
40:战斗:定先手:武器排序1:判定:如果均无武器,战斗结束(平)。单步战斗:提取当前武器攻击力(如无则跳过所有步骤),攻击对方,bomb反伤(ninja特殊),武器寿命降低,武器折损         判定:如果双方都没有武器,战斗结束(平)如果一方被打到0,战斗结束(胜)。如果两方都被打到0,战斗结束(平)。检验死循环:双方只剩下sword且攻击力为0,战斗结束(平)。武器缴获(前提:胜):武器排序2,武器折损,武器新建*销毁死亡士兵:注意销毁放在武器缴获之后。报告战斗情况:dragon欢呼:战斗过,且没死(红先蓝后)
using namespace std;
const int inf = 0x3f3f3f3f;//-------------------------------------------------------------
unordered_map<const char*, int>life, atk;
class cweapon {public:const char* name;int id, usetime;
public:cweapon(int _id):id(_id),usetime(0) {name = new char[7];if (_id == 0)name = "sword", usetime = inf;if (_id == 1)name = "bomb", usetime = 1;if (_id == 2)name = "arrow", usetime = 2;}virtual ~cweapon() {//delete name;}virtual int get_atk(int user_atk) = 0;void modify_usetime() {usetime--;}//获取武器攻击力
class csword :public cweapon {public:csword():cweapon(0){}virtual ~csword(){}int get_atk(int user_atk) {return user_atk * 2 / 10;}void modify_usetime(){}
class cbomb :public cweapon {public:cbomb():cweapon(1){}virtual ~cbomb() {}int get_atk(int user_atk) {return user_atk * 4 / 10;}void modify_usetime() {usetime--;}
class carrow :public cweapon {public:carrow():cweapon(2){}virtual ~carrow() {}int get_atk(int user_atk) {return user_atk * 3 / 10;}void modify_usetime() { usetime--; }
};//--------------------------------------------------------------class  cwarrior{public:int id,life, atk, city;const char* name;cweapon* weapon[11];int weapon_count;int weapon_pos;int warrior_count;cwarrior(int _id,int _life,int _atk,const char* _name,int _warrior_count):id(_id),life(_life),atk(_atk),weapon_count(0),name(_name),warrior_count(_warrior_count) {}virtual ~cwarrior() {//delete[] weapon;}void new_weapon(int _id) {++weapon_count;if (_id == 0)weapon[weapon_count] = new csword;if (_id == 1)weapon[weapon_count] = new cbomb;if (_id == 2)weapon[weapon_count] = new carrow;}virtual void lifelose() = 0;//特别针对iceman的移动丢血。virtual void loyaltylose(int _loyaltylose) = 0;//特别针对lion忠诚度丢失。void hurt(int damage) {life -= damage;}virtual void back_hurt(int damage) = 0;virtual int get_loyalty() = 0;
class cdragon :public cwarrior {public:cdragon(int _id,int _life,int _atk, int _warrior_count) :cwarrior(_id, _life, _atk,"dragon", _warrior_count) {new_weapon(id % 3);}virtual ~cdragon(){}void lifelose(){}void loyaltylose(int _loyaltylose){}void back_hurt(int damage) {life -= damage;}int get_loyalty() { return 0; }
class cninja :public cwarrior {public:cninja(int _id,int _life,int _atk,  int _warrior_count) :cwarrior(_id, _life, _atk, "ninja", _warrior_count) {new_weapon(id % 3); new_weapon((id + 1) % 3);}virtual ~cninja() {}void lifelose() {}void loyaltylose(int _loyaltylose){}void back_hurt(int damage) {}int get_loyalty() { return 0; }
class ciceman :public cwarrior {public:ciceman(int _id, int _life, int _atk,  int _warrior_count) :cwarrior(_id, _life, _atk, "iceman", _warrior_count) {new_weapon(id % 3);}virtual ~ciceman() {}void lifelose() {life = life - life / 10;}void loyaltylose(int _loyaltylose){}void back_hurt(int damage) {life -= damage;}int get_loyalty() { return 0; }
class clion :public cwarrior {public:int loyalty;clion(int _id, int _life, int _atk,int _rest,  int _warrior_count) :cwarrior(_id, _life, _atk, "lion", _warrior_count) {new_weapon(id % 3); loyalty = _rest;}virtual ~clion() {}void lifelose() {}void loyaltylose(int _loyaltylose) {loyalty -= _loyaltylose;}void back_hurt(int damage) {life -= damage;}int get_loyalty() { return loyalty; }
class cwolf :public cwarrior {public:cwolf(int _id, int _life, int _atk,int _warrior_count) :cwarrior(_id, _life, _atk,"wolf",_warrior_count) {}virtual ~cwolf() {}void lifelose() {}void loyaltylose(int _loyaltylose){}void back_hurt(int damage) {life -= damage;}int get_loyalty() { return 0; }
unordered_map<const char*, cwarrior* > City[22];
class cplayer {public:int flag;//判定是否还要继续制造武士,为1则停止;int lifeyuan;//生命元cwarrior* warrior[22];//维护当前仍存活士兵int warrior_count;//会减少,维护数组指针int warrior_id;//不会减少,记录士兵编号unordered_map<int, const char*> new_baby;int new_pos;cplayer(int _lifeyuan,char c){lifeyuan = _lifeyuan;warrior_count = 0; new_pos = 0; warrior_id = 0; flag = 0;if (c == 'R') {new_baby.insert({ 0,"iceman" });new_baby.insert({ 1,"lion" });new_baby.insert({ 2,"wolf" });new_baby.insert({ 3,"ninja" });new_baby.insert({ 4,"dragon" });}else {new_baby.insert({ 0,"lion" });new_baby.insert({ 1,"dragon" });new_baby.insert({ 2,"ninja" });new_baby.insert({ 3,"iceman" });new_baby.insert({ 4,"wolf" });}}~cplayer() {//delete[] warrior;}bool new_warrior(const char* _player,int city_count) {const char* name = new_baby[new_pos]; int _life = life[name];if (_life > lifeyuan)return false;++warrior_id;lifeyuan -= _life;++warrior_count;if (name == "dragon") {warrior[warrior_count] = new cdragon(warrior_id, life["dragon"], atk["dragon"], warrior_count);}else if (name == "ninja") {warrior[warrior_count] = new cninja(warrior_id, life["ninja"], atk["ninja"],  warrior_count);}else if (name == "iceman") {warrior[warrior_count] = new ciceman(warrior_id, life["iceman"], atk["iceman"],  warrior_count);}else if (name == "lion") {warrior[warrior_count] = new clion(warrior_id, life["lion"], atk["lion"], lifeyuan, warrior_count);}else if (name == "wolf") {warrior[warrior_count] = new cwolf(warrior_id, life["wolf"], atk["wolf"],  warrior_count);}++new_pos;new_pos %= 5;if (_player == "red")City[0]["red"] = warrior[warrior_count];else City[city_count+1]["blue"] = warrior[warrior_count];return true;}
void print_2num(int t) {if (t < 10)cout << "0";cout << t;
void print_3num(int Hour) {if (Hour < 10)cout << "00";else if (Hour < 100)cout << "0";cout << Hour;
void print_time(int Hour, int t) {print_3num(Hour); cout << ":"; print_2num(t); cout << " ";
void print_lion_born(int loyalty) {cout << "Its loyalty is " << loyalty << endl;
void print_player_newwarrior(const char* name, cplayer& player,int Hour) {print_time(Hour, 0);cout << name << " ";int pos = player.warrior_count;cout << player.warrior[pos]->name << " " << player.warrior[pos]->id << " born" << endl;if (player.warrior[pos]->name == "lion") {print_lion_born(player.warrior[pos]->get_loyalty());}
void print_lion_escaped(const char* name, cwarrior* warrior, int Hour) {print_time(Hour, 5);cout << name << " " << "lion " << warrior->id << " ran away" << endl;
void print_who_is_reached(const char* winner_name,const char* loser_name, cwarrior* warrior, int Hour) {print_time(Hour, 10);cout << winner_name << " " << warrior->name << " " << warrior->id <<" reached "<<loser_name<<" headquarter with " << warrior->life << " elements and force " << warrior->atk << endl;
void print_who_is_taken(const char* name, int Hour) {print_time(Hour, 10);cout << name << " headquarter was taken" << endl;
void print_marched(const char* name, cwarrior* warrior, int city_number, int Hour) {print_time(Hour, 10);cout << name << " " << warrior->name << " " << warrior->id << " marched to city " << city_number<< " with " << warrior->life << " elements and force " << warrior->atk<<endl;
void print_player_lifeyuan(cplayer& player,const char* name, int Hour) {print_time(Hour, 50);cout << player.lifeyuan << " elements in " << name << " headquarter" << endl;
void print_warrior_weapon(const char* name,cwarrior* warrior, int Hour) {print_time(Hour, 55);cout << name << " " << warrior->name << " " << warrior->id << " has ";int weapon_count[3] = { 0 };for (int i = 1; i <= warrior->weapon_count; ++i) {weapon_count[warrior->weapon[i]->id]++;}cout << weapon_count[0] << " sword ";cout << weapon_count[1] << " bomb ";cout << weapon_count[2] << " arrow ";cout << "and " << warrior->life << " elements";cout << endl;
void print_grab_weapon(const char* graber, const char* be_grabeder,cwarrior* a, cwarrior* b, const char* weapon_name, int taken_count, int city_number, int Hour) {print_time(Hour, 35);cout << graber << " " << a->name << " " << a->id << " took " << taken_count << " "<< weapon_name << " from " << be_grabeder << " " << b->name << " " << b->id << " in city " << city_number << endl;
void print_win_lose(const char* winner_name, cwarrior* winner,const char* loser_name, cwarrior* loser, int city_number,int Hour) {print_time(Hour, 40);cout << winner_name << " " << winner->name << " " << winner->id << " killed " <<loser_name << " " << loser->name << " " << loser->id << " in city " <<city_number << " remaining " << winner->life << " elements" << endl;
void print_die_together(cwarrior* a, cwarrior* b,int city_number,int Hour) {print_time(Hour, 40);cout << "both red " << a->name << " " << a->id<< " and blue " << b->name << " " << b->id << " died in city " << city_number << endl;
void print_alive_together(cwarrior* a, cwarrior* b, int city_number, int Hour) {print_time(Hour, 40);cout << "both red " << a->name << " " << a->id<< " and blue " << b->name << " " << b->id << " were alive in city " << city_number << endl;
void print_yelled(const char* name, cwarrior* warrior, int city_number, int Hour) {print_time(Hour, 40);cout << name << " " << warrior->name << " " << warrior->id << " yelled in city " << city_number << endl;
void prepare(int N) {int _life, _atk;cin >> _life; life.insert({ "dragon", _life });cin >> _life; life.insert({ "ninja",_life });cin >> _life; life.insert({ "iceman", _life });cin >> _life; life.insert({ "lion",_life });cin >> _life; life.insert({ "wolf",_life });cin >> _atk; atk.insert({ "dragon", _atk });cin >> _atk; atk.insert({ "ninja",_atk });cin >> _atk; atk.insert({ "iceman", _atk });cin >> _atk; atk.insert({ "lion",_atk });cin >> _atk; atk.insert({ "wolf",_atk });for (int i = 0; i <= N + 1; ++i) {City[i]["red"] = NULL;City[i]["blue"] = NULL;}
}void Delete_warrior(cwarrior* poorguy, cplayer& player) {//提取指针所记载的,其在对应玩家下保存数组的下标,根据下标进行delete//删除后,将后面的怪物前移int warrior_count = poorguy->warrior_count;//delete player.warrior[warrior_count];for (int i = warrior_count; i < player.warrior_count; ++i) {player.warrior[i] = player.warrior[i + 1];player.warrior[i]->warrior_count = i;}player.warrior[player.warrior_count] = NULL;player.warrior_count--;
bool cweapon_cmp_attack(cweapon* a, cweapon* b) {if (a->id != b->id)return a->id < b->id;if (a->id == 2)return a->usetime < b->usetime;return true;
bool cweapon_cmp_grab(cweapon* a, cweapon* b) {if (a->id != b->id)return a->id < b->id;if (a->id == 2)return a->usetime > b->usetime;return true;
void sort_weapon_grab(cweapon** weapon, int size,bool(*cmp)(cweapon*, cweapon*)) {for (int i = 1; i < size; ++i) {for (int j = 1; j <=size-i; ++j) {if (cmp(weapon[j], weapon[j+1])) {swap(weapon[j], weapon[j+1]);}}}
void sort_weapon_battle(cweapon** weapon, int size, bool(*cmp)(cweapon*, cweapon*)) {for (int i = 1; i < size; ++i) {for (int j = 1; j <=size-i; ++j) {if (!cmp(weapon[j], weapon[j+1])) {swap(weapon[j], weapon[j+1]);}}}
void weapon_steal(const char* graber,const char* be_grabeder,cwarrior* a, cwarrior* b, int city_number,int Hour) {//a抢b的
//1:给b的武器排序2sort_weapon_grab(b->weapon,b->weapon_count, cweapon_cmp_grab);//注:按照逆优先级排序,从后面开始拿,方便删除if (!b->weapon_count)return;int bpos = b->weapon_count+1;int weapon_id = b->weapon[bpos - 1]->id;const char* weapon_name = b->weapon[bpos - 1]->name;int taken_count = 0;for (int i = a->weapon_count + 1; i <= 10; ++i) {--bpos;if (!bpos)break;if (b->weapon[bpos]->id != weapon_id)break;++a->weapon_count; ++taken_count;a->weapon[i] = b->weapon[bpos];b->weapon[bpos] = NULL;--b->weapon_count;}print_grab_weapon(graber, be_grabeder, a, b, weapon_name, taken_count, city_number,Hour);
bool check_before(cwarrior* fighter, cwarrior* be_fighteder) {if (!fighter->weapon_count && !be_fighteder->weapon_count)return false;bool all_sword_fighter = true;int fighter_weapon_count = 0;int be_fighteder_weapon_count = 0;for (int i = 1; i <= fighter->weapon_count; ++i) {if (!fighter->weapon[i]->usetime)continue;++fighter_weapon_count;if (fighter->weapon[i]->name != "sword") {all_sword_fighter = false; break;}}bool all_sword_be_fighteder = true;for (int i = 1; i <= be_fighteder->weapon_count; ++i) {if (!be_fighteder->weapon[i]->usetime)continue;++be_fighteder_weapon_count;if (be_fighteder->weapon[i]->name != "sword") {all_sword_be_fighteder = false; break;}}if (!fighter_weapon_count && !be_fighteder_weapon_count){return false;}if (all_sword_fighter && all_sword_be_fighteder) {bool no_atk = true;if (fighter->weapon_count) {if (fighter->weapon[1]->get_atk(fighter->atk)) {no_atk = false;}}if (be_fighteder->weapon_count) {if (be_fighteder->weapon[1]->get_atk(be_fighteder->atk)) {no_atk = false;}}if (no_atk)return false;}return true;
bool choose_weapon(cwarrior* fighter,cweapon* &choice) {if (!fighter->weapon_count)return false;choice = fighter->weapon[fighter->weapon_pos];for (int i = 1; i <= fighter->weapon_count;++i) {if (choice->usetime)return true;++fighter->weapon_pos;if (fighter->weapon_pos == fighter->weapon_count+1)fighter->weapon_pos = 1;choice = fighter->weapon[fighter->weapon_pos];}return false;
void reorganize_weapon(cwarrior* warrior) {cweapon* temp[12];int now_size = 0;for (int i = 1; i <= warrior->weapon_count; ++i) {if (warrior->weapon[i]->usetime)temp[++now_size] = warrior->weapon[i];//else delete warrior->weapon[i];}warrior->weapon_count = now_size;for (int i = 1; i <= now_size; ++i)warrior->weapon[i] = temp[i];
void pick_up_weapon(cwarrior* a, cwarrior* b) {//a抢b的
//1:给b的武器排序2sort_weapon_grab(b->weapon, b->weapon_count, cweapon_cmp_grab);//注:按照逆优先级排序,从后面开始拿,方便删除if (!b->weapon_count)return;int bpos = b->weapon_count + 1;const char* weapon_name = b->weapon[bpos - 1]->name;int taken_count = 0;for (int i = a->weapon_count + 1; i <= 10; ++i) {--bpos;if (!bpos)break;if (!b->weapon[bpos]->usetime)continue;++a->weapon_count; ++taken_count;a->weapon[i] = b->weapon[bpos];b->weapon[bpos] = NULL;--b->weapon_count;}
void battle(cplayer& R, cplayer& B, cwarrior* red_warrior, cwarrior* blue_warrior, int city_number, int Hour) {cwarrior* fighter;cwarrior* be_fighteder;cwarrior* winner=red_warrior;cwarrior* loser=blue_warrior;int win_lose = 0;//0都活,1分出胜负,2都死if (city_number & 1) {fighter = red_warrior;be_fighteder = blue_warrior;}else {fighter = blue_warrior;be_fighteder = red_warrior;}sort_weapon_battle(fighter->weapon, fighter->weapon_count, cweapon_cmp_attack);sort_weapon_battle(be_fighteder->weapon, be_fighteder->weapon_count, cweapon_cmp_attack);fighter->weapon_pos = 1; be_fighteder->weapon_pos = 1;while (check_before(fighter, be_fighteder)) {/*print_warrior_weapon("XXXXXXX", fighter, 0);print_warrior_weapon("OOOOOOO", be_fighteder, 0);if (fighter->name == "ninja") {for (int i = 1; i <= fighter->weapon_count; ++i) {cout << fighter->weapon[i]->name << " " << fighter->weapon[i]->usetime << endl;}}*/cweapon* weapon_choice=fighter->weapon[1];//cout << fighter->weapon_count << endl << fighter->weapon_pos << endl;if (!choose_weapon(fighter, weapon_choice)) {swap(fighter, be_fighteder);continue;}//cout << weapon_choice->name << endl;//选不出武器,走人++fighter->weapon_pos;if (fighter->weapon_pos == fighter->weapon_count + 1)fighter->weapon_pos = 1;int atk = weapon_choice->get_atk(fighter->atk);be_fighteder->hurt(atk);if (weapon_choice->name == "bomb") {fighter->back_hurt(atk / 2);}weapon_choice->modify_usetime();if (fighter->life <= 0 && be_fighteder->life > 0) {winner = be_fighteder; loser = fighter;win_lose = 1;break;}if (fighter->life <= 0 && be_fighteder->life <= 0) {win_lose = 2;break;}if (fighter->life > 0 && be_fighteder->life <= 0) {winner = fighter; loser = be_fighteder;win_lose = 1;break;}swap(fighter, be_fighteder);}reorganize_weapon(winner); reorganize_weapon(loser);if (win_lose==1) {if (loser == red_warrior)print_win_lose("blue", winner, "red", loser, city_number,Hour);else print_win_lose("red", winner, "blue", loser, city_number,Hour);pick_up_weapon(winner, loser);if (loser == red_warrior){Delete_warrior(loser, R);City[city_number]["red"] = NULL;if (winner->name == "dragon") {print_yelled("blue", blue_warrior, city_number, Hour);}}else {Delete_warrior(loser, B);City[city_number]["blue"] = NULL;if (winner->name == "dragon") {print_yelled("red", red_warrior, city_number, Hour);}}}else {//未分出胜负if (win_lose == 2) {//同归于尽print_die_together(red_warrior, blue_warrior,city_number,Hour);City[city_number]["red"] = NULL;City[city_number]["blue"] = NULL;}else {print_alive_together(red_warrior,blue_warrior,city_number,Hour);if (red_warrior->name == "dragon") {print_yelled("red", red_warrior, city_number, Hour);}if (blue_warrior->name == "dragon") {print_yelled("blue", blue_warrior, city_number, Hour);}}}
bool work(cplayer& R,cplayer& B,int _life,int city_count,int K,int T,int Hour) {/*事件:
40:战斗:定先手:武器排序1:判定:如果均无武器,死循环(双方只剩下sword且攻击力为0)战斗结束(平)。单步战斗:提取当前武器攻击力(如无则跳过所有步骤),攻击对方,bomb反伤(ninja特殊),武器寿命降低,武器折损          判定:如果一方被打到0,战斗结束(胜)。如果两方都被打到0,战斗结束(平)。武器缴获(前提:胜):武器排序2,武器新建*销毁死亡士兵:注意销毁放在武器缴获之后。报告战斗情况:dragon欢呼:战斗过,且没死(红先蓝后)
55:士兵报告武器状态(自西向东,红先蓝后)*///00:士兵生产if (!R.flag) {if (!R.new_warrior("red", city_count))R.flag = 1;else print_player_newwarrior("red", R,Hour);}if (!B.flag) {if (!B.new_warrior("blue", city_count))B.flag = 1;else print_player_newwarrior("blue", B, Hour);}
//05:lion逃跑if (T < 5)return true;for (int i = 0; i <= city_count + 1; ++i) {if (City[i]["red"]!=NULL&&City[i]["red"]->name == "lion") {if (City[i]["red"]->get_loyalty() <= 0) {print_lion_escaped("red", City[i]["red"], Hour);Delete_warrior(City[i]["red"],R);City[i]["red"] = NULL;}}if (City[i]["blue"] != NULL && City[i]["blue"]->name == "lion") {if (City[i]["blue"]->get_loyalty() <= 0) {print_lion_escaped("blue", City[i]["blue"], Hour);Delete_warrior(City[i]["blue"],B);City[i]["blue"] = NULL;}}}
//10:士兵前进,iceman生命值丢失,lion忠诚度丢失if (T < 10)return true;for (int i = city_count + 1; i >= 1; --i) {City[i]["red"] = City[i - 1]["red"];if (City[i]["red"] != NULL) {City[i]["red"]->lifelose();City[i]["red"]->loyaltylose(K);}}City[0]["red"] = NULL;for (int i = 0; i <= city_count; ++i) {City[i]["blue"] = City[i + 1]["blue"];if (City[i]["blue"] != NULL) {City[i]["blue"]->lifelose();City[i]["blue"]->loyaltylose(K);}}City[city_count + 1]["blue"] = NULL;int flag = 0;if (City[0]["blue"] != NULL) {print_who_is_reached("blue","red", City[0]["blue"], Hour);print_who_is_taken("red", Hour);flag = 1;}for (int i = 1; i <= city_count; ++i) {if (City[i]["red"] != NULL) {print_marched("red", City[i]["red"], i, Hour);}if (City[i]["blue"] != NULL) {print_marched("blue", City[i]["blue"], i, Hour);}}if (City[city_count + 1]["red"] != NULL) {print_who_is_reached("red","blue", City[city_count+1]["red"], Hour);print_who_is_taken("blue", Hour);flag = 1;}if (flag)return false;
//35:wolf抢武器if (T < 35)return true;for (int i = 1; i <= city_count; ++i) {if (City[i]["red"] == NULL || City[i]["blue"] == NULL)continue;if (City[i]["red"]->name == "wolf" && City[i]["blue"]->name != "wolf") {weapon_steal("red","blue",City[i]["red"], City[i]["blue"], i,Hour);//输出在weapon_steal中进行}if (City[i]["blue"]->name == "wolf" && City[i]["red"]->name != "wolf") {weapon_steal("blue","red",City[i]["blue"], City[i]["red"], i,Hour);//输出在weapon_steal中进行}}
//40:战斗if (T < 40)return true;for (int i = 1; i <= city_count; ++i) {if (City[i]["red"] != NULL && City[i]["blue"] != NULL) {battle(R,B,City[i]["red"],City[i]["blue"],i,Hour);}}
//50:玩家报告生命元状态if (T < 50)return true;print_player_lifeyuan(R, "red",Hour); print_player_lifeyuan(B,"blue", Hour);
//55:士兵报告武器状态if (T < 55)return true;for (int i = 1; i <= city_count; ++i) {if (City[i]["red"] != NULL)print_warrior_weapon("red",City[i]["red"], Hour);if (City[i]["blue"] != NULL)print_warrior_weapon("blue",City[i]["blue"], Hour);}return true;
signed main() {//FILE* stream;//freopen_s(&stream, "datapub.in", "r", stdin);//freopen_s(&stream, "my.txt", "w", stdout);int t;cin >> t;for(int Case=1;Case<=t;++Case){life.clear(); atk.clear();cout << "Case " << Case << ":" << endl;int M, N, K, T;cin >> M >> N >> K >> T;for (int i = 0; i <= N + 1; ++i)City[i].clear();cplayer R(M,'R'), B(M,'B');prepare(N);int Hour = 0;while (T>=0) {int _hour = T / 60;if (_hour){if (!work(R, B, M, N, K, 60,Hour))break;}else if (!work(R, B, M, N, K, T,Hour))break;++Hour; T -= 60;}}return 0;


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