MySQL 5.5.41 发布下载,此版本更新内容如下:


移除了旧版本 Mac OS X 和 XCode 版本的CMake 工作区 (Bug #18510941)

Previously, the  MYSQL_MAINTAINER_MODE CMake option was turned on by default for debug builds and off for release builds, and MYSQL_MAINTAINER_MODE caused  -Werror to be enabled when building with GCC.  (Bug #18313717)

修改了构建支持,为 Clang 生成跟 gcc 一样的警告 (Bug #17959689)

CMake configuration for the Clang compiler sets more appropriate flags for building on Linux. Specifically, -g -fno-omit-frame-pointer -fno-strict-aliasing is now added.  (Bug #17633291)


新 -DWITH_UBSAN=ON CMake 选项允许 Undefined Behavior Sanitizer (Bug #19587393)

Bugs 修复

InnoDB: An ALTER TABLE operation raised an assertion.  (Bug #19908343)

References: This bug is a regression of Bug #18806829.

InnoDB: In debug builds, setting the innodb_limit_optimistic_insert_debug debug        configuration option to 1 caused an infinite B-tree page split. (Bug #19904003, Bug #74605)

InnoDB: The dict_set_corrupted() function attempted to update the clustered index of the        SYS_INDEXES data dictionary table incorrectly.  (Bug #19584379)

InnoDB: A procedure, called from a function to perform an operation on a        temporary table, caused the server to halt.       (Bug #19306524)

InnoDB:  A CREATE TABLE operation that  failed with innodb_strict_mode=ON would succeed without printing a warning with innodb_strict_mode=OFF.  (Bug #17852083)

Replication:  When using a MySQL version that had been compiled with the  WITH_DEBUG option enabled, using expire_logs_days to purge binary logs caused a restart to crash the server. This problem        arose after the fix for Bug #17283409. The fix ensures that current_thd is checked before calling        DEBUG_SYNC(). (Bug #19553099)

Replication: A kernel mutex contention was being caused because mysqlbinlog was calling localtime() for every event read, which in turn called stat(/etc/localtime). (Bug #72701, Bug #18808072)

Replication:  The global scope for the  sql_log_bin system variable has been deprecated, and this variable can now be set with session scope only. (Bug #67433, Bug #15868071)

InnoDB permitted a foreign key to be created which referenced a parent table for which the user did not have sufficient privileges.  (Bug #18790730)

On Windows, the replace utility did not work.  (Bug #16581605)

On CentOS 6, specifying a relative path name for the  --socket option caused MySQL startup script failure. (Bug #74111, Bug #19775856)

The IS_FREE_LOCK() and  IS_USED_LOCK() function implementations contained a race condition due to which they  could access freed memory when a user lock was concurrently checked and freed.  (Bug #73123, Bug #19070633)

mysql_setpermission failed to properly quote user names in SQL statements that it generated. (Bug #66317, Bug #14486004)

同时还发布了 MySQL 5.6.22 版本,更新内容请看发行说明。

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Ubuntu 14.04 LTS 安装 LNMP Nginx\PHP5 (PHP-FPM)\MySQL

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