telegram 机器人

Imagine this, there is a message bot that will send you a random cute dog image whenever you want, sounds cool right? Let’s make one!

想象一下,有一个消息机器人可以随时随地向您发送随机的可爱狗图像,听起来很酷吧? 让我们做一个!

For this tutorial, we are going to use Python 3, python-telegram-bot, and public API RandomDog.

在本教程中,我们将使用Python 3, python-telegram-bot和公共API RandomDog

At the end of this tutorial, you will have a stress relieving bot that will send you cute dog images every time you need it, yay!


入门 (Getting started)

Before we start to write the program, we need to generate a token for our bot. The token is needed to access the Telegram API, and install the necessary dependencies.

在开始编写程序之前,我们需要为机器人生成令牌。 需要令牌来访问Telegram API,并安装必要的依赖项。

1.在BotFather中创建一个新的机器人 (1. Create a new bot in BotFather)

If you want to make a bot in Telegram, you have to “register” your bot first before using it. When we “register” our bot, we will get the token to access the Telegram API.

如果要在Telegram中制作机器人,则必须在使用机器人之前先对其进行“注册”。 当我们“注册”我们的机器人时,我们将获得令牌来访问Telegram API。

Go to the BotFather (if you open it in desktop, make sure you have the Telegram app), then create new bot by sending the /newbot command. Follow the steps until you get the username and token for your bot. You can go to your bot by accessing this URL: and your token should looks like this.

转到BotFather (如果您在桌面上打开它,请确保您具有Telegram应用程序),然后通过发送/newbot命令来创建新的bot。 按照步骤操作,直到获得机器人的用户名和令牌。 您可以通过访问以下URL进入机器人: ,令牌应如下所示。


2.安装库 (2. Install the library)

Since we are going to use a library for this tutorial, install it using this command.


pip3 install python-telegram-bot

If the library is successfully installed, then we are good to go.


编写程序 (Write the program)

Let’s make our first bot. This bot should return a dog image when we send the /bop command. To be able to do this, we can use the public API from RandomDog to help us generate random dog images.

让我们做第一个机器人。 当我们发送/bop命令时,该机器人应返回狗图像。 为此,我们可以使用RandomDog的公共API 帮助我们生成随机的狗图像。

The workflow of our bot is as simple as this:


access the API -> get the image URL -> send the image


1.导入库 (1. Import the libraries)

First, import all the libraries we need.


from telegram.ext import Updater, CommandHandler
import requests
import re

2.访问API并获取图像URL (2. Access the API and get the image URL)

Let’s create a function to get the URL. Using the requests library, we can access the API and get the json data.

让我们创建一个获取URL的函数。 使用请求库,我们可以访问API并获取json数据。

contents = requests.get('').json()

You can check the json data by accessing that URL: in your browser. You will see something like this on your screen:

您可以通过在浏览器中访问以下URL来检查json数据: : 。 您将在屏幕上看到以下内容:


Get the image URL since we need that parameter to be able to send the image.


image_url = contents['url']

Wrap this code into a function called get_url() .


def get_url():contents = requests.get('').json()    url = contents['url']return url

3.发送图片 (3. Send the image)

To send a message/image we need two parameters, the image URL and the recipient’s ID — this can be group ID or user ID.


We can get the image URL by calling our get_url() function.


url = get_url()

Get the recipient’s ID using this code:


chat_id = update.message.chat_id

After we get the image URL and the recipient’s ID, it’s time to send the message, which is an image.


bot.send_photo(chat_id=chat_id, photo=url)

Wrap that code in a function called bop , and make sure your code looks like this:


def bop(bot, update):url = get_url()chat_id = update.message.chat_idbot.send_photo(chat_id=chat_id, photo=url)

4. Main program (4. Main program)

Lastly, create another function called main to run our program. Don’t forget to change YOUR_TOKEN with the token that we generated earlier in this tutorial.

最后,创建另一个名为main函数以运行我们的程序。 不要忘记使用我们在本教程前面生成的令牌来更改 YOUR_TOKEN

def main():updater = Updater('YOUR_TOKEN')dp = updater.dispatcherdp.add_handler(CommandHandler('bop',bop))updater.start_polling()updater.idle()if __name__ == '__main__':main()

At the end your code should look like this:


from telegram.ext import Updater, InlineQueryHandler, CommandHandler
import requests
import redef get_url():contents = requests.get('').json()    url = contents['url']return urldef bop(bot, update):url = get_url()chat_id = update.message.chat_idbot.send_photo(chat_id=chat_id, photo=url)def main():updater = Updater('YOUR_TOKEN')dp = updater.dispatcherdp.add_handler(CommandHandler('bop',bop))updater.start_polling()updater.idle()if __name__ == '__main__':main()

5.运行程序 (5. Run the program)

Awesome! You finished your first program. Now let’s check if it works. Save the file, name it , then run it using this command.

太棒了! 您完成了第一个程序。 现在,让我们检查一下是否可行。 保存文件,将其命名为 ,然后使用此命令运行它。


Go to your telegram bot by accessing this URL: Send the /bop command. If everything runs perfectly the bot will reply with a random dog image. Cute right?

通过访问以下URL转到电报机器人: : 。 发送/bop命令。 如果一切运行正常,机器人将以随机的狗图像进行回复。 可爱吧?

处理错误 (Handling errors)

Great! Now you have a bot that will send you a cute dog image whenever you want.

大! 现在,您有了一个机器人,可以随时随地向您发送可爱的狗图像。

There is more! The RandomDog API not only generates images, but also videos and GIFs. If we access the API and we get a video or GIF, there is an error and the bot won’t send it to you.

还有更多! 随机犬 API不仅会生成图像,还会生成视频和GIF。 如果我们访问API并获得视频或GIF,则出现错误,该漫游器不会将其发送给您。

Let’s fix this so the bot will only send a message with an image attachment. If we get a video or GIF then we will call the API again until we get an image.

让我们对其进行修复,以便该机器人仅发送带有图片附件的消息。 如果获得视频或GIF,则将再次调用API,直到获得图像。

1.使用正则表达式匹配文件扩展名 (1. Match the file extension using regex)

We are going to use a regex to solve this problem.


To distinguish an image from video or GIF, we can take a look at the file extension. We only need the last part of our URL.

为了区分图像与视频或GIF,我们可以看一下文件扩展名。 我们只需要URL的最后一部分。*****.JPG

We need to define, first, what file extensions are allowed in our program.


allowed_extension = ['jpg','jpeg','png']

Then use the regex to extract the file extension from the URL.


file_extension ="([^.]*)$",url).group(1).lower()

Using that code, make a function called get_image_url() to iterate the URL until we get the file extension that we want (jpg,jpeg,png).


def get_image_url():allowed_extension = ['jpg','jpeg','png']file_extension = ''while file_extension not in allowed_extension:url = get_url()file_extension ="([^.]*)$",url).group(1).lower()return url

2.修改您的代码 (2. Modify your code)

Great! Now for the last part, replace the url = get_url() line in the bop() function with url = get_image_url() , and your code should look like this:

大! 现在,对于最后一部分,将bop()函数中的url = get_url()行替换为url = get_url() url = get_image_url() ,您的代码应如下所示:

from telegram.ext import Updater, InlineQueryHandler, CommandHandler
import requests
import redef get_url():contents = requests.get('').json()    url = contents['url']return urldef get_image_url():allowed_extension = ['jpg','jpeg','png']file_extension = ''while file_extension not in allowed_extension:url = get_url()file_extension ="([^.]*)$",url).group(1).lower()return urldef bop(bot, update):url = get_image_url()chat_id = update.message.chat_idbot.send_photo(chat_id=chat_id, photo=url)def main():updater = Updater('YOUR_TOKEN')dp = updater.dispatcherdp.add_handler(CommandHandler('bop',bop))updater.start_polling()updater.idle()if __name__ == '__main__':main()

Nice! Everything should run perfectly. You can also check out my GitHub account to get the code.

真好! 一切都应该完美运行。 您也可以签出我的GitHub帐户以获取代码。

Finally, congratulations for finishing this tutorial, plus you have a cool Telegram bot now.


Please leave a comment if you think there are any errors in my code or writing, because I’m still learning and I want to get better.


Thank you and good luck practicing! :)

谢谢你,祝你好运! :)


telegram 机器人

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