17、 [单选] 实践敏捷方法的开发负责人被任命为一个项目的迭代经理,该负责人与使用瀑布式方法的业务分析师密切合作,但这两个方法的差异已经开始对团队绩效产生负面影响,项目经理分别与开发负责人和业务分析师就这种情况进行会面,但未能解决问题。 项目经理下一步应该怎么做?
A development leader, who practices agile methodology, is assigned as the iteration manager for a project.This leader works closely with a business analyst who uses the waterfall methodology. The differences in these methodologies have begun to negatively impact team performance. The project manager meets individually with the development lead and business analyst about the situation, but fails to resolve the issue.

  • A:与业务分析师的经理谈话
    Speak with the business analyst’s manager.
  • B:请求提供一位具有敏捷方法经验的新业务分析师
    Request a new business analyst with experience in the agile methodology.
  • C:为业务分析师提供敏捷方法团队的培训
    Train the business analyst on the agile methodology.
  • D:与业务分析师和开发负责人一起召开一次联合会议
    Conduct a joint meeting with the business analyst and development team.

正确答案:D 你的答案:C

解析:参考答案:D 解析:PMBOK(6)P348-冲突管理-合作/解决问题。利用合作/解决问题的方法解决项目中的冲突,选项D比较合适。

19、 [单选] 一个外部项目资源告知项目经理他们的合同即将到期。项目经理应该查看哪份文件来确认该信息并解决这个问题?
An outside project resource advises the project manager that their contract is about to expire.What document should the project manager review to check this information and resolve the issue?

  • A:组织图
    Organization chart.
  • B:资源管理计划
    Resouce management plan.
  • C:项目合同
    Project contract.
  • D:组织过程资产
    Organizational process assets.

正确答案:B 你的答案:C

解析:参考答案:B 解析:PMBOK(6)P318-资源管理计划。作为项目管理计划的一部分,资源管理计划提供了关于如何分类、分配、管理和释放项目资源的指南

27、 [单选] 一位项目经理正在领导一位位于三个不同国家的多元文化项目团队。最近,任务延后变得很常见,团队成员经常发生争论而不合作。 若要减少潜在的冲突,并改善团队沟通和交付,项目经理应该怎么做?
A project manager is leading a multi-culture project team based in different countries. Recently, task slippage has become common, and team members often argue rather than collaborate. What should the project manager do to reduce the urperlyin conflicts, and improve team communication and delivery?

  • A:使用批准的虚拟工具安排每周一次的重新调整会议,以确保团队充分参与
    Set up a weekly realignment meeting with an approved virtual tool to ensure full team participation.
  • B:与每个团队安排一次电话会议,并进行团队建设练习
    Schedule a conference call with each team, and conduct a team-building exercise.
  • C:为团队成员发送一封电子邮件,鼓励他们一起工作
    Email team members encouraging them to work together.
  • D:将该问题升级上报给高级管理层
    Escalate the issue to senior management.

正确答案:A 你的答案:B

解析:参考答案:A 解析: 虚拟团队 虚拟团队的使用能带来很多好处,例如,使用更多技术熟练的资源、降低成本、减少出差及搬迁费用,以及拉近团队成员与供应商、客户或其他重要相关方的距离。虚拟团队可以利用技术来营造在线团队环境,以供团队存储文件、使用在线对话来讨论问题,以及保存团队日历。BC都是分别进行不解决问题,D还没有必要。

28、 [单选] 一个项目落后于进度,并超出预算。由于相关方压力增大,项目团队是在高压下工作,这导致了质量与生产经理之间的冲突,每一方都为项目延误和成本超支而指责对方。 项目经理应该怎么做?
A project is behind schedule and over budget. As a result of increased stakeholder pressure, the project team has been placed under serious duress. This causes a conflict between the quality and production managers, with each blaming the other for the delays and cost overruns. What should the project manager do?

  • A:与两位经理会面,并要求他们立即结束冲突,以避免对项目造成负面影响
    Meet with both managers, and ask them to immediately and end the conflict to avoid negatively impacting the project.
  • B:与相关方讨论该情况,并遵照他们的建议处理冲突
    Discuss the situation with the stakeholders, and follow their suggestions for dealing with the conflict.
  • C:与两位经理的主管会面,讨论可能的行动
    Meet with the managers’ supervisors to discuss possible actions.
  • D:查阅团队章程以了解如何处理这个冲突的指导方针
    Refer to the team charter for guidelines on how to deal with this conflict.

正确答案:C 你的答案:D

解析:参考答案:C 解析: 人际关系与团队技能 成功的冲突管理可提高生产力,改进工作关系。同时,如果管理得当,意见分歧有利于提高创造力和改进决策。假如意见分歧成为负面因素,应该首先由项目团队成员负责解决;如果冲突升级,项目经理应提供协助,促成满意的解决方案,采用直接和合作的方式,尽早并且通常在私下处理冲突。A虽然是面对,但属于强迫措施,题目中没有看到紧迫性,另外强迫是迫不得已的选择。C相对更好。

36、 [单选] 两名团队成员拒绝一起参加同一个项目,两名团队成员的参与对实现项目目标是必要的。若要确保两名团队成员一起合作获得项目章程的签署,项目经理应该怎么做?
Two team members refuse to participate in the same project together.Parlicipalion of both team members is necessary to achieve project goals.What should the project manager do to ensure that both team members work together to obtain project charter sign-off.

  • A:鼓励两位成员发挥团队精神,并在需要时获得职能经理的支持
    Encourage team spirit between both members,and obtain support form their functional managers if neede
  • B:让两位成员参阅团队章程,并在需要时获得职能经理的支持
    Refer both team members to the team charter,and obtain support from their functional managers if neede
  • C:鼓励两位团队成员从其职能经理那里获得支持
    Encourage both team members to obtain support from their functional managers.
  • D:鼓励团队成员自行解决冲突
    Encourage the team members to resolve their conflict.

正确答案:B 你的答案:A


37、 [单选] —家公司转向采用跨职能团队进行项目开发的敏捷方法,并将项目经理分配到一个关键的项目。项目经理应该如何避免员工辞职的可能性?
A company switches to an agile approach for project development with cross-functional teams,and assigns a project manager to a critical project.What should the project manager use to avoid any possibility of employees resigning?

  • A:进行圆桌讨论、研讨会和一对一的会议
    Conduct roundtable discussions,workshops,workshops,and one-on-one meetings.
  • B:成立一个委员会来确定敏捷方法
    Establish a committee to work on defining agile approaches.
  • C:要求人力资源部门参与该项目以协助员工管理
    Ask the human resource department to become involved in the project to assist with employee management.
  • D:为所有项目团队成员协商更好的工资或项目奖金
    Negotiate better salaries or project bounses for all project team members.

正确答案:A 你的答案:C

解析:参考答案:A 解析:pmbok6的342页9.4.2.8建设团队工具技术-会议:项目经理主要是为团队创造环境,提供支持并信任团队完成工作

39、 [单选] 一个项目的团队成员正在使用问题管理程序,但问题描述经常填写不正确,从而导致减慢速度,项目经理已经与团队进行交谈,但没有观察到任何改进。项目经理应该怎么做?
Team member on a project are using issue management procedures, but issue description are often completed incorrectly, which slows progress. The project manager has spoken with the team, but not improvement has been observe What should the project manager do?

  • A:创建一个小组委员会,以改进编写问题描述的过程
    Create a subcommittee to improve the process for writing issue descriptions
  • B:跟踪表现差的人并在下次绩效评审中说明该问题
    Track poor performers and address the issue at their next performance review
  • C:向团队提供有关此问题导致的返工量反馈
    Provide feedback to the team regarding the amount of rework that has resulted from this problem
  • D:增加团队检查的频率
    Increase the frequency of team inspections

正确答案:C 你的答案:A

解析:9.5.2 管理团队:工具与技术 团队经常犯小错误且屡教不改,可能是不了解该错误带来的后果,所以应该提供反馈,以便大家重视并积极改正。排除法,A,不是流程问题;B“下次”没有及时解决问题,避免造成更多问题;C用后果说服他;D检查只能发现,不能防止。

41、 [单选] 一个虚拟团队正在为一个全球客户开发一个项目。由于组织重组,团队将从70人减少到58人,项目经理应该怎么做?
A virtual team is working on a project for a customer with global presence. Due to organizational restructuring, the team will be reduced from 70 to 58 members. What should the project manager do?

  • A:将剩余的团队成员集中在一起办公,以提高他们作为团队执行工作的能力
    Co-location the remaining team members to enhance their ability to perform as A team
  • B:获得额外资金以改善沟通技术,以便在团队成员之间建立更好的共识
    Obtain additional funds to improve communication technology to build better understanding among team members
  • C:通过使用新的可用信息更新项目管理计划来采取预防措施
    Take preventive actions by updating the project management plan with the newly available information
  • D:更新工作分解结构(WBS)并确保所有活动按时完成
    Update the work breakdown structure (WBS) and ensure that all activities are completed on time

正确答案:B 你的答案:A


44、 [单选] 采购部门通知项目经理项目管理软件已更新。团队成员没有使用此更新过的软件经验,但需要此项技能来完成项目。项目经理应该怎么做?
A procurement department notifies a project manager that the project management software has been updateTeam members have on experience working with this update,but will need the skills to complete the project.What should the project manager do?

  • A:请求额外的时间来培训资源
    Request additional time to train resources.
  • B:更新资源管理计划
    Update the resource management plan.
  • C:聘请熟悉这项更新的外部资源来完成工作
    Hire an external resource familiar with the update to complete the jo
  • D:要求供应商提供主题专家(SME )来培训团队
    Ask the vendor to supply a subject matter expert(SME)to train the team.

正确答案:B 你的答案:A

解析:团队成员能力不够,要临时安排培训,首先要记录在资源管理计划中。 资源管理计划 作为项目管理计划的一部分,资源管理计划提供了关于如何分类、分配、管理和释放项目资源的指南

51、 [单选] 自项目开始以来,一些关键相关方因各种原因被替换,而又没有与项目团队适当地沟通这种情况,导致了项目团队产生挫败感,并将很快影响到项目结果。若要改善这种情况,项目经理应该怎么做?
Some key stakeholders have been replaced for various reasons since the project’s beginning, this was not properly communicated to the project team, which is causing frustration and will soon impact project results. What should the project manager do to improve the situation?

  • A:统一相关方的期望
    Align stakeholder expectations
  • B:向团队成员提供一份组织结构图
    Provide the team with an organizational chart
  • C:提升项目团队的兴趣
    Promote the interest of the project team
  • D:增加相关方对项目的承诺
    Increase stakeholder commitment to the project

正确答案:B 你的答案:D

解析:PMBOK9.1.3.1 项目组织图:项目组织图以图形方式展示项目团队成员及其报告关系。问题核心是换人了不知道,组织结构图显示团队成员及其汇报关系,可以解决该问题。

53、 [单选] 一项任务花费的时间比预期长,经审查,项目经理确定所分配的人员不具备必要的技能。若要将项目任务拉回正轨,项目经理应该怎么做?
A task is taking longer than expected, upon review, the project manager identifies that the assigned resource does not process the necessary skills. What should the project manager do to get the task back on schedule?

  • A:制定并管理一份技能不熟练人员的纠正措施计划,以获得必要的技能
    Establish and manage A corrective action plan for the unskilled resource to gain the necessary skills.
  • B:分配技能熟练的人员以帮助不熟练人员获得必要的技能
    Assign a skilled resource to help the unskilled personnel acquire necessary skills
  • C:与职能经理会面,请求协助培训技能不熟练的人员
    Meet with functional managers and request assistance in training unskilled personnel
  • D:与职能经理一起合作,以替换该人员
    Work with the functional manager to replace this person

正确答案:A 你的答案:C

解析:PMBOK9.4.2.6 培训包括旨在提高项目团队成员能力的全部活动团队成员培训由项目经理负责。团队成员能力不够,培训。

54、 [单选] 一位关键团队成员犯了一个严重错误,将导致项目严重延迟。按照相关方参与计划,项目经理与相关方开会讨论此问题。在会议上,项目经理应该提供什么信息?
A key team member makes a critical mistake that will result in a significant project delay.In accordance with the stakeholders engagement plan, The project manager meets with stakeholders to discuss this issue. What information should the project manager present during the meeting?

  • A:团队的培训计划,以避免类似错误
    Training plan for the team to avoid similar mistakes
  • B:说明防止类似问题发生的新规定
    Description of new provisions to prevent similar issue from occurring
  • C:修改范围以保持项目进度计划的方案
    Options for amending the scope to maintain the project schedule
  • D:根本原因分析,解释错误发生的原因
    Root cause analysis, explaining why the mistake occurred

正确答案:A 你的答案:D

解析: 培训。培训包括旨在提高项目团队成员能力的全部活动,可以是正式或非正式的。题目里面表示,因为一个关键成员的失误而导致了项目延迟,那么在会议上面,我们需要提供这个问题的解决方案。这个问题是因为团队成员引起的,我们需要对该团队成员进行培训,避免之后出现类似的情况

72、 [单选] —名新成员加入团队,该团队的报告结构发生多次变更。若要快速使这位新团队成员适应,项目经理应该查阅哪一份文件?
A new member joins the team and the team’s reporting structure has changed for several times. Which document should the project manager review to quickly get the new team member adapted?

  • A:项目组织图
    Project Organization Chart
  • B:层级资源图
    Hierarchical Resources Map
  • C:责任分配矩阵(RAM)
    Responsibility Assignment Matrix (RAM)
  • D:资源管理计划
    Resources Control Plan

正确答案:A 你的答案:D

解析:参考答案:A 解析:项目组织图以图形方式展示项目团队成员及其报告关系。基于项目的需要,项目组织图可以是正式或非正式的,非常详细或高度概括的。A选项最准确。

99、 [单选] 一个复杂项目包含对最终目标有不同看法的相关方。相关方就项目发起人确定的目标最终达成一致意见。之后,在项目执行阶段,发起人退休,相关方之间从此开始产生冲突。新任命的发起人希望知道如何才能根据目标重新调整相关方之间的关系。 项目经理应该做什么?
A complex project comprises stakeholders with differing views on thefinal objective.Ultimately,the stakeholders agree on the objective defined bythe project sponsor.The sponsor then retires during the execution phase,which begins to create conflict among stakeholders.The newly appointed sponsor wants to know what can be done to realign stakeholders with the objective. What should the project manager do?

  • A:密切关注相关方的误解
    Closely monitor stakeholder misunderstandings
  • B:重新审查沟通管理计划,以确定最佳策略
    Review the communications management plan to identify the best strategy
  • C:修改项目章程以解决冲突
    Revise the project charter to address the conflicts
  • D:影响相关方以遵循约定的目标
    Influence the stakeholders to follow the agreed-upon objective

正确答案:D 你的答案:B



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