Lesson 5 Youth 青年

First listen and then answer the following question:
How does the writer like to treat young people?

​ People(经常做被批判对象) are always(主观副词) talking about(通常表示作者的不满) ‘the problem of(表示同位语) youth’. (开门见山,提出问题:issuse/topic)



argue pro and con 正反两方面进行论述

con -> contrary


be always/constantly/forever/continually/invariably doing 进行时表示频繁发生,是主观强调(不满)

He’s often late. often 比较客观,他经常迟到

He’ always late. always 主观色彩:表示他总是迟到

the island of(表示同位语关系) Taiwan

the city of(表示同位语关系) Beijing

If there is one – which I take leave(presume/venture/take the liberty of doubting) to doubt – then it is(强调句型,不充当句子成分,可去掉 it is 和 who,不影响意思) older people who(可以替换成 that) create(引发,引起) it, not(表示对比反差,可换成 far more than / rather than / instead of) the young themselves. (stand point 作者的立场、观点、论点:doubt,直接摆明自己的态度)

If …, then 写作句型

Although s’ + v’, (不能加 but,因为已经有连词 although)s + v.

If s’ + v’, then(此处是副词,不是连词) s + v

Just as s’ + v’, so s + v

It is the fact that I love you that matters.

The fact that I love you matters. 我爱你这一事实很重要 / 重要的是我爱你,这是个事实


the young

elder people

babyhood 婴儿期 -> baby

infancy 幼儿期 -> infant

toddler 蹒跚学步的孩童 -> toddle 小孩子蹒跚学步

childhood 少年时期 -> child 儿童

boyhood 少男时期

girlhood 少女时期

teen(13-19岁) -> teenage -> teenager 13-19 岁的青年

twelve, 13 teen, 19 teen, twenty

adolescence 青春期的青少年 -> adolescent 青春期

juvenile adj. 青少年的 books / courts 青少年书/法庭

youth 青年

adulthood 成人阶段

in one’s early years 老年人写回忆时这么写

before one grows old

in one’s declining years 在自己的风烛残年(晚年)

from the cradle to the grave 从摇篮到坟墓

the young

the old 中性词,不太礼貌

erder people

senior citizens 年长的公民,老年人

80 young 避免使用 old

grey 年老 A fox may grow grey, but never grow good. 狐狸

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