
I recently had a requirement to make sure a PrimeNG Dropdown panel inside a modal with scrolling content was not constrained within the modal, but rather could be seen and interacted with without having to scroll.

我最近有一个要求,以确保具有滚动内容的模态内的PrimeNG Dropdown面板不受该模态的约束,而无需滚动即可看到并与之交互。

Here’s what I’m talking about…


场景 (The Scenario)

This is the default, and what we don’t want (or, rather, what we shall not deliver):


Dropdown panel constrained within modal

Here’s what we do want:


Dropdown panel visible outside modal boundary

该方法(The Approach)

Looking at the PrimeNG Dropdown documentation, we can see that the component exposes an appendTo input:

查看PrimeNG Dropdown文档,我们可以看到该组件公开了appendTo输入:

PrimeNG Dropdown API Reference: appendTo
PrimeNG Dropdown API参考:appendTo

This allows us to tell the dropdown what element to attach the panel to, rather than having it just append the panel to the dropdown element itself. That way, we can attach the panel to an element outside the modal so it can escape the modal boundaries.

这使我们能够告诉下拉菜单将面板附加到哪个元素,而不是让它仅将面板附加到下拉菜单元素本身。 这样,我们可以将面板附加到模态外部的元素上,以便它可以逃脱模态边界。

We just need to pass in an Angular template reference for that target element and watch the magic happen. (We could also just pass in the string 'body' to have it attach the panel to the document body, but that’s easy and boring and not what this article is about. It also didn’t work quite right for my layout but I can’t remember exactly why.)

我们只需要为该目标元素传递一个Angular模板引用,然后观察魔术的发生。 (我们也可以传入字符串'body'以使面板将面板连接到文档主体,但这很简单而且很无聊,而不是本文的目的。它也不适合我的布局,但是我可以不记得是什么原因。)

简单场景 (The Simple Scenario)

Easy, right?


Yep, it would be…provided the target appendTo element lives in the same template as the dropdown, like this:


You can see our p-dropdown spanning lines 7–11, and our .append-target element conveniently residing on line 1 of the same template.


By adding the #myTarget template reference variable to the target element, we can simply add input [appendTo]=”myTarget” to p-dropdown and call it a day.


But things are rarely that straightforward, and my scenario was, of course, more complicated. Otherwise I wouldn’t be writing this article right now.

但是事情很少那么简单,而我的情况当然更复杂。 否则,我现在不会写这篇文章。

擦 (The Rub)

A more realistic scenario (and precisely my scenario, as luck would have it) is that p-dropdown is nested several layers deep in a component tree from the target element you need the panel to be appended to.

一个更现实的场景(准确地说是我的场景,很幸运)是, p-dropdown嵌套在组件树中距目标元素需要添加面板的几层深处。

Here’s the type of component tree I’m talking about:


On line 3, in our app-component’s template, you can see our .append-target in all its glory.


Inside our app-component is our vaguely-named (for demo purposes) child component, app-child, which dutifully contains our grandchild component, app-grandchild (line 9).

在我们的app组件内部是一个名称模糊(出于演示目的)的子组件app-child ,该子组件忠实地包含了我们的孙子组件app-grandchild (第9行)。

Our grandchild component, in turn, contains our modal component, app-modal (line 15).

反过来,我们的孙子组件包含模态组件app-modal (第15行)。

And our modal component, at long last, is where our p-dropdown resides (line 24).


So how do we get that template reference down through those layers to the eagerly awaiting p-dropdown?


脆性解决方案 (The Brittle Solution)

One solution would be to pass the template reference down through the tree via component Input()s, like so (keep an eye out for [dropdownAppendTarget]s):

一种解决方案是通过组件Input()将模板引用向下传递到树中,就像这样(注意[dropdownAppendTarget] ):

Every component gets a shiny new dropdownAppendTarget Input() that allows it to pass that template reference from its parent down to the next layer.

每个组件都有一个闪亮的新dropdownAppendTarget Input() ,使它可以将该模板引用从其父级传递到下一层。

Which works just fine…until the day some unsuspecting new developer comes along who knows nothing of this Underground Railroad put in place to ferry that template reference down through each layer of the component tree.


Unsuspecting Dev innocently inserts an extra component layer in the middle without realizing he’s breaking the circuit, and our delicate solution is ruined.


更好的解决方案 (The Better Solution)

Since we’re all terrific developers with a keen eye for solutions that are obvious ticking time bombs, we’ll spare Unsuspecting Dev some stress and heartache and come up with a more robust solution.

由于我们都是优秀的开发人员,他们都热衷于寻找显而易见的定时炸弹解决方案,因此我们将为Unsuspecting Dev节省一些压力和心痛,并提出一个更强大的解决方案。

Like all good-hearted Angular developers, we’ll look to Dependency Injection!


获取模板参考的指令! (A Directive to Grab the Template Reference!)

A cleaner and simpler way to accomplish this would be to attach to our target element an attribute directive that grabs that element’s template reference, and then Dependency Inject that directive into the downstream component that needs the template reference.


That way, no network of Input()s needs to be built (and maintained) through the component tree, and Unsuspecting Dev can insert as many intermediate layers as his heart desires without breaking anything.

这样,就不需要通过组件树来构建(和维护) Input()的网络,而且毫无怀疑的Dev可以根据自己的意愿插入尽可能多的中间层而不会破坏任何内容。



Let’s get started…


目标 (The Goal)

So here’s essentially what we’re trying to get to:


On line 3, we’ve attached to the target element an attribute directive called appendTarget into which we pass the element’s template reference, myTarget. Nice and clean!

在第3行中,我们在目标元素上附加了名为appendTarget的属性指令,我们将元素的模板引用myTarget传递到该指令中。 干净整洁!

Here’s what AppendTargetDirective looks like:


Super simple!


尝试 (The Attempt)

With that in place, we then just Dependency Inject the directive into our downstream modal component and create a property on the component class called appendTarget that points to the template ref coming in on the directive instance:


And the modal component’s template would look like this:


On line 8 we’ve added [appendTo]="appendTarget" to our p-dropdown.


Let’s watch the magic happen!


失败 (The Fail)

I’m including this section describing my debugging effort because I learned some interesting and valuable things about Angular in the process, so I thought it worthwhile to include.


If, however, you would just like to see the final, working solution, feel free to skip directly to The Working Solution.

但是,如果您只想查看最终的有效解决方案,请随时直接跳至The Working Solution 。

(误导)修复尝试 (The (Misguided) Fix Attempt)

Upon seeing the No provider for… error (one I’m very familiar with), my thought was:

看到No provider for…错误(我很熟悉)时,我的想法是:

Of course, dummy! Just add your directive to the app-component’s providers array so the DI system knows about it, just like you would for a service!

当然是假人! 只需将指令添加到应用程序组件的providers数组中,这样DI系统就可以知道该指令,就像您要获得服务一样!

So here’s what I did:


I added AppendTargetDirective to the providers array in app.component.ts (line 8).


Those of you familiar with Angular’s DI system are probably either laughing right now or shaking your head in disappointment and disgust.


This was a big mistake that sent me into a world of pain. A world…of pain.

这是一个很大的错误,使我陷入痛苦的世界。 一个痛苦的世界。

It eliminated the No provider for… error but it didn’t make my scenario work, and plunged me into days of frustrating troubleshooting.

它消除了No provider for…错误,但没有使我的方案起作用,并且使我陷入了令人沮丧的故障排除日。

调查 (The Investigation)

After much debugging, I discovered that my directive was being instantiated twice: one instance was getting a hold of my append-target, but the other was not.


And the one being injected into my modal component was the one not getting a hold of the append-target, so its appendTarget property was undefined.


寻求帮助 (The Reach for Help)

After struggling for a while, I finally posted a question on StackOverflow asking “What gives?”


Fortunately, the ubiquitous, super-helpful Angular guru Alexey Zuev (yurzui) posted this answer almost immediately:

幸运的是,无处不在,超级有用的Angular大师Alexey Zuev(yurzui)几乎立即发布了以下答案:

His main bullet point was this:


You NEVER [should] be adding Angular directives to providers array. Angular will treat them as services which are separated instances of directive classes and not tied to template structure at all.

永远[不应]将Angular指令添加到providers数组。 Angular将它们视为服务,它们是指令类的单独实例,完全不依赖于模板结构。

So Angular was creating two instances of my directive:


  • Instance #1: Because it was in the providers array of app-component, Angular instantiated it as if it were a service, so just another class with no connection to the template structure.


  • Instance #2: Because it was attached to the append-target element as an attribute directive, Angular instantiated it as a proper directive connected to the template, and therefore getting a hold of the append-target.实例2:因为它是作为属性指令附加到append-target元素的,所以Angular将其实例化为连接到模板的适当指令,因此可以保留append-target。

The instance being injected into the modal component was, of course, Instance #1, the one with no DOM connection, rather than #2, the one I needed.


说明 (The Explanation)

The reason my directive was not found during the DI resolution process (the reason I was getting the No provider for… error) was that it was not part of the modal component’s DOM tree branch.

在DI解析过程中未找到我的指令的原因(我得到No provider for…错误)的原因是它不属于模式组件的DOM树分支。

Looking back at my directive placement:


you can see that I placed it on a sibling element to app-child.


This puts it outside the path that Angular DI takes as it walks up the DOM tree from modal component like so:

这使它脱离了Angular DI从模态组件沿DOM树走的路径,如下所示:

4. app-root      ^3. app-child      ^2. app-grandchild      ^1. app-modal

looking for the directive on those elements.


app-child is in the DI resolution path; the sibling div.append-target element is not.

app-child位于DI解析路径中; 兄弟div.append-target元素不是。

工作解决方案 (The Working Solution)

The fix, it turned out, was quite simple: just move the directive from div.append-target to app-child:


(Huge thanks again to Alexey, who provided the solution, ending days of frustration for me.)


It’s still within the app-component template so it still has access to myTarget, but this places it in the Angular DI resolution path and fixes everything.

它仍然在app-component模板中,因此它仍然可以访问myTarget ,但这会将其放置在Angular DI解析路径中并修复了所有问题。



Here’s a StackBlitz with the full working implementation:


得到教训 (Lessons Learned)

I learned some valuable nuggets in this process that have made me a better Angular developer:


  1. Make sure your directive is in the DI resolution path.确保您的指令位于DI解析路径中。
  2. Do not add your directive to a providers array if you’re using it to interact with the DOM because Angular will instantiate it as just another class, with no connection to the DOM.

    不要你的指令添加到一个providers ,如果你用它来与DOM交互,因为角将实例,把它当成另一个类,没有连接到DOM阵列。

Thanks for sharing in my journey! I hope this saves at least one person some pain and frustration someday.

感谢您分享我的旅程! 我希望这一天至少可以为一个人节省一些痛苦和沮丧。

翻译自: https://medium.com/swlh/how-to-pass-an-element-reference-down-through-a-component-tree-in-angular-86b495a2ce57




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