我试图让一个用python2编写的琐碎游戏的代码在python3中运行。这是我到目前为止所得到的,但我在这一点上太困惑了。所有的选择题答案都不会显示(只有数字)。在# the start of a state trivia game

import random

# create placeholder lists for 50 items each

state = list(range(50))

capital = list(range(50))

date = list(range(50))

flower = list(range(50))

bird = list(range(50))

# populate the lists

state[0] = "Alabama"

capital[0] = "Montgomery"

date[0] = "December 14, 1819"

flower[0] = "Camellia"

bird[0] = "Yellowhammer"

state[1] = "Alaska"

capital[1] = "Juneau"

date[1] = "January 3, 1959"

flower[1] = "Forget-me-not"

bird[1] = "Willow Ptarmigan"

state[2] = "Arizona"

capital[2] = "Phoenix"

date[2] = "February 14, 1912"

flower[2] = "Suguaro Cactus Blossom"

bird[2] = "Cactus Wren"

state[3] = "Arkansas"

capital[3] = "Little Rock"

date[3] = "June 15, 1836"

flower[3] = "Apple Blossom"

bird[3] = "Mockingbird"

state[4] = "California"

capital[4] = "Sacremento"

date[4] = "September 9, 1850"

flower[4] = "Golden Poppy"

bird[4] = "California Valley Quail"

state[5] = "Colorado"

capital[5] = "Denver"

date[5] = "August 1, 1876"

flower[5] = "Mountain Columbine"

bird[5] = "Lark Bunting"

state[6] = "Connecticut"

capital[6] = "Hartford"

date[6] = "January 9, 1788"

flower[6] = "Mountain Laurel"

bird[6] = "Robin"

state[7] = "Florida"

capital[7] = "Tallahassee"

date[7] = "March 3, 1845"

flower[7] = "Orange Blossom"

bird[7] = "Mockingbird"

state[8] = "Georgia"

capital[8] = "Atlanta"

date[8] = "January 2, 1788"

flower[8] = "Cherokee Rose"

bird[8] = "Brown Thrasher"

state[9] = "Hawaii"

capital[9] = "Honolulu"

date[9] = "August 21, 1959"

flower[9] = "Red Hibiscus"

bird[9] = "Nene (Hawaiian Goose)"

state[10] = "Idaho"

capital[10] = "Boise"

date[10] = "July 3, 1890"

flower[10] = "Syringa"

bird[10] = "Mountain Bluebird"

state[11] = "Illinois"

capital[11] = "Springfield"

date[11] = "December 3, 1818"

flower[11] = "Violet"

bird[11] = "Cardinal"

state[12] = "Indiana"

capital[12] = "Indianapolis"

date[12] = "December 11, 1816"

flower[12] = "Peony"

bird[12] = "Cardinal"

state[13] = "Iowa"

capital[13] = "Des Moines"

date[13] = "December 28, 1846"

flower[13] = "Wild Rose"

bird[13] = "Eastern Goldfinch"

state[14] = "Kansas"

capital[14] = "Topeka"

date[14] = "January 29, 1861"

flower[14] = "Sunflower"

bird[14] = "Western Meadowlark"

state[15] = "Kentucky"

capital[15] = "Frankfort"

date[15] = "June 1, 1792"

flower[15] = "Goldenrod"

bird[15] = "Cardinal"

state[16] = "Louisiana"

capital[16] = "Baton Rouge"

date[16] = "April 30, 1812"

flower[16] = "Magnolia"

bird[16] = "Eastern Brown Pelican"

state[17] = "Maine"

capital[17] = "Augusta"

date[17] = "March 15, 1820"

flower[17] = "Pine Cone & Tassel"

bird[17] = "Chickadee"

state[18] = "Tennessee"

capital[18] = "Nashville"

date[18] = "June 1, 1796"

flower[18] = "Iris"

bird[18] = "Mockingbird"

state[19] = "Maryland"

capital[19] = "Annapolis"

date[19] = "April 28, 1788"

flower[19] = "Black-eyed Susan"

bird[19] = "Baltimore Oriole"

state[20] = "Delaware"

capital[20] = "Dover"

date[20] = "December 7, 1787"

flower[20] = "Peach Blossom"

bird[20] = "Blue Hen Chicken"

state[21] = "Massachusetts"

capital[21] = "Boston"

date[21] = "February 6, 1788"

flower[21] = "Mayflower"

bird[21] = "Chickadee"

state[22] = "Rhode Island"

capital[22] = "Providence"

date[22] = "May 29, 1790"

flower[22] = "Violet"

bird[22] = "Rhode Island Red"

state[23] = "Minnesota"

capital[23] = "St. Paul"

date[23] = "May 11, 1858"

flower[23] = "Lady-slipper"

bird[23] = "Loon"

state[24] = "Mississippi"

capital[24] = "Jackson"

date[24] = "December 10, 1817"

flower[24] = "Magnolia"

bird[24] = "Mockingbird"

state[25] = "Missouri"

capital[25] = "Jefferson City"

date[25] = "August 10, 1821"

flower[25] = "Hawthorn"

bird[25] = "Bluebird"

state[26] = "Michigan"

capital[26] = "Lansing"

date[26] = "January 26, 1837"

flower[26] = "Apple Blossom"

bird[26] = "Robin"

state[27] = "Montana"

capital[27] = "Helena"

date[27] = "November 8, 1889"

flower[27] = "Bitterroot"

bird[27] = "Western Meadowlark"

state[28] = "Nebraska"

capital[28] = "Lincoln"

date[28] = "March 1, 1867"

flower[28] = "Goldenrod"

bird[28] = "Western Meadowlark"

state[29] = "Nevada"

capital[29] = "Carson City"

date[29] = "October 31, 1864"

flower[29] = "Sagebrush"

bird[29] = "Mountain Bluebird"

state[30] = "New Hampshire"

capital[30] = "Concord"

date[30] = "June 21, 1788"

flower[30] = "Purple Lilac"

bird[30] = "Purple Finch"

state[31] = "Vermont"

capital[31] = "Montpelier"

date[31] = "March 4, 1791"

flower[31] = "Red Clover"

bird[31] = "Hermit Thrush"

state[32] = "New Jersey"

capital[32] = "Trenton"

date[32] = "December 18, 1787"

flower[32] = "Violet"

bird[32] = "Eastern Goldfinch"

state[33] = "New Mexico"

capital[33] = "Santa Fe"

date[33] = "January 6, 1912"

flower[33] = "Yucca"

bird[33] = "Road Runner"

state[34] = "New York"

capital[34] = "Albany"

date[34] = "July 26, 1788"

flower[34] = "Rose"

bird[34] = "Bluebird"

state[35] = "North Carolina"

capital[35] = "Raleigh"

date[35] = "November 21, 1789"

flower[35] = "Flowering Dogwood"

bird[35] = "Cardinal"

state[36] = "Wyoming"

capital[36] = "Cheyenne"

date[36] = "July 10, 1890"

flower[36] = "Indian Paintbrush"

bird[36] = "Meadowlark"

state[37] = "North Dakota"

capital[37] = "Bismarck"

date[37] = "November 2, 1889"

flower[37] = "Prairie Rose"

bird[37] = "Meadowlark"

state[38] = "Ohio"

capital[38] = "Columbus"

date[38] = "March 1, 1803"

flower[38] = "Scarlet Carnation"

bird[38] = "Cardinal"

state[39] = "Oklahoma"

capital[39] = "Oklahoma City"

date[39] = "November 16, 1907"

flower[39] = "Mistletoe"

bird[39] = "Scissor-tailed Flycatcher"

state[40] = "Oregon"

capital[40] = "Salem"

date[40] = "February 14, 1859"

flower[40] = "Oregon Grape"

bird[40] = "Western Meadowlark"

state[41] = "Pennsylvania"

capital[41] = "Harrisburg"

date[41] = "December 12, 1787"

flower[41] = "Mountain Laurel"

bird[41] = "Ruffed Grouse"

state[42] = "South Carolina"

capital[42] = "Columbia"

date[42] = "May 23, 1788"

flower[42] = "Yellow Jessamine"

bird[42] = "Carolina Wren"

state[43] = "South Dakota"

capital[43] = "Pierre"

date[43] = "November 2, 1889"

flower[43] = "Pasqueflower"

bird[43] = "Ring-necked Pheasant"

state[44] = "Texas"

capital[44] = "Austin"

date[44] = "December 29, 1845"

flower[44] = "Bluebonnet"

bird[44] = "Mockingbird"

state[45] = "Utah"

capital[45] = "Salt Lake City"

date[45] = "January 4, 1896"

flower[45] = "Sego Lily"

bird[45] = "Sea Gull"

state[46] = "Virginia"

capital[46] = "Richmond"

date[46] = "June 26, 1788"

flower[46] = "Dogwood"

bird[46] = "Cardinal"

state[47] = "Washington"

capital[47] = "Olympia"

date[47] = "November 11, 1889"

flower[47] = "Coast Rhododendron"

bird[47] = "Willow Goldfinch"

state[48] = "West Virginia"

capital[48] = "Charleston"

date[48] = "June 20, 1863"

flower[48] = "Rhododendron"

bird[48] = "Cardinal"

state[49] = "Wisconsin"

capital[49] = "Madison"

date[49] = "May 29, 1848"

flower[49] = "Wood Violet"

bird[49] = "Robin"

def state_flower():

#ask a multiple choice question about the state flower with four possible answers

# pick a list of 4 unique integers from a list of integers 0 to 49

# the first integer will match the state in the question and the

# correct flower, the other 3 will be false choices

pick = random.sample(range(50), 4)

print("The state flower of %s is:" % state[pick[0]])

answer = list(range(4))

for k in range(4):

# a little trick, the correct answer ends with an invisible space

# rstrip() makes sure the flower name itself does not end with a space

if k == 0:

answer[k] = "%s " % flower[pick[k]].rstrip()


answer[k] = "%s" % flower[pick[k]].rstrip()

# randomize the mutiple choice answers, chr(65+n) adds A), B) ...

choice = []

answer = range(4)

n = 0

for k in random.sample(range(4),4):

choice.append("%s) %s" % (chr(65+n), answer[k]))


n += 1

# get the answer and check it

letter = input("Select A, B, C or D: ")

correct_flag = False

for answer in choice:

# the one with the trailing space is correct

if answer.endswith(" "):

correct = answer

# does it contain the selected letter? For instance D)

if letter.upper()+')' in correct:

correct_flag = True

# show the result

if correct_flag == True:

print(correct ,"is correct!")


print("The correct answer is", correct)






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