Elliptic Curve Cryptography: 轻轻的学

  • Elliptic curves
  • Algebraic addition
  • Scalar multiplication
  • Multiplicative inverse modulo ppp
  • Elliptic curves in Fp\mathbb{F}_pFp​, the field of integers modulo ppp
  • Discrete logarithm
  • ECC domain parameters

Elliptic curves

Elliptic curves over real numbers and the group law .

An elliptic curve will simply be the set of points described by the equation:
y2=x3+ax+by^2 = x^3+ax+b y2=x3+ax+b
where 4a3+27b2≠04a^3+27b^2 \neq 04a3+27b2​=0

Algebraic addition

Given two non-zero, non-symmetric points P=(x1,y1)P = (x_1, y_1)P=(x1​,y1​) and Q=(x2,y2)Q = (x_2, y_2)Q=(x2​,y2​). The line through them has slope
m=y1−y2x1−x2m = \frac{y_1-y_2}{x_1-x_2} m=x1​−x2​y1​−y2​​
The intersection of this line with the elliptic curve is point R=(xR,yR)R = (x_R, y_R)R=(xR​,yR​) where
xR=m2−x1−x2yR=y1+m(xR−x1)=y2+m(xR−x2)x_R = m^2-x_1-x_2 \\ y_R = y_1 + m(x_R-x_1) = y_2 + m(x_R-x_2) xR​=m2−x1​−x2​yR​=y1​+m(xR​−x1​)=y2​+m(xR​−x2​)
such that
P+Q+R=0P+ Q + R = 0P+Q+R=0 or P+Q=−RP + Q = -RP+Q=−R.

The case of P=QP=QP=Q needs to be treated differently since x1=x2x_1=x_2x1​=x2​, we must use a different equation for the slope
m=3x12+a2y1m = \frac{3x_1^2+a}{2y_1} m=2y1​3x12​+a​

Scalar multiplication

The double and add algorithm:

def bits(n):"""Generates the binary digits of n, startingfrom the least significant bit.bits(151) -> 1, 1, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1"""while n:yield n & 1n >>= 1def double_and_add(n, x):"""Returns the result of n * x, computed usingthe double and add algorithm."""result = 0addend = xfor bit in bits(n):if bit == 1:result += addendaddend *= 2return result

Multiplicative inverse modulo ppp

Computing the multiplicative inverse can be “easily” done with the extended Euclidean algorithm. Here is a working Python implementation:

def extended_euclidean_algorithm(a, b):"""Returns a three-tuple (gcd, x, y) such thata * x + b * y == gcd, where gcd is the greatestcommon divisor of a and b.This function implements the extended Euclideanalgorithm and runs in O(log b) in the worst case."""s, old_s = 0, 1t, old_t = 1, 0r, old_r = b, awhile r != 0:quotient = old_r // rold_r, r = r, old_r - quotient * rold_s, s = s, old_s - quotient * sold_t, t = t, old_t - quotient * treturn old_r, old_s, old_tdef inverse_of(n, p):"""Returns the multiplicative inverse ofn modulo p.This function returns an integer m such that(n * m) % p == 1."""gcd, x, y = extended_euclidean_algorithm(n, p)assert (n * x + p * y) % p == gcdif gcd != 1:# Either n is 0, or p is not a prime number.raise ValueError('{} has no multiplicative inverse ''modulo {}'.format(n, p))else:return x % p

Elliptic curves in Fp\mathbb{F}_pFp​, the field of integers modulo ppp

Restrict elliptic curves over Fp\mathbb{F}_pFp​. An elliptic curve defined over a finite field has a finite number of points. The number of points in a group is called the order of the group.

Lagrange’s theorem states that the order of a subgroup is a divisor of the order of the parent group.

For ECC algorithms, we want subgroups with a high order. We will first choose an order that looks high enough, and then hunt for a suitable base point.

Discrete logarithm

The problem, known as the discrete logarithm problem for elliptic curves, is believed to be a “hard” problem, in that there is no known polynomial time algorithm that can run on a classical computer.

If we know PPP and QQQ, what is kkk such that Q=kPQ = kPQ=kP?

Scalar multiplication remains “easy”, while the discrete logarithm becomes a “hard” problem. This duality is the key brick of elliptic curve cryptography.

ECC domain parameters

Elliptic curve algorithms will work in a cyclic subgroup of an elliptic curve over a finite field. Therefore, will need the following parameters:

  • The prime ppp that specifies the size of the finite field
  • The coefficients aaa and bbb of the elliptic curve equation
  • The base point GGG that generates our subgroup
  • The order nnn of the subgroup
  • The cofactor hhh of the subgroup
  1. The private key is a random integer ddd chosen from {1,...,n−1}\{1,...,n-1\}{1,...,n−1}
  2. The public key is the point H=dGH = dGH=dG

If we know HHH and GGG, finding the private key ddd is “hard”, because it requires us to solve the discrete logarithm problem.

Encryption with ECDH (Elliptic curve Diffie-Hellman), digital signing with ECDSA (Elliptic Curve Digital Signature Algorithm)

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