Windows 10’s Focus Assist feature temporarily hides incoming notifications. In Windows 10’s next update, Focus Assist can activate when you’re using any full-screen app, whether that’s YouTube in a browser, Netflix, or a desktop video player like VLC.

Windows 10的Focus Assist功能暂时隐藏了传入的通知。 在Windows 10的下一个更新中,当您使用任何全屏应用程序时,无论是浏览器中的YouTube,Netflix还是VLC等桌面视频播放器,Focus Assist都可以激活。

This feature will be part of Windows 10’s upcoming update, codenamed 19H1 and expected for release in April 2019. Microsoft just added this feature in Insider build 18277, released on November 7.

此功能将是Windows 10即将发布的更新的一部分,其代号为19H1,预计于2019年4月发布。Microsoft刚刚在11月7日发布的Insider build 18277中添加了此功能。

“Focus Assist” was added back in the April 2018 Update. Windows 10 can automatically enable it when you’re playing a full-screen game or projecting your display, or even just between certain hours. It’s like a “Do Not Disturb” mode for Windows 10. When you disable Focus Assist—so, when you stop playing a game or watching a video—any notifications you missed will be summarized for you. This is all customizable.

在2018年4月更新中重新添加了“焦点辅助”。 当您玩全屏游戏或投影显示器时,甚至在某些小时之间,Windows 10会自动启用它。 就像Windows 10的“请勿打扰”模式一样。当您禁用“焦点辅助”时(这样,当您停止玩游戏或观看视频时),您所错过的任何通知都会为您汇总。 这都是可定制的。

In Windows 10 19H1, Focus Assist is getting a new option that will hide notifications whenever you’re using a full-screen app. It’s named “When I’m using an app in full screen mode,” and is available with the other Focus Assist settings at Settings > System > Focus Assist.

在Windows 10 19H1中,Focus Assist获得了一个新选项,该选项将在您使用全屏应用程序时隐藏通知。 它被命名为“当我在全屏模式下使用应用程序时”,并且在“设置”>“系统”>“聚焦辅助”下可与其他“聚焦辅助”设置一起使用。

So, whenever you’re using any sort of full-screen app—whether that’s a full-screen YouTube video in Chrome or another browser, a Netflix stream, or even a downloaded video played in VLC, Movies & TV, or another app—Focus Assist can automatically disable incoming notifications to avoid bothering you. If you use your PC as a media center, this could be very useful.

因此,无论何时使用任何类型的全屏应用程序(无论是Chrome或其他浏览器中的全屏YouTube视频,Netflix流还是什至在VLC,电影电视或其他应用程序中播放的下载视频), Focus Assist可以自动禁用传入的通知,以免打扰您。 如果您将PC用作媒体中心,这可能会非常有用。

There’s just one catch: Many Windows applications use their own custom type of notifications and will ignore this setting. Focus Assist only affects Windows applications that use standard Windows notifications—the kind that appear in the Action Center.

有一个陷阱:许多Windows应用程序使用他们自己的自定义通知类型,并且将忽略此设置。 Focus Assist仅会影响使用标准Windows通知的Windows应用程序,该应用程序显示在操作中心中。

Maybe you do want to see some notifications while you’re watching a video—that’s fine, too. You can set Focus Assist to “Priority only” mode and configure a list of priority applications. Focus Assist will let notifications from the specific applications you care about through.

也许您确实想在观看视频时看到一些通知,这也很好。 您可以将Focus Assist设置为“仅限优先级”模式,并配置优先级应用程序列表。 Focus Assist可以让您关注的特定应用程序发出通知。

And, of course, you don’t have to use Focus Assist if you don’t want it. You can just turn it off from its settings page and forget it exists..

而且,当然,如果您不需要,也不必使用Focus Assist。 您只需在其设置页面上将其关闭,然后忘记它的存在即可。

如何在今天观看视频时隐藏通知 (How to Hide Notifications While Watching Videos Today)

If you want Focus Assist to hide notifications while you’re watching videos today, you can open the Action Center by pressing Windows + A or by clicking the notification bubble icon on the taskbar at the bottom right corner of your screen. Click the “Focus Assist” tile to toggle it on. If you don’t see the tile, click the “Expand” link.

如果您想让Focus Assist在今天观看视频时隐藏通知,则可以通过按Windows + A或单击屏幕右下角任务栏上的通知气泡图标来打开操作中心。 单击“焦点辅助”图块将其打开。 如果看不到图块,请单击“展开”链接。

You’ll have to return here and toggle it off again when you want to see notifications. But, when the next Windows 10 update arrives, Windows 10 can automatically turn it on and off for you.

您需要返回此处并在想要查看通知时再次将其关闭。 但是,在下一个Windows 10更新到来时,Windows 10可以自动为您打开和关闭它。

This latest Insider preview build also adds some other cool features. In the Action Center, the brightness toggle tile has been turned into a slider bar so you can quickly adjust your display brightness. Microsoft is now enabling the “Let Windows try to fix apps so they’re not blurry” by default to help fix blurry apps when you change your display’s DPI settings.

最新的Insider预览版本还添加了其他一些很酷的功能。 在“操作中心”中,亮度切换块已变成滑块,因此您可以快速调整显示亮度。 Microsoft现在默认启用“让Windows尝试修复应用程序,使其不会模糊”,以帮助您在更改显示器的DPI设置时修复模糊的应用程序。

And you can now customize Windows 10 Application Guard for Microsoft Edge settings straight from Windows Defender, so you don’t have to dig into Group Policy to customize Microsoft’s locked-down browser environment.

现在,您可以直接从Windows Defender自定义Windows 10 Application Guard for Microsoft Edge设置,因此您不必深入研究组策略即可自定义Microsoft的锁定浏览器环境。


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