


| 10437 | usr0321t9m9 | | oms | Execute | 1179 | Sending

select tradedto0_.* from a1 tradedto0_ where tradedto0_.tradestatus='1'
and (tradedto0_.tradeoid in (select orderdto1_.tradeoid from a2 orderdto1_ where
orderdto1_.proname like '%??%' or orderdto1_.procode like '%??%')) and tradedto0_.undefine4='1'
and tradedto0_.invoicetype='1' and tradedto0_.tradestep='0' and (tradedto0_.orderCompany like '0002%') order by tradedto0_.tradesign ASC, tradedto0_.makertime desc limit 15;

update a1 set tradesign='DAB67634-795C-4EAC-B4A0-78F0D531D62F',
markColor=' #CD5555', memotime='2012-09- 22', markPerson='??' where tradeoid in ('gy2012092204495100032') ;
为了尽快恢复应用,将其长时间执行的sql kill掉后,应用恢复正常;
db@3306 :explain select tradedto0_.* from a1 tradedto0_ where tradedto0_.tradestatus='1' and (tradedto0_.tradeoid in (select orderdto1_.tradeoid
from a2 orderdto1_ where orderdto1_.proname like '%??%' or orderdto1_.procode like '%??%')) and tradedto0_.undefine4='1' and tradedto0_.invoicetype='1' and tradedto0_.tradestep='0' and (tradedto0_.orderCompany like '0002%') order by tradedto0_.tradesign ASC, tradedto0_.makertime desc limit 15;
| id | select_type | table | type | possible_keys | key | key_len | ref | rows | Extra |
| 1 | PRIMARY | tradedto0_ | ALL | NULL | NULL | NULL | NULL | 27454 | Using where; Using filesort |
| 2 | DEPENDENT SUBQUERY | orderdto1_ | ALL | NULL | NULL | NULL | NULL | 40998 | Using where |
db@3306:alter table a2 add index ind_a2(proname,procode,tradeoid);
ERROR 1071 (42000): Specified key was too long; max key length is 1000 bytes
添加组合索引超过了最大key length限制:

db@3306 :desc  a2 ;
| Field               | Type          | Null | Key | Default | Extra |
| OID                 | varchar(50)   | NO   | PRI | NULL    |       |
| TRADEOID            | varchar(50)   | YES  |     | NULL    |       |
| PROCODE             | varchar(50)   | YES  |     | NULL    |       |
| PRONAME             | varchar(1000) | YES  |     | NULL    |       |
| SPCTNCODE           | varchar(200)  | YES  |     | NULL    |       |


db@3306 :select max(length(PRONAME)),avg(length(PRONAME)) from a2;
| max(length(PRONAME)) | avg(length(PRONAME)) |
|    95              |       24.5588 |


alter table modify column PRONAME varchar(156);

db@3306 :explain select tradedto0_.* from a1 tradedto0_ where tradedto0_.tradestatus='1' and (tradedto0_.tradeoid in (select orderdto1_.tradeoid from a2 orderdto1_ where orderdto1_.proname like '%??%' or orderdto1_.procode like '%??%')) and tradedto0_.undefine4='1' and tradedto0_.invoicetype='1' and tradedto0_.tradestep='0' and (tradedto0_.orderCompany like '0002%') order by tradedto0_.tradesign ASC, tradedto0_.makertime desc limit 15;
| id | select_type | table | type | possible_keys | key | key_len | ref | rows | Extra |
| 1 | PRIMARY | tradedto0_ | ref | ind_tradestatus | ind_tradestatus | 345 | const,const,const,const | 8962 | Using where; Using filesort |
| 2 | DEPENDENT SUBQUERY | orderdto1_ | index | NULL | ind_a2 | 777 | NULL | 41005 | Using where; Using index |

db@3306 :select orderdto1_.tradeoid from t orderdto1_ where orderdto1_.proname like '%??%' or orderdto1_.procode like '%??%';
Empty set (0.05 sec)
select tradedto0_.* from a1 tradedto0_ ,(select orderdto1_.tradeoid from a2 orderdto1_ where orderdto1_.proname like '%??%' or orderdto1_.procode like '%??%')t2 where tradedto0_.tradestatus='1' and (tradedto0_.tradeoid=t2.tradeoid ) and tradedto0_.undefine4='1' and tradedto0_.invoicetype='1' and tradedto0_.tradestep='0' and (tradedto0_.orderCompany like '0002%') order by tradedto0_.tradesign ASC, tradedto0_.makertime desc limit 15;
db@3306 :explain select tradedto0_.* from a1 tradedto0_ ,(select orderdto1_.tradeoid from a2 orderdto1_ where orderdto1_.proname like '%??%' or orderdto1_.procode like '%??%')t2 where tradedto0_.tradestatus='1' and (tradedto0_.tradeoid=t2.tradeoid ) and tradedto0_.undefine4='1' and tradedto0_.invoicetype='1' and tradedto0_.tradestep='0' and (tradedto0_.orderCompany like '0002%') order by tradedto0_.tradesign ASC, tradedto0_.makertime desc limit 15;
| id | select_type | table | type | possible_keys | key | key_len | ref | rows | Extra |
| 1 | PRIMARY | NULL | NULL | NULL | NULL | NULL | NULL | NULL | Impossible WHERE noticed after reading const tables |
| 2 | DERIVED | orderdto1_ | index | NULL | ind_a2 | 777 | NULL | 41005 | Using where; Using index |


db@3306 :select tradedto0_.* from a1 tradedto0_ ,(select orderdto1_.tradeoid from a2 orderdto1_ where orderdto1_.proname like '%??%' or orderdto1_.procode like '%??%')t2 where tradedto0_.tradestatus='1' and (tradedto0_.tradeoid=t2.tradeoid ) and tradedto0_.undefine4='1' and tradedto0_.invoicetype='1' and tradedto0_.tradestep='0' and (tradedto0_.orderCompany like '0002%') order by tradedto0_.tradesign ASC, tradedto0_.makertime desc limit 15;
Empty set (0.03 sec)




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