
Real-time 3D is changing everything, in much deeper ways than most people realize. Forged in gaming, this technology continues to transform the way games are created, operated and monetized. Its impact now also extends to industries of all kinds, from film to automotive.

实时3D正在以比大多数人意识到的更为深刻的方式改变一切。 在游戏中铸就的这项技术将继续改变游戏的创建,运营和货币化方式。 现在,它的影响还扩展到了从电影到汽车的各种行业。

In one of her recent Internet Trends Report presentations, the venture capitalist Mary Meeker observed that “Gaming tools are foundational to the internet services that we use today.” In her talk, she cited numerous examples demonstrating how many aspects of our digital society can be traced back to innovations in the gaming industry.

风险资本家玛丽·米克尔(Mary Meeker)在她最近发表的《互联网趋势报告》中发表的一篇演讲中指出:“游戏工具是我们今天使用的互联网服务的基础。” 在 演讲中 ,她列举了无数示例,这些示例说明了我们数字社会的多少方面可以追溯到游戏行业的创新。

Just as gaming tools have become foundational to everyday internet services, we believe real-time 3D will become foundational to various global industries. Expanding the reach and impact of real-time 3D is rooted in our core belief that the world is a better place with more creators in it. Forged in gaming, this technology is now transforming multiple sectors, including media and entertainment; architecture, engineering, and construction (AEC); and automotive, transportation, and manufacturing.

正如游戏工具已成为日常互联网服务的基础一样,我们相信实时3D将成为全球各种行业的基础。 扩大实时3D的影响力和影响力是基于我们的核心信念,即世界是一个拥有更多创作者的美好世界。 在游戏中铸就的这项技术现在正在改变多个领域,包括 媒体和娱乐 。 建筑,工程与建设(AEC) ; 以及 汽车,运输和制造业 。

The automotive industry is at the forefront of reshaping the world with the power of real-time 3D. Beyond photorealistic renderings or anecdotal AR and VR use cases, this industry has embraced real-time 3D to redefine the entire automotive product lifecycle and customer experience.

汽车行业处于通过实时3D力量重塑世界的最前沿。 除了逼真的渲染或轶事的AR和VR用例,该行业还采用了实时3D来重新定义整个汽车产品生命周期和客户体验。

Our latest whitepaper, “Top 5 ways real-time 3D is revolutionizing the automotive product lifecycle,” covers how Audi, Cadillac, Lexus, Volkswagen, and others are leveraging real-time 3D to reduce costs, accelerate development and deliver superior customer experiences.


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实时3D对整个汽车生命周期的影响 (The impact of real-time 3D across the automotive lifecycle)

Here are the five key areas where Unity’s automotive customers are implementing real-time 3D in their operations and reaping the benefits.


1.设计可视化 (1. Design visualization)

Real-time 3D is creating a paradigm shift in the way vehicles are designed, developed, and tested, accelerating time to market and drastically cutting down on the inefficiencies and costs associated with traditional methods. By replacing physical models and prototypes with virtual renderings, red flags can be identified much sooner, while eliminating the need to test multiple, costly iterations. One major auto OEM estimated that real-time 3D could save $5 million developing a new vehicle.

实时3D正在设计,开发和测试车辆的方式上发生范式转变,从而加快了产品上市时间,并大幅度降低了传统方法带来的效率低下和成本降低的问题。 通过用虚拟渲染替换物理模型和原型,可以更快地识别危险信号,同时无需测试多个昂贵的迭代。 一家主要的汽车OEM估计,实时3D开发新车可节省500万美元。

Real-time 3D in action: Audi engineers work together in a virtual environment made with Unity to drive faster decision-making.

实时3D行动: 奥迪工程师在由Unity构成的虚拟环境中协同工作,以加快决策速度。


2.自动驾驶汽车的仿真 (2. Simulation for autonomous vehicles)

The autonomous vehicle (AV) revolution is imminent. Real-time 3D can train machine learning algorithms of AVs for unexpected scenarios that would be extremely difficult to simulate in the real world. These include trees falling on the street, car accidents, extreme weather conditions, pedestrians or animals running across the street, and more. These simulations not only provide an entirely safe, risk-free testing ground but can be done for a fraction of the cost.

自动驾驶汽车(AV)的革命迫在眉睫。 实时3D可以针对意外情况训练AV的机器学习算法,这种情况在现实世界中很难模拟。 其中包括落在街上的树木,交通事故,极端天气情况,行人或穿过马路的动物等等。 这些模拟不仅提供了一个完全安全,无风险的测试环境,而且只需花费一小部分成本即可完成。

Real-time 3D in action: Check out how Volvo, in collaboration with Varjo and Unity, exposes drivers to active safety scenarios in mixed reality.

实时3D实战: 了解沃尔沃与Varjo和Unity的合作如何使驾驶员在混合现实中处于主动安全场景。


3.人机界面(HMI) (3. Human-machine interface (HMI))

Real-time 3D is redefining the in-car experience for the vehicles of the future. As we accelerate into the era of AVs, drivers will become passengers, and vehicles will become hubs of media and entertainment. The HMI experience will be at the forefront, with significant implications for design, production, sales and marketing, service, and owner retention.Real-time 3D in action: At a recent CES, Byton debuted the K-Byte Concept car featuring a 49-inch (125 cm) curved shared-experience display – a head-up display (HUD)/HMI that was built in Unity.

实时3D正在重新定义未来车辆的车内体验。 随着我们进入自动驾驶汽车时代,驾驶员将成为乘客,车辆将成为媒体和娱乐的枢纽。 HMI经验将是最前沿的,对设计,生产,销售和市场营销,服务以及所有者保留都将产生重大影响。 实时3D 实战 在最近的CES上,Byton推出了K-Byte Concept汽车,该汽车具有49英寸(125厘米)弯曲的共享体验显示器–内置于Unity中的平视显示器(HUD)/ HMI 。


4.培训与指导 (4. Training and guidance )

From the manufacturing floor to the sales floor, having knowledgeable, well-trained workers are essential to the success of every automotive manufacturer. Traditional manual-based or instructor-led training is not only extremely time-consuming, but is often expensive when travel costs, language translation, and machinery downtime is factored in. Real-time 3D addresses many of these problems across multiple scenarios, providing interactive, immersive experiences that shrink the learning curve, increase retention, and maximize productivity.

从制造车间到销售车间,拥有知识渊博,训练有素的工人对于每个汽车制造商的成功至关重要。 传统的基于手动或教师指导的培训不仅非常耗时,而且在考虑到差旅费,语言翻译和机器停机时间后通常会很昂贵。实时3D解决了多种情况下的许多此类问题,提供了交互式,沉浸式体验,可缩短学习曲线,增加保留率并最大程度地提高生产力。

Real-time 3D in action: Learn how VW drives real-time collaboration and training across its 120 global production sites.

实时3D 实战 了解大众如何在其120个全球生产站点中推动实时协作和培训。


5.销售与营销 (5. Sales and marketing)

Attracting prospective buyers today requires content that is more engaging than a gallery of photos, a list of features and benefits, and a comparison tool for trim levels and pricing. Manufacturers must provide high-fidelity, interactive experiences on every device, as well as at the dealership. Product configurators provide one such experience, delivering valuable insights into what buyers want and empowering manufacturers to adjust production accordingly.

如今,吸引潜在买家所需要的内容比照片库更吸引人,功能和优点的清单以及装饰水平和价格的比较工具。 制造商必须在每台设备以及经销商处提供高保真,交互式的体验。 产品配置人员提供了这样的一种体验,可以为购买者提供有价值的见解,并授权制造商相应地调整生产。

Real-time 3D in action: See how Cadillac created an inspiring sales experience with a virtual showroom in VR.

实时3D效果: 了解凯迪拉克如何通过VR虚拟展示厅创造令人鼓舞的销售体验。


阅读白皮书 (Read the whitepaper)

Take a deeper dive into each of these use cases in our whitepaper. Visit the Unity for automotive page to learn why the top 10 auto manufacturers trust Unity’s real-time 3D platform.

在我们的白皮书中深入研究这些用例。 访问 Unity for Automotive页面, 以了解为什么十大汽车制造商信任Unity的实时3D平台。

Download Now


翻译自: https://blogs.unity3d.com/2019/06/19/how-real-time-3d-is-changing-every-industry/



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