[R egression分析: (Regression Analysis:)

Regression analysis is a predictive modeling technique that estimates the relationship between two or more variables. Recall that a correlation analysis makes no assumption about the causal relationship between two variables. Regression analysis focuses on the relationship between a dependent (target) variable and an independent variable(s) (predictors). Here, the dependent variable is assumed to be the effect of the independent variable(s). The value of predictors is used to estimate or predict the likely-value of the target variable.

回归分析是一种预测建模技术,可估计两个或多个变量之间的关系。 回想一下,相关分析没有假设两个变量之间的因果关系。 回归分析着重于因变量(目标变量)和自变量(预测变量)之间的关系。 在此,因变量被认为是自变量的影响。 预测变量的值用于估计或预测目标变量的可能值。

For example to describe the relationship between diesel consumption and industrial production, if it is assumed that “diesel consumption” is the effect of “industrial production”, we can do a regression analysis to predict value of “diesel consumption” for some specific value of “industrial production”

例如,为了描述柴油消耗与工业生产之间的关系,如果假设“柴油消耗”是“工业生产”的影响,我们可以通过回归分析来预测“柴油消耗”的特定值。 “工业生产”



STEP 1: Assume a mathematical relationship between the target and the predictor(s). “The relationship can be a straight line (linear regression) or a polynomial curve (polynomial regression) or a non-linear relationship (non-linear regression)”

步骤1: 假设目标与预测变量之间存在数学关系。 关系可以是直线(线性回归)或多项式曲线(多项式回归)或非线性关系(非线性回归)”

STEP 2 : Create a scatter plot of the target variable and predictor variable(simplest and most popular way).

步骤2: 创建目标变量和预测变量的散点图 (最简单,最流行的方式)。

STEP 3 : Find the most-likely values of the coefficients in the mathematical formula.

步骤3: 在数学公式中找到最可能的系数值。

Regression analysis comprises of the entire process of identifying the target and predictors,finding the relationship, estimating the coefficients, finding the predicted values of target, and finally evaluating the accuracy of the fitted relationship


我们为什么要使用回归分析? (Why do we use Regression Analysis?)

Regression analysis estimates the relationship between two or more variables. More specifically, regression analysis helps one understand how the typical value of the dependent variable changes when any one of the independent variables is varied, while the other independent variables are held fixed.

[R egression分析估计两个或多个变量之间的关系。 更具体地说,回归分析可帮助人们理解,当任何一个自变量发生变化而其他自变量保持固定时,因变量的典型值将如何变化。

For example, we want to estimate the credit card spend of the customers in the next quarter. For each customer, we have their demographic and transaction related data which indicate that the credit card spend is a factor of age, credit limit and total outstanding balance on their loans. Using this insight, we can predict future sales of the company based on current and past information.

例如,我们要估计下一个季度客户的信用卡支出。 对于每个客户,我们都有其与人口统计和交易相关的数据,这些数据表明信用卡支出是年龄,信贷额度和贷款总未偿余额的一个因素。 利用这种见解,我们可以根据当前和过去的信息预测公司的未来销售

使用回归分析的好处? (Benefits of using Regression Analysis?)

1. Regression explores significant relationships between dependent variable and independent variable


2. Indicates the strength of impact of multiple independent variables on a dependent variable


3. Allows us to compare the effect of variable measures on different scales and can consider nominal, interval, or categorical variables for analysis.


具有一个因变量和一个自变量的方程式由以下公式定义: (Equation with one dependent and one independent variable is defined by the formula:)

y = c + b * x (y = c + b * x)

其中y =估计的相关分数 (where y = estimated dependent score)

c =常数 (c = constant)

b =回归系数, (b = regression coefficient,)

x =自变量。 (x = independent variable.)

回归技术的类型 (Types of Regression Techniques)

For predictions, there are many regression techniques available. The type of regression technique to be used is mostly driven by three metrics:

对于预测,有许多可用的回归技术。 所使用的回归技术的类型主要由三个指标驱动:

1. Number of independent variables


2. Type of dependent variables


3. Shape of regression line


线性回归 (Linear Regression)

Linear regression is one of the most commonly used predictive modelling techniques.It is represented by an equation


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