Chinese lunar calendar 农历,阴历
The 24 solar terms:二十四节气
Frost's Descent 霜降
Frost's Descent, the 18th solar term of the year, begins this year on Oct 23 and ends on Nov 6.

Recommended fruit during Frost's Descent:
Eating persimmons during Frost's Descent can help people resist the cold and protect their bones.
The apple is one kind of recommended fruit during Frost's Descent. Apples can moisten the lungs, quench one's thirst and help one's digestion.
The pear is another recommended fruit during Frost's Descent, which can promote the secretion of body liquids, clear away heat and reduce sputum.
It's a custom to eat duck on the first day of Frost's Descent in south Fujian province.
Eating chestnuts during Frost's Descent is beneficial for one's health. Chestnuts have a warm nature and sweet flavor, and are good for nourishing the spleen and stomach, invigorating the circulation of blood, relieving coughs and reducing sputum.
The date is one of the fruits on the market during Frost's Descent. Nutritious with a great number of vitamins, dates can nourish the blood, decrease blood pressure, and improve one's immunity.

persimmon 柿子
chestnut 栗子
date 枣


立春 the Beginning of Spring ; 
雨水 Rain Water ; 
惊蛰 the Waking of Insects ; 
春分 the Spring Equinox ; 
清明 Pure Brightness ; 
谷雨 Grain Rain ; 
立夏 the Beginning of Summer ; 
小满 Grain Full ; 
芒种 Grain in Ear ; 
夏至 the Summer Solstice ; 
小暑 Slight Heat ; 
大暑 Great Heat ; 
立秋 the Beginning of Autumn ; 
处暑the Limit of Heat ; 
白露 White Dew ; 
秋分 the Autumnal Equinox ; 
寒露 Cold Dew ; 
霜降 Frost's Descent ; 
立冬 the Beginning of Winter ; 
小雪 Slight Snow ; 
大雪 Great Snow ; 
冬至 the Winter Solstice ; 
小寒 Slight Cold ; 
大寒 Great Cold。


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