3d打印机 模型图纸下载

3D shapes (models) printing. Many of you have probably already heard about 3D printing technology, however, not everyone knows all the details about how this is done in practice. We will look at the entire process – from the creation of three-dimensional model to its practical printing on 3D printer. To make a 3D-model or to print a ready one on the 3D-printer, you just have to follow the instructions. No skills and abilities required.

3D形状(模型)打印。 你们中的许多人可能已经听说过3D打印技术,但是,并不是每个人都知道有关如何在实践中完成所有细节。 我们将研究整个过程-从创建三维模型到在3D打印机上进行实际打印。 要制作3D模型或在3D打印机上打印现成的模型,只需遵循说明即可。 不需要技能和能力。

  1. The first thing we need to decide where we will make our 3D-model. Your choice – any package of 3D-modeling. Here is a brief list of programs that you can use:首先,我们需要决定在哪里制作3D模型。 您的选择–任何3D建模软件包。 这是您可以使用的程序的简要列表:

Blender (free) Google SketchUp (free) Openscad (free) FreeCad (free) AutoCad 3DS Max Maya Rhinoceros 3D SolidWorks Sculptris

Blender (免费) Google SketchUp (免费) Openscad (免费) FreeCad (免费) AutoCad 3DS Max Maya Rhinoceros 3D SolidWorks Sculptris

The main requirement – export format for 3D-printing – *.stl

主要要求– 3D打印的导出格式– * .stl

However, the simplest way – is to model directly from your browser using the following services:


https://tinkercad.com/ http://www.3dtin.com/ http://tridiv.com/ https://www.tinkercad.com

https://tinkercad.com/ http://www.3dtin.com/ http://tridiv.com/ https://www.tinkercad.com

There are many analogues in the Internet. We will try for the first time www.tinkercad.com as the most simple and fast.

互联网上有许多类似物。 我们将首次尝试www.tinkercad.com,因为它是最简单,最快捷的方法。

  1. Log in and install the plug-in, if it is not already installed登录并安装插件(如果尚未安装)
  2. Download for 3d printing.下载进行3D打印。
  3. Save the job to the microSD flash drive将作业保存到microSD闪存驱动器
  4. Select the file, and send to print.选择文件,然后发送以进行打印。

翻译自: https://www.script-tutorials.com/how-to-make-your-first-3d-model-on-3d-printer/

3d打印机 模型图纸下载

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