Pywifi - python用法

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pip install pywifi


pip install comtypes



#  引入pywifi库及所带常量库
import pywifi
from pywifi import const, Profile#  1. 基础#  获取网卡接口
wifi = pywifi.PyWiFi()#  得到第一个无线网卡
ifaces = wifi.interfaces()[0]#  切断网卡连接
ifaces.disconnect()#  获取wifi的连接状态
wifistatus = ifaces.status()#  检查wifi是否处于切断状态
if wifistatus == const.IFACE_DISCONNECTED:#  网卡已被切断pass#  如果网卡没有被切断
#  或者使用 " if wifistatus == const.IFACE_CONNECTED: "else:#  已连接wifipass#  如果已经切断网卡,一般执行下述操作
if wifistatus == const.IFACE_DISCONNECTED:#  设置wifi连接文件profile: Profile = pywifi.Profile()#  你要连接的网络的名称profile.ssid = "    "#  网卡的开放状态#  " Auth - AP "的验证算法profile.auth = const.AUTH_ALG_OPEN#  wifi的加密算法#  通常的加密算法值为 " WPA "#  选择wifi的加密方式#  " Akm - AP "的密钥管理profile.akm.append(const.AKM_TYPE_WPA2PSK)#  加密单元#  " Cipher - AP "的密码类型profile.cipher = const.CIPHER_TYPE_CCMP#  设置密码password = "   "#  回调密码(wifi密码)#  如果没有密码,则设置值为 " CIPHER_TYPE_NONE "profile.key = password#  删除已连接的所有wifi文件ifaces.remove_all_network_profiles()#  加载新的wifi连接文件tep_profile = ifaces.add_network_profile(profile)#  连接上面的wifi文件ifaces.connect(tep_profile)#  如果wifi已连接if ifaces.status() == const.IFACE_CONNECTED:print(True)#  如果仍未连接else:print(False)


#  2.提高#  获取wifi接口名称
name =  扫描wifi ( AP )
ifaces.scan()#  查看上面的wifi扫描结果 ( 返回值为列表 )
result = ifaces.scan_results()#  删除所有的AP配置文件
#  目的是为了接下来的连接
ifaces.remove_all_network_profiles()#  返回配置文件的列表
files = ifaces.network_profiles()#  设置配置文件的名字
ifaces.add_network_profile(profile)#  连接wifi
ifaces.connect(profile)#  断开wifi
ifaces.disconnect()#  wifi的连接状态
ifaces.status()#  配置文件
profile = pywifi.Profile()#  配置文件的方法
#  ssid  auth  akm  cipher  key
#  这些的详细讲解可看基础#  pywifi中const的量#  const.IFACE_DISCONNECTED = 0
#  const.IFACE_SCANNING = 1
#  const.IFACE_INACTIVE = 2
#  const.IFACE_CONNECTED = 4#  Auth - AP
var1 = const.AUTH_ALG_OPEN
var2 = const.AUTH_ALG_SHARED#  Akm - AP
#  不安全的方法
var3 = const.AKM_TYPE_NONE
#  WPA的方法
var4 = const.AKM_TYPE_WPAPSK
#  WPA2的方法
var5 = const.AKM_TYPE_WPA2PSK
#  对于企业的方法
var6 = const.AKM_TYPE_WPA
var7 = const.AKM_TYPE_WPA2#  Cipher - AP
var8 = const.CIPHER_TYPE_NONE
var9 = const.CIPHER_TYPE_WEP
var10 = const.CIPHER_TYPE_TKIP
var11 = const.CIPHER_TYPE_CCMP


#  Import the module of PyWifi
import pywifi
from pywifi import const, Profile#  1. Basic#  Get the network card interface
wifi = pywifi.PyWiFi()#  Get the first wireless network card
ifaces = wifi.interfaces()[0]#  Disconnect the network card
ifaces.disconnect()#  Get the connection state of wifi
wifistatus = ifaces.status()#  Check if disconnect the wifi
if wifistatus == const.IFACE_DISCONNECTED:#  The network card disconnectpass#  If the network card has already connected
#  Or use the " if wifistatus == const.IFACE_CONNECTED: "else:#  Have already connected the wifipass#  If you have already disconnect the network card, do the below
if wifistatus == const.IFACE_DISCONNECTED:#  Set up the file of wifi connectionprofile: Profile = pywifi.Profile()#  The name of wifi which you want to connectprofile.ssid = "TP-LINKwangqing"#  The opening state of the network card#  The authentication algorithm of " Auth - AP"profile.auth = const.AUTH_ALG_OPEN#  The encryption algorithm of wifi#  The encryption algorithm of common wifi is " WPA "#  Choose the encryption way of wifi#  The key management type of " Akm - AP "profile.akm.append(const.AKM_TYPE_WPA2PSK)#  Encryption unit#  The password type of " Cipher - AP "profile.cipher = const.CIPHER_TYPE_CCMP#  Set the passwordpassword = "wangzijia123456"#  Call the password ( the password of wifi)#  If there's no password, set the value " CIPHER_TYPE_NONE "profile.key = password#  Delete all the file of wifi which has already connectedifaces.remove_all_network_profiles()#  Loading the new file of connectiontep_profile = ifaces.add_network_profile(profile)#  Connect the new file that aboveifaces.connect(tep_profile)#  If the wifi has already connectedif ifaces.status() == const.IFACE_CONNECTED:print(True)#  If it has disconnected yetelse:print(False)#  2.Improvement#  Get the name of wifi interface
name =  Scan the wifi ( AP )
ifaces.scan()#  Look the result of scanning ( list )
result = ifaces.scan_results()#  Delete all the setting files of AP
#  In order to the next connect
ifaces.remove_all_network_profiles()#  Return the list of setting files
files = ifaces.network_profiles()#  Set the name of setting file
ifaces.add_network_profile(profile)#  Connect the wifi
ifaces.connect(profile)#  Disconnect the wifi
ifaces.disconnect()#  The connection state of wifi
ifaces.status()#  Const in pywifi#  const.IFACE_DISCONNECTED = 0
#  const.IFACE_SCANNING = 1
#  const.IFACE_INACTIVE = 2
#  const.IFACE_CONNECTED = 4#  Set up the file
profile = pywifi.Profile()#  The way to set up the file
#  ssid  auth  akm  cipher  key
#  These look above#  Auth - AP
var1 = const.AUTH_ALG_OPEN
var2 = const.AUTH_ALG_SHARED#  Akm - AP
#  No safe mode
var3 = const.AKM_TYPE_NONE
#  The mode of WPA
var4 = const.AKM_TYPE_WPAPSK
#  The mode of WPA2
var5 = const.AKM_TYPE_WPA2PSK
#  For business
var6 = const.AKM_TYPE_WPA
var7 = const.AKM_TYPE_WPA2#  Cipher - AP
var8 = const.CIPHER_TYPE_NONE
var9 = const.CIPHER_TYPE_WEP
var10 = const.CIPHER_TYPE_TKIP
var11 = const.CIPHER_TYPE_CCMP

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