Benet2.0 S1 英语术语学习


source 源

destination 目的

interconnection 互联

reference 参考

model 模型

protocol 协议

load balancing 负载均担

distributed processing 分布式处理

datacommuniccation 数据通信

tcp/ip =transfer control protocol/internet protocol

ipx/spx = internetwork packet exchange/sequenced packet exchange

serial 串行

SNA=system network architecture d


LAN = local ares network e

standard 标准 r

ethernet 以太网 e

ATM =asynchronous transfer mode



cable 线缆



fiber 光纤

twisted pair 双绞线


NIC =network interface card 网卡

PSTN =public switched telephone network 公共电话网


DDN= leased line 专线

CIR =commited information rate 约定速率


ncircuit switching 电路交换

packet switching 分组交换

U bandwidth 带宽

delay 延迟

propagation delay 传导延迟

switching delay 交换延迟

access delay 介质访问延迟

queuing delay 队列延迟

topology 拓扑

full meshed 全网状

OSI RM =open system interconnection reference model


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