
by Alex Vervloet

由Alex Vervloet

亲爱的React:感谢信 (Dear React: A thank you letter)

Dear React,


I’m writing you this letter to express my gratitude for all that you have done for me. Without you, I would never have learned JavaScript as well as I have, in such a short amount of time. I would never have built my first full scale Web App. I would never have created a mobile app without learning a Native language. I would never have gotten my first job in the software industry.

我写这封信是为了感谢您为我所做的一切。 没有你,我将在这么短的时间内学到JavaScript。 我永远都不会构建我的第一个全面Web应用程序。 如果不学习母语,我永远不会创建一个移动应用程序。 我永远不会在软件行业找到第一份工作。

I was another beginner Web Dev hopeful. I had dreams of creating grandiose websites, with tons of features and functionality. I was innocent and naive, not knowing just how many different moving parts were involved in professional Web Development.

我是另一个希望Web开发的初学者。 我曾梦想创建具有众多功能的宏伟网站。 我是天真的和幼稚的,不知道专业Web开发涉及多少不同的运动部件。

You were my mentor, leading me by the hand, showing me the way with component structures, state management, lifecycle methods, and JSX. You didn’t try to confuse me with Observables, Directives, Services, Templates, and two-way data-binding. You told me to just stick to the basics, writing pure JavaScript, and then you would handle the rest.

您是我的指导者,亲自带领我,向我展示了组件结构,状态管理,生命周期方法和JSX的方法。 您没有试图将我与Observables,Directives,Services,Templates和双向数据绑定相混淆。 您告诉我只要坚持基础知识,编写纯JavaScript,然后再处理其余的工作。

You taught me to break down problems into small parts, building a tree-like structure that could easily be traversed. When it got too difficult to traverse, you gave me Redux, allowing me to abstract my logic and data away from the view layer, making it accessible for all. You also encouraged Functional Programming with pure actions and reducers.

您教我如何将问题分解为小部分,构建一个易于遍历的树状结构。 当遍历太困难时,您给了我Redux,使我可以将逻辑和数据从视图层中抽象出来,使所有人都可以访问。 您还鼓励纯函数和化简器进行函数式编程。

You taught me concepts from Object Oriented Programming with Class Components. You taught me Abstraction with state. You taught me Encapsulation with parent components. You taught me an alternative version of Inheritance with props. You taught me Polymorphism with Lifecycle methods. But you also taught me that functions can be just as good with Functional Components.

您从《使用类组件进行面向对象的编程》中教了我一些概念。 您教我状态抽象。 您教我封装父组件。 您教我带道具的继承的替代版本。 您通过生命周期方法教了我多态性。 但是您也教我,功能组件可以和功能组件一样好。

Your Virtual DOM let me just write HTML, but also allowed me to add logic with ease, picking and choosing what I wanted to display and when. I didn’t have to write special templated loops or if statements. I didn’t have to change my HTML to make you happy (except for classes, of course, but I’ll forgive you for that one).

您的虚拟DOM允许我只编写HTML,但是还允许我轻松添加逻辑,选择和选择要显示的内容以及何时显示。 我不必编写特殊的模板化循环或if语句。 我不必更改HTML即可让您满意(当然,除了类,但我会原谅您的要求)。

You played nice with RESTful APIs, and even offered me a great way to interact with them through GraphQL. You made asynchronous calls a breeze thanks to componentDidMount, as long as I didn’t forget my conditional rendering.

您使用RESTful API玩得很好,甚至为我提供了一种通过GraphQL与之交互的好方法。 只要我不忘记我的条件渲染,就可以轻松地进行异步调用,这要归功于componentDidMount。

When I made a mistake, you made sure I knew. You kept me honest with my maps, making sure I gave keys to all elements. You protected me from messing up my code and rendering too often. If you yelled at me, it was for a good reason — and I could almost always figure out why.

当我犯错时,您确定我知道。 您对我的地图保持诚实,确保我为所有元素提供了键。 您可以保护我免于弄乱我的代码和过于频繁地渲染。 如果您对我大吼大叫,那是有充分原因的-我几乎总能弄清楚为什么。

Thank you, React, for being you. You’re not a framework, but you’re not just another library. You are so much more than that. I owe my successes to you, and I can’t ever repay you for it (or maybe I can someday, by giving back).

谢谢React,成为您。 您不是框架,但您不仅仅是另一个库。 你远远不止于此。 我将我的成功归功于您,而我永远也无法为此付出回报(或者也许有一天,我可以通过回馈)。

I can’t wait to see how you grow, and what you become in the future. You were created by community-minded people, for a community-minded purpose. This is what truly sets you apart from others. Even your little brother React Native is doing so well because of this community.

我迫不及待地想看看您的成长以及未来的发展。 您是由具有社区意识的人出于社区目的而创建的。 这才是真正使您与众不同的地方。 由于这个社区,即使您的弟弟React Native也做得很好。

And finally, thank you for giving so much inspiration to spread your message. You’ve inspired great groups like freeCodeCamp, Udacity, and Codeacademy. You’ve touched great people too, like Stephen Grider, Andrew Mead, Maximilian Schwarzmüller, Tyler McGinnis, Michael Jackson, Ryan Florence, Azat Mardan, Nader Dabit, and many others whom you galvanized into making my journey easier.

最后,感谢您给予了很多启发来传播您的信息。 您启发了诸如freeCodeCamp,Udacity和Codeacademy之类的优秀团体。 您也感动了很多人,例如Stephen Grider,Andrew Mead,MaximilianSchwarzmüller,Tyler McGinnis,Michael Jackson,Ryan Florence,Azat Mardan,Nader Dabit,以及许多吸引您的人们,他们使我的旅程变得更加轻松。

For all that you have been and shall continue to be…


My sincerest thanks.


Alex Vervloet





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