1、Cube+ (2019)
The Cube+ dataset is an extension of the Cube dataset proposed earlier by Nikola Banic and Sven Loncaric. This data set contains images that are recorded in parts of Croatia, Slovenia, and Austria during various seasons. For more information, please refer to the corresponding project-site.

2、ColorChecker RECommended (2018)
Below we explain how we re-processed the Gehler data to address the problem raised in G. D. Finlayson, G. Hemrit, A. Gijsenij, and P. Gehler, “A Curious Problem with Using the Colour Checker Dataset for Illuminant Estimation,” in Color and Imaging Conference, 2017, pp. 64–69.

If you use the data described below then please cite G. Hemrit et al., “Rehabilitating the ColorChecker Dataset for Illuminant Estimation,” in Color and Imaging Conference, 2018.

The ColorChecker set was introduced by Gehler et al. in 2008. It has 568 RGB images taken with Canon 1D and Canon 5D cameras. Hemrit et al. re-processed the original RAW images and re-calculated the ground-truth according to the calculation methodology described by Shi and Funt: the RAW images are converted to TIF with dcraw (a program for decoding raw image format files). The images are then demosaiced (with a linear interpolation) to create TIFF images. The color charts areas and the saturated and clipped pixels are identified in the images and the user needs to consider masking them using the provided masks (see the link below) before using the images for illuminant estimation.

Follow these links to download(下载地址): the re-processed images and the ground-truth and coordinates of the color charts.


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