom(x, y).getDescription();



public class Room {

private String description;

private boolean north;

private boolean south;

private boolean east;

private boolean west;

private boolean isDark;

private Lamp theLamp;

private Key theKey;

private Chest theChest;


* Returns the text description of this room


public String getDescription() {

return description;



* Returns true if the player can go north from this room


public boolean canGoNorth() {

return north;



* Returns true if the player can go south from this room


public boolean canGoSouth() {

return south;



* Returns true if the player can go east from this room


public boolean canGoEast() {

return east;



* Returns true if the player can go west from this room


public boolean canGoWest() {

return west;



* Returns the lamp object in this room.

* If no lamp is present, returns null


public Lamp getLamp() {

return theLamp;



* Sets the lamp variable in this room to null


public void clearLamp() {

theLamp = null;



* Returns the key object in this room.

* If no key is present, returns null


public Key getKey() {

return theKey;



* Sets the key variable in this room to null


public void clearKey() {

theKey = null;



* Returns the chest object in this room.

* If no chest is present, returns null


public Chest getChest() {

return theChest;



* Returns true if there is no light in this room,

* veeeeeeeery dangerous!


public boolean isDark() {

return isDark;



* Hey wassup dawg? I'ma constructor. I make the objects round these parts,

* sometimes without even trying, knowwhatimssayin?

* Yall don't haveta worry 'bout me for this'ere game, but look me up in

* Chapter 6 sometime. Kay?



public Room(String description, boolean north, boolean south, boolean east,

boolean west, boolean isDark, Lamp theLamp, Key theKey,

Chest theChest) {


this.description = description;

this.north = north;

this.south = south;

this.east = east;

this.west = west;

this.isDark = isDark;

this.theLamp = theLamp;

this.theKey = theKey;

this.theChest = theChest;



我必须将房间位置设置为0,0,以便打印出 Map 类中的描述 .


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