




<div class="fabu-page">

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<button id="save-img" @click="saveImg">截取</button>


<div class="fb-navbar ui-border-b" v-show="isClip == false">

<div class="fb-navbar-item" @click="link(0)" :class="queryType == 0 || queryType == null ? 'active' : ''">发布活动</div>

<div class="fb-navbar-item" @click="link(1)" :class="queryType == 1 ? 'active' : ''">我的发布</div>



<div v-if="queryType == 0">

<div class="tj_hb">

<input v-el:avatar hidden type="file" accept="image/*;capture=camera" name="img" @change="onChooseImage($event)">

<img :src="clipUrl" @click="hbPhoto()">


<!-- 压缩图片用的 -->

<canvas id="compressCanvas" style="position: fixed; z-index: -1; opacity: 0; top: -100%; left: -100%"></canvas>


<mt-field label="主题:" placeholder="活动主题" :value.sync="title"></mt-field>

<mt-cell class="mint-field" title="类型:" placeholder="请选择" @click="onType" is-link>



<mt-field label="日期时间:" placeholder="格式:2020-01-01 10:30" :value.sync="endTime"></mt-field>

<mt-field label="费用:" placeholder="现场付款,免费请填0" :value.sync="price"></mt-field>

<div v-show="selectType !== '线上活动'">

<mt-field label="地点:" placeholder="格式:市-详细地址" :value.sync="address"></mt-field>


<mt-field placeholder="详情描述" type="textarea" rows="5" :value.sync="remark"></mt-field>


<div class="upload-img-column">

<div class="words">添加详情图片 ({{imgTempList.length}}/5)</div>

<div class="upload-wrap">

<div class="box">

<label class="p dotted">

<input v-el:detail type="file" accept="image/jpg,image/jpeg,image/png" name="file"


<img src="../../assets/img/jiahao.png" @click="detailPhoto()" alt="">



<template v-for="(imgIndex, imgItem) in imgTempList">

<div class="box">

<div class="p">

<img :src="imgItem">

<div class="delete" @click.stop="deleteImg(imgIndex)">

<img src="../../assets/img/close-icon.png" alt="">







<div class="footer">

<!--<mt-button class="preview" type="default" @click="preview">预览</mt-button>-->

<mt-button class="commit" type="primary" @click="commit">发布</mt-button>


<mt-popup :visible.sync="typeOption" position="bottom" class="select-box">


<div class="select-header">

<div class="title">选择类型</div>

<div class="close" @click="typeOption = false"></div>


<div class="select">

<label v-for="item in huoDongType" @click="setType(item.name)" :key="item.id">

<div class="line"></div>

<span class="text">{{item.name}}</span>







<div v-else>

<div class="list" v-if="listData.length > 0">

<div v-for="v in listData" v-on:click="openNews(v.id)">

<div class="article-item clearfix">

<div class="pull-left">

<img :src="v.banner" :alt="v.title">


<div class="item-intro">

<div class="item-title">{{v.title}}</div>

<p class="item-desc">{{v.status}} {{v.endTime}}</p>





<p class="order-list-empty" v-else>




<mt-button class="btn-more" size="large" type="primary" v-if="hasNext > 0" @click="loadingList">点击加载更多</mt-button>






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/* 上传图片栏目 END */


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import api from '../../api'

import Tabbar from '../../components/tabbar'

import Popup from '../../components/popup'

import Button from '../../components/button'

import Cell from '../../components/cell'

import Field from '../../components/field'

import Toast from '../../components/toast'

import { getAllParam, setCookie, getCookie, clearCookie } from '../../utils/other.js'

import clip from '../../components/clip/clip.js'

import Indicator from '../../components/indicator'

export default {

components: [Tabbar,Popup, Button, Field, Cell,Toast],

data () {

return {

token: '',

typeOption: false,

selectType: '请选择',

title: '',

zhu_bf: '',

zhu_bf_phone: '',

address: '',

endTime: '',

price: '',

remark: '',

huoDongType: [{

id: 1,

name: '夏令营'


id: 2,

name: '游乐园'


id: 3,

name: '周边户外'


id: 4,

name: '岁月摄影'


id: 5,

name: '教育培训'


id: 6,

name: '线上活动'

}] ,

queryType: 0,

hasNext: 0,

page: 1,

listData: [{

"id": "1",

"title": "30天宝妈成长陪伴--《宝妈加油站》线上训练营",

"status": '进行中',

"endTime": "2020-05-06",

"banner": "http://cdn.huodongxing.com/file/20161115/110189F058F20ABBDC8B0E40D81C448D7A/1540798324752.jpg",

"city": "深圳",

"price": 0,

"hdType": "线上活动"


clipUrl: "https://wb-master.oss-cn-shenzhen.aliyuncs.com/photo/tj_hb.png",

imgTempList: [], //图片临时路径列表



this.isClip && evt.preventDefault();





route: {

data (transition) {

if (process.env.NODE_ENV === 'production') {

this.zhu_bf = getCookie('prod_zhu_bf')

this.zhu_bf_phone = getCookie('prod_zhu_bf_phone')

} else {

this.zhu_bf = getCookie('dev_zhu_bf')

this.zhu_bf_phone = getCookie('dev_zhu_bf_phone')



this.queryType = this.$route.query.type


if(this.queryType == 1)







methods: {


this.isClip = false;




hbPhoto() {



this.$els.avatar.dispatchEvent(new MouseEvent("click"));


detailPhoto() {



this.$els.detail.dispatchEvent(new MouseEvent("click"));



onChooseImage: function (event) {

this.clip = new clip('container',this);


this.isClip = true;




onChooseDetailImage: function (event) {

var that = this;


var currentImgTempArray = that.imgTempList;

if (currentImgTempArray.length >= 5) {


return false;



var reader = new FileReader();

reader.readAsDataURL(event.target.files[0]); //将读取到的文件编码成Data URL

reader.onload = function () { //读取完成时

var replaceSrc = reader.result; //文件输出的内容


var image = new Image();

image.src = replaceSrc;

image.onload = function () {


var width = image.width;

var height = image.height;


if (width > 1024) {

width = 1024;

height = Math.ceil(1024 * (image.height / image.width));



var canvas = document.getElementById("compressCanvas");

var context = canvas.getContext("2d");

canvas.width = width;

canvas.height = height;


context.fillStyle = "#ffffff";

context.fillRect(0, 0, width, height);



context.drawImage(image, 0, 0, width, height);

replaceSrc = canvas.toDataURL("image/png"); //canvas转DataURL(base64格式)

//将压缩后的路径 追加到临时路径数组中

var totalList = [];

if (currentImgTempArray.length > 0) {

totalList = currentImgTempArray.concat(replaceSrc);

} else {

totalList[0] = replaceSrc;


that.imgTempList = totalList;




deleteImg: function (idx) {

var that = this;

that.imgTempList.splice(idx, 1);


openNews (id) {

window.location.href = "#!/smart-zgw/my-fabu?id=" + id


commit() {

let params = {}

params.banner = this.clipUrl

params.fj_image = this.imgTempList

params.title = this.title

params.zhu_bf = this.zhu_bf

params.zhu_bf_phone = this.zhu_bf_phone

params.address = this.address

params.endTime = this.endTime

params.remark = this.remark

params.price = this.price

params.hdType = this.selectType

api.commitHuoDong.save(params).then(res => {

let data = res.data.message


}, res => {




preview() {

//window.location.href = "#!/smart-zgw/yu-lan"

this.$route.router.go({path: 'yu-lan'})


onType() {

this.typeOption = true



setType(name) {

this.selectType = name

this.typeOption = false


getData() {


this.page = 1

let params = {}

params.zhu_bf_phone = this.zhu_bf_phone

params.page = this.page

params.pageSize = 30

api.myHuoDong.get(params).then(res => {

let data = res.data.data

this.listData = data.list

this.hasNext = data.page.pageCount - this.page


}, res => {




loadingList () {


this.page = this.page + 1

let params = {}

params.zhu_bf_phone = this.zhu_bf_phone

params.page = this.page

params.pageSize = 30

api.myHuoDong.get(params).then(res => {

let data = res.data.data.list

this.listData = this.listData.concat(data)

this.hasNext = res.data.data.page.pageCount - this.page


}, res => {




link(index) {

this.$route.router.go({path: 'fa-bu', query: {type: index}})

//window.location.href = "#!/smart-zgw/fa-bu?type="+index



filters: {

urlHttp (value) {

if (value && value.indexOf('http:') > -1) {

return location.protocol + value.split('http:')[1]

} else {

return value;



text (val) { // 转换成换行

if (val) {

return val.replace(/rn/g, '</br>')



enter (val) {

if (val) {

return val.replace(/rn/g, '</br>')







export default {

login: init(appHost, '/v2/topic/login?appid=zgw'),

getVerifyCode: init(appHost, ‘/v2/login/get-verify-code?appid=zgw’),

homeIndex: init(appHost, '/v2/topic/home-index?appid=zgw'),

commitHuoDong: init(appHost, '/v2/topic/fabu-huodong?appid=zgw'),

myHuoDong: init(appHost, '/v2/topic/my-huodong?appid=zgw'),




export function configRouter (router) {


'/smart-zgw': {

component: require('../views/smart-zgw/wrap.vue'),

subRoutes: {

'home': {

component: require('../views/smart-zgw/home.vue'),

title: '这个娃亲子活动服务平台',

name: 'smartzgwhome'


'login': {

component: require('../views/smart-zgw/login.vue'),

title: '登录'


'xie-yi': {

component: require('../views/smart-zgw/xie-yi.vue'),

title: '《用户服务协议》'


'fa-bu': {

component: require('../views/smart-zgw/fa-bu.vue'),

title: '发布',

name: 'fabu'





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  7. $python日期和时间的处理
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  9. 从豌豆荚百度撕逼中学作文
  10. github开源库(三)