
在澳门的娱乐场里面,21点的规则如下,庄家先给每位玩家发一张牌以及给自己发一张牌,然后庄家继续给玩家发一张牌。这时玩家手里有两张牌,庄家只有一张牌。玩家需要根据自己的牌以及庄家的牌来作出决策,是继续要牌,还是停牌,如果两张牌一致还可以选择分牌。庄家根据玩家的决策来进行相应的操作,并且计算点数,如果玩家的牌超过21点则算玩家负。等所有玩家的操作都完成后,庄家再继续给自己派牌,如果庄家的牌不包含A并且点数不超过16点(也称之为硬16点),庄家需要继续补牌,如果含A并且点数不超过17点(软17点),庄家也需要补牌。最后比较庄家和玩家的牌的大小来决定胜负。除此之外还有一些特殊的规则,例如玩家在刚开始拿到2张牌的时候,可以选择加倍,这是只能再拿一张牌,如果赢了则拿到双倍的筹码。当玩家刚开始拿到的2张牌是A和10, J, Q, K的任何一张时,叫做Black Jack,如果庄家的牌不是A,10,J,Q,K时,需要立即赔付玩家1.5倍的筹码,如果庄家的牌是A,10,J,Q,K,玩家可以选择先赢1倍的筹码并离场,或者等待庄家开牌之后,如果庄家不是Black Jack则赢1.5倍的筹码,或者庄家是Black Jack则打平。另外当庄家第一张牌是除A之外的其他牌时,玩家可以选择投降拿回一半的筹码。



class Dealer:flag_ace = Falsefirstcard = 0cards = []def __init__(self, card):if card>10:card=10self.firstcard = carddef getcard(self):card = randint(1,13)if card>10:card=10if card==1:self.flag_ace = Trueself.cards.append(card)def calculatescore(self):score = np.sum(np.array(self.cards))if self.flag_ace:if score<=11:score += 10    #This means one ace can be treat as 11 not 1return scoredef play(self):self.cards = [self.firstcard]if self.firstcard==1:self.flag_ace = Trueelse:self.flag_ace = Falsewhile True:self.getcard()score = self.calculatescore()if self.flag_ace and score>17:breakif self.flag_ace==False and score>16:breakreturn score


class Player:cards = []flag_ace = Falsedef __init__(self, card1, card2):self.cards = [card1, card2]if card1==1 or card2==1:self.flag_ace = Truedef hit(self):card = randint(1,13)if card>10:card=10if card==1:self.flag_ace = Trueself.cards.append(card)def calculatescore(self):score = np.sum(np.array(self.cards))if self.flag_ace:if score<=11:score += 10    #This means one ace can be treat as 11 not 1return score



from random import randint
import numpy as np
policy = {}
policy['21'] = []
policy['A,10'] = []
for i in range(10):policy['21'].append('S')policy['A,10'].append('S')
for card1 in range(10, 1, -1):for card2 in range(10, 0, -1):if card2==1:key = 'A,'+str(card1)else:key = str(card1+card2)if key in policy:continueelse:policy[key] = []for dealercard in range(1, 11):player1_money=10000player2_money=10000player3_money=10000bet = 100games = 100000player1_policy = 'S'player2_policy = 'D'  player3_policy = 'H'for i in range(games):#p = Player(player_card1,player_card2)p = Player(card1, card2)d = Dealer(dealercard)score1 = p.calculatescore()   #For player1, standp.hit()score2 = p.calculatescore() score3 = p.calculatescore()   #For player2 double, player3 hitwhile True:if score3>=20:breakif p.flag_ace:cardsum = np.sum(np.array(p.cards))if cardsum-1<11:k = 'A,'+str(cardsum-1)else:k = str(score3)else:k = str(score3)if policy[k][dealercard-1]=='S' or policy[k][dealercard-1]=='D/S':breakelse:p.hit()score3 = p.calculatescore()dealerscore = d.play()if score2>21:if dealerscore>21:player1_money += betelse:if score1>dealerscore:player1_money += betif score1<dealerscore:player1_money -= betplayer2_money -= 2*betplayer3_money -= betelse:if score3>21:player3_money -= betif dealerscore>21:player1_money += betplayer2_money += 2*betelse:if score1>dealerscore:player1_money += betif score1<dealerscore:player1_money -= betif score2>dealerscore:player2_money += 2*betif score2<dealerscore:player2_money -= 2*betif dealerscore==21 and d.flag_ace==True and len(d.cards)==2:if score2==21:player2_money -= 2*betelse:    #score1<=21, score2<=21, score3<=21if dealerscore>21:player1_money += betplayer2_money += 2*betplayer3_money += betelse:if score1>dealerscore:player1_money += betif score1<dealerscore:player1_money -= betif score2>dealerscore:player2_money += 2*betif score2<dealerscore:player2_money -= 2*betif score3>dealerscore:player3_money += betif score3<dealerscore:player3_money -= betif dealerscore==21 and d.flag_ace==True and len(d.cards)==2:if score2==21:player2_money -= 2*betif score3==21:player3_money -= betdel d,pmax_money = max(player1_money, player2_money, player3_money)if max_money==player1_money:policy[key].append('S')if max_money==player2_money: if player1_money>player3_money:policy[key].append('D/S')else:policy[key].append('D')if max_money==player3_money:policy[key].append('H')

保存这个出牌策略到CSV文件,然后用pandas dataframe来展现:

keys = sorted(policy.keys())
sorted_keys = keys[12:18]
with open('policy.csv', 'w') as f:policy_result = 'Player;2;3;4;5;6;7;8;9;10;A\n'for key in sorted_keys:policy_result += key+';'+';'.join(policy[key][1:])+';'+policy[key][0]+'\n'f.write(policy_result)
df_policy = pd.read_csv('policy.csv', header=0, index_col=0, sep=';')


Player 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 A
4 H H H H H H H H H H
5 H H H H H H H H H H
6 H H H H H H H H H H
7 H H H H H H H H H H
8 H H H H D H H H H H
9 H D D D D H H H H H
10 D D D D D D D D H H
11 D D D D D D D D H H
12 H S S S S H H H H H
13 S S S S S H H H H H
14 S S S S S H H H H H
15 S S S S S H H H H S
16 S S S S S H H H S S
17 S S S S S S S S S S
18 S S S S S S S S S S
19 S S S S S S S S S S
20 S S S S S S S S S S
21 S S S S S S S S S S
A,2 H H H D D H H H H H
A,3 H H H D D H H H H H
A,4 H H D D D H H H H H
A,5 H D D D D H H H H H
A,6 D D D D D H H H H H
A,7 D/S D/S D/S D/S D S     S     H     H     H    
A,8 S S S S D/S S S S S S
A,9 S S S S S S S S S S
A,10 S S S S S S S S S S



split_result = {}
for i in trange(2,10):split_result[str(i)+","+str(i)]=[]for c in trange(1, 11):   #Dealer card 2-10, Alose_counts = 0win_counts = 0draw_counts = 0split_gain = 0nonsplit_gain = 0for j in range(steps):for k in range(3):     #k-0,1, Split card, k-2, not splitd = Dealer(c)while True:secondcard = randint(1,13)if secondcard>10:secondcard = 10if secondcard!=i:breakif k==2:secondcard = ip = Player(i, secondcard)hit_count = 0player_lose = Falsedoublescaler = 1while True:score = p.calculatescore()if score>18 and score<=21:breakif score>21:player_lose = Truebreakif p.flag_ace:cardsum = np.sum(np.array(p.cards))if cardsum-1<11:key = 'A,'+str(cardsum-1)else:key = str(score)else:key = str(score)action = policy[key][c-1]if hit_count==0: if action=='D' or action=='D/S':doublescaler = 2if (hit_count==0 and action=='D/S') or action=='D' or action=='H':p.hit()hit_count += 1else:score = p.calculatescore()if score>21:lose_counts += 1*doublescalerif k<2:split_gain -= 1*doublescalerelse:nonsplit_gain -= 1*doublescalerplayer_lose = Truebreakelse:player_lose = Falsebreakif player_lose==False:dealerscore = d.play()if dealerscore>21:win_counts += 1*doublescalerif k<2:split_gain += 1*doublescalerelse:nonsplit_gain += 1*doublescalerelse:if score<dealerscore:lose_counts += 1*doublescalerif k<2:split_gain -= 1*doublescalerelse:nonsplit_gain -= 1*doublescalerelif score>dealerscore:win_counts += 1*doublescalerif k<2:split_gain += 1*doublescalerelse:nonsplit_gain += 1*doublescalerelse:draw_counts += 1else:if k<2:split_gain -= 1*doublescalerelse:nonsplit_gain -= 1*doublescalerdel d, psplit_result[str(i)+","+str(i)].append([split_gain,nonsplit_gain])   split_policy = {}
for key in split_result:split_policy[key] = []for i in range(10):if split_result[key][i][0]<split_result[key][i][1]:policykey = str(int(key.split(',')[0])*2)split_policy[key].append(policy[policykey][i])else:split_policy[key].append('P')split_policy_result = 'Player;2;3;4;5;6;7;8;9;10;A\n'
for key in split_policy:split_policy_result += key+';'+';'.join(split_policy[key][1:])+';'+split_policy[key][0]+'\n'
with open('split_policy.csv', 'w') as f:f.write(split_policy_result)
df_split = pd.read_csv('split_policy.csv', header=0, index_col=0, sep=';')


Player 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 A
2,2 P P P P P P P H H H
3,3 P P P P P P P H H H
4,4 H H P P P H H H H H
5,5 D D D D D D D D H H
6,6 P P P P P P H H H H
7,7 P P P P P P P H H H
8,8 P P P P P P P P P S
9,9 P P P P P S P P S S




with open('policy.csv', 'r') as f:lines = f.readlines()
with open('split_policy.csv', 'r') as f:lines.extend(f.readlines()[1:])
complete_policy = {}
for l in lines[1:]:a = l.strip().split(';')complete_policy[a[0]] = [a[-1]]complete_policy[a[0]].extend(a[1:])


def play(self, dealercard, policy, simulate=False):card1 = self.cards[0]card2 = self.cards[1]hitcount = 0scale = 1.0count = 0while True:if self.flag_ace and len(self.cards)==2:if max(card1, card2)==10:scale=1.5score=21breakelse:key = "A,"+str(np.sum(np.array(self.cards))-1)action = policy[key][dealercard-1]else:score = self.calculatescore()if score>=18:breakelse:if self.flag_ace:cardsum = np.sum(np.array(self.cards))if cardsum<12:key = 'A,'+str(cardsum-1)else:key = str(score)else:key = str(score)action = policy[key][dealercard-1]if (action=='D' or action=='D/S') and hitcount==0:if simulate:self.hit(0)else:self.hit()score = self.calculatescore()scale = 2.0breakelif action=='S' or (action=='D/S' and hitcount>0):score = self.calculatescore()breakelse:if simulate:self.hit(count)else:self.hit()score = self.calculatescore()if score>=18:breakhitcount+=1count += 1return score, scale


bet = 100
games = 10
loops = 1
debug = True
money = []
for j in trange(loops):totalmoney = 1000for i in range(games):if debug:print('Game {}:'.format(i))dealercard = randint(1,13)if dealercard>10:dealercard = 10d = Dealer(dealercard)card1 = randint(1,13)scores = []if card1>10:card1 = 10card2 = randint(1,13)if card2>10:card2 = 10action = ''if card1==card2 and card1!=10:if card1==1:action = 'P'else:key = str(card1)+','+str(card2)action = complete_policy[key][dealercard-1]if action=='P':split_times = 2while split_times>0:card = randint(1,13)card_count += 1if card>10:card=10if card!=card1:p_temp = Player(card1, card)score, scale = p_temp.play(dealercard, complete_policy, False)playercards = [str(a) for a in p_temp.cards]if debug:print('Player:'+','.join(playercards))del p_tempscores.append((score, scale))split_times -= 1else:split_times += 1else:p = Player(card1, card2)score, scale = p.play(dealercard, complete_policy, False)scores.append((score, scale))playercards = [str(a) for a in p.cards]if debug:print('Player:'+','.join(playercards))del pdealerscore = d.play()dealercards = [str(a) for a in d.cards]if debug:print('Dealer:'+','.join(dealercards))for item in scores:score, scale = itemif score>21:totalmoney -= betelse:if score==21 and scale==1.5:if dealerscore==21 and len(d.cards)==2:continueelse:totalmoney += bet*1.5else:if dealerscore>21:totalmoney += bet*scaleelif dealerscore==21 and len(d.cards)==2:if score==21 and scale==1.5:continueelse:totalmoney -= bet*scaleelse:if score>dealerscore:totalmoney += bet*scaleelif score<dealerscore:totalmoney -= bet*scaleelse:continuedel dif debug:print("TotalMoney:{}".format(totalmoney))money.append(totalmoney)


Game 0:
Game 1:
Game 2:
Game 3:
Game 4:
Game 5:
Game 6:
Game 7:
Game 8:
Game 9:



Player 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 A
8 H H H H H(D) H H H H H
9 H D D D D H H H H H
10 D D D D D D D D H H
11 D D D D D D D D D(H) H
12 H H(S) S S S H H H H H
13 S S S S S H H H H H
14 S S S S S H H H H H
15 S S S S S H H H H H(S)
16 S S S S S H H H H(S) H(S)
17 S S S S S S S S S S
18 S S S S S S S S S S
19 S S S S S S S S S S
A,2 H H H D D H H H H H
A,3 H H H D D H H H H H
A,4 H H D D D H H H H H
A,5 H H(D) D D D H H H H H
A,6 H(D) D D D D H H H H H
A,7 S(D/S) D/S D/S D/S D/S(D) S S H H H
A,8 S S S S S(D/S) S S S S S
A,9 S S S S S S S S S S
2,2 P P P P P P H(P) H H H
3,3 P P P P P P H(P) H H H
4,4 H H H(P) P P H H H H H
5,5 D D D D D D D D H H
6,6 P P P P P H(P) H H H H
7,7 P P P P P P H(P) H H H
8,8 P P P P P P P P P P(S)
9,9 P P P P P S P P S S
10,10 S S S S S S S S S S


def hit(self, cardnum=-1):if cardnum>=0:card = self.cardpool[cardnum]else:card = randint(1,13)if card>10:card=10if card==1:self.flag_ace = Trueself.cards.append(card)


bet = 100
games = 100
loops = 1000
debug = False
money = []
mypolicywins = 0
stdpolicywins = 0
policys = [standard_policy, complete_policy]
for j in trange(loops):totalmoney = [100000,100000]for i in range(games):if debug:print('Game {}:'.format(i))dealercard = randint(1,13)if dealercard>10:dealercard = 10d = Dealer(dealercard)card1 = randint(1,13)scores = [[],[]]if card1>10:card1 = 10card2 = randint(1,13)if card2>10:card2 = 10cardpool = []splitpool = []for cardpoolnum in range(200):cardpool.append(randint(1,13))for splitpoolnum in range(10):splitpool.append([])for a in range(20):splitpool[-1].append(randint(1,13))action = ''for policyid in range(2):if debug:if policyid==0:print("Standardpolicy")else:print("completepolicy")if card1==card2 and card1!=10:if card1==1:action = 'P'else:key = str(card1)+','+str(card2)action = policys[policyid][key][dealercard-1]if action=='P':split_times = 2split_count = 0card_count = 0while split_times>0:card = cardpool[card_count]card_count += 1if card>10:card=10if card!=card1:p_temp = Player(card1, card)p_temp.cardpool = splitpool[split_count]split_count += 1score, scale = p_temp.play(dealercard, policys[policyid], True)playercards = [str(a) for a in p_temp.cards]if debug:print('Player:'+','.join(playercards))del p_tempscores[policyid].append((score, scale))split_times -= 1else:split_times += 1else:p = Player(card1, card2)p.cardpool = cardpoolscore, scale = p.play(dealercard, policys[policyid], True)scores[policyid].append((score, scale))playercards = [str(a) for a in p.cards]if debug:print('Player:'+','.join(playercards))del pdealerscore = d.play()dealercards = [str(a) for a in d.cards]if debug:print('Dealer:'+','.join(dealercards))for policyid in range(2):for item in scores[policyid]:score, scale = itemif score>21:totalmoney[policyid] -= betelse:if score==21 and scale==1.5:if dealerscore==21 and len(d.cards)==2:continueelse:totalmoney[policyid] += bet*1.5else:if dealerscore>21:totalmoney[policyid] += bet*scaleelif dealerscore==21 and len(d.cards)==2:if score==21 and scale==1.5:continueelse:totalmoney[policyid] -= bet*scaleelse:if score>dealerscore:totalmoney[policyid] += bet*scaleelif score<dealerscore:totalmoney[policyid] -= bet*scaleelse:continuedel dif debug:print("TotalMoney:{}".format(totalmoney))if totalmoney[0]<totalmoney[1]:#print('My policy win')mypolicywins += 1if totalmoney[0]>totalmoney[1]:stdpolicywins += 1#print('Standard policy win')print(mypolicywins)










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